I'm here on Earth, near a Grineer settlement, looking for Sentients. Ordis says, that there is at least one lifeform here that has an energy signature resembling that of the Eidolons. I'm in my Nidus and have my Ivara Specter assisting with the stealth aspect of the mission. We slowly make our way through what appears to be some sort of landfill with broken machinery lying around in scattered pieces.
Before leaving, I instructed Ordis to utilize any resources and tools at our disposal to build a device that can successfully block the Lotus's communication with us from a distance. Preferably, a mobile device that can station itself off planet and block the signal from there. Thus, providing us with a cover that wouldn't easily be traced back to us. He managed to build a Comms Interruptor that is currently situated just outside of Earth's orbit and running interference for us right now.
Finally, we come across the oddly shaped lifeform and witness it stopping at various objects and scanning them. I take out the trap that Ordis managed to whip up, before we left.
I only wanted something that could interfere with the Sentient's resistances but Ordis went a step further and actually created a dark energy version of Samaris' Kinetic Siphon Trap that also preps the target for transmat. With this I should be able to easily capture most human sized Sentients.
With Ivara's assistance, I quietly approach the Sentient. As it stops to scan another object, I creep up behind it and toss the Kinetic Void Siphon directly under its feet. As expected of the combined efforts of two of the best Cephalons I know, the trap raises the Sentient up off of the ground and it's completely stunned as it hangs within the Siphon. Not wasting any time, I immediately begin transmating it directly into a room, in The Tau-er, that Ordis constructed specifically for containing Sentients.
'Well, that went well. Ordis should be able to complete that Sentient radar, now that we have a live specimen. So back to The Tau-er it is.' I head back to The Tau-er and task Ordis with finishing up preparations for my Sentient hunting.
I head over to The Flesh Tau-er and speak with Helminth. "Helminth, have you made any progress on an intermediate strain that would allow you to control Nidus?"
"Yes, Master. This one has made great strides in this regard but the completion of this task is still going to take a while longer. I apologize for this one's incompetence Master?"
"No need to apologize, Helminth. I suspect that you're doing your best and that's good enough. That being said, time is almost always of the essence. I really want to avoid running around the system plundering Corpus and Grineer ships left and right but every time I think I don't need them anymore some other obstacle emerges and the ease of Voiding and Infesting is there dangling in front of my face tempting me. If I could upgrade you and Ordis both to the level of Samaris or Suda, I suspect you both would have a much easier time with the tasks I'm giving you. I have no idea how many ships that would take and an operation that large would surely raise some eyebrows, especially considering we will be dealing solely with the Corpus. I could buy some Cephalons but that would almost certainly drain almost all of my funds. I'm also certain that at this point, if Ordis put everything he has into it he could construct a Cephalon himself but it would probably take him out of commission for quite a while and I need him on top of his current investigation. Helminth, do you have any idea how many Cephalons you and Ordis would need to 'consume' in order to reach Samaris and Suda levels?"
"This one couldn't say for certain, Master. However, this one suspects that it would require at least a dozen for each of us. This one estimates twenty four at the very least and perhaps fifty at the most. If fifty Cephalons were 'consumed' between the two of us, this one is almost certain we would both be at the desired level."
"Fifty! Holy Sentient Space Shit! Yeah, there's no way fifty missing Corpus ships are going to fly under the radar...Orrrr will they?" My mental smile is drawing closer to the edge of my mental face.
"Helminth, tell me, at this point, you have a fairly competent command of the original strain and the amalgam, correct?"
"Master is correct. This one can command the original strain with relative ease. The amalgam has many components converted into the Master's strain but is still mostly comprised of the original."
"Excellent! If I tasked you with flying The Flesh Tau-er to an Orokin Derelict and consuming the entire ship, do you think you could do it?"
"Consuming the entire ship? Is the Master suggesting that the ship should be digested or simply enveloped by The Flesh Tau-er? The digestion of an entire ship, while not completely off the table, is a bit questionable. Simply enveloping the ship, however, should be an easy matter, Master."
"Hahaha! That's all I needed to hear, Helminth. Alright, your first task is to demonstrate your capacity to fulfill this duty. Take The Flesh Tau-er, hunt down an Orokin Derelict, and bring it back here so I can see the results. Once you've accomplished that, I'll be able to initiate Operation Cephalon Super Friends."
"At once, Master."
After giving Helminth his orders, I head over to Sentry's tower and spend some time speaking with her about Oro and Kuva. She explains that Oro is essentially a conscious being's soul. Most conscious beings have a soul but the quality of souls can vary from body to body. Oro is the highest quality a being's soul can attain. A being will naturally manifest a soul, derived from dark energy, during the space of its short life by exerting its will. Since dark energy is everywhere, to some degree or another, when a being exerts its will to a sufficient degree the dark energy, that has yet to manifest as psionic or bio-energy, will become encoded with the being's will, much like encoding psionic energy. The difference is that psionic energy can be easily encoded into a variety of different forms as is its nature. Dark energy cannot be encoded with just a mere thought or even a brief stint of intense concentration. Dark energy can only be encoded by the most extreme expression of a being's will. For example, if you are severely wronged by a person and you spend years pouring your blood, sweat, and tears into trying to take vengeance on that person some of the dark energy within you will eventually become encoded with that hatred and obsession and become part of your soul.
There is an alternate method to manifesting a soul and it's how the Orokin obtain their Oro. The only other method to encode dark energy is to meditate. Not 'focus on this' meditation but perfect meditation. An absolutely perfectly serene, calm, and empty mind with no thoughts. While this may seem like the opposite of exerting your will it's the preparatory steps that allow this to be effective. First, using various technologies they would encode their psionic energy into True Data using only the information that encapsulates who they are or who they want to be. Again using another advanced technology, they force themselves into a perfect meditation and while they are in this state the True Data in their bodies acts as a substitute for their will.
This process, once discovered and perfected, aside from being highly guarded, was forced on to Orokin children at a very young age. The process of raising your soul level to that of an Oro typically took several years. The Orokin figured that the sacrifice of a few childhood years was nothing in the face of the centuries they would live as a result of that sacrifice. Of course, once an Oro was obtained, a substantive alteration would occur within one's biology. The blood of an Orokin, or Kuva, can actually provide life extending effects to the person who consumes the Kuva. Not to the same degree as an Oro but a bit of longevity, nonetheless. The body of one with an Oro would also have a slight attunement to Void energy and thus be able to exert minor control over dark, psionic, and bio-energies.
This was all very enlightening and I'm certain my Ducalidium research will benefit from this knowledge, as well as a few other projects. I quickly go over the layout of The Traveler with Sentry and get her feedback. She loves the idea and gladly explains how some Orokin technologies could be integrated into the current design and expresses a desire to be the Neural Sentry for The Traveler when it's completed. I tell her that it's very likely that she will be able to fill that role, if she wishes.
As I'm docking the Orbiter back at The Tau-er, I notice an Orokin Derelict lined up beside The Flesh Tau-er. 'Nice! Helminth does quick work.' I grab my Arch-Frame and head out to a good viewing position near the derelict and order Helminth to demonstrate the consuming process. I witness The Flesh Tau-er maneuver above the derelict, its bottom begins to open up like doors past a ninety degree angle, the now widened sides of The Flesh Tau-er come down on either side of the derelict, and the derelict is slowly enveloped by the doors that send out tendrils towards one another to form a connection. The Flesh Tau-er is now deformed and hardly looks like a ship but it slowly begins to reform itself around the derelict. It now looks like the old Flesh Tau-er only larger. I ask Helminth to release the derelict. When he does the Infested growths that were covering the derelict are now gone. Helminth must have added them to the amalgam.
Back aboard The Flesh Tau-er, I lay out the details of Operation Cephalon Super Friends. "Helminth, listen up because this next task is going to be what gets you and Ordis both up to the level of Samaris and Suda. I'm going to buy another Cephalon. Once I have it, I'll embed it into a Nyx Specter. I'll also build about a dozen Ivara Specters and give you both the Ivaras and the Nyx to command during this operation. I want you to take The Flesh Tau-er out of the Void and begin searching for lone Corpus ships. Once you find one, send out a couple of Ivaras to take control of the ship. You'll need to be with Nyx who will carry you to the primary interface. So the first step is to consume the ship. The second is to consume the Cephalon. The third is to leave one Ivara onboard each ship tasked with making sure it reaches its designated coordinates back inside the Void. Nyx will bring you back to The Flesh Tau-er and you'll move onto the next one until you feel you've reached the desired level. Once you do, come back to the void and have Nyx take Ordis with you on your next excursion. Repeat the same process, with Ordis, and then resume your positions and previously assigned tasks. Is there any confusion about what I expect?"
"None at all, Master. This one will await the completion of the necessary Specters."
I head back to the Orbiter and speak with Ordis. "Ordis, I know I said you could focus on the Limbo Theorem, after the Sentient capture, but I'm going to need you to do one last thing before you can fully devote yourself to it. By the way, have you completed the Sentient Radar yet?"
"That is somewhat depressing news Operator but yes I have completed the Sentient Radar."
"Excellent! Then I'll be taking that and heading out. While I'm gone, I need you to start work on a Nyx Specter and...let's go with fifteen Ivara Specters. Also, I need you to contact Darvo, ask him for the coordinates of his galleon, and send them to the Orbiter when you have them."
"Right away, Operator."
I install the Sentient Radar in the Orbiter and head towards the Void Space Boundary. Ordis sends the coordinates not too long after I depart. With Darvo's coordinates locked in, I set out to see what he has made of himself.
I witness a truly impressive sight, when I arrive at Darvo's coordinates. Not only has the galleon been completely remodeled, which was expected but outside the galleon are several solitary circular landing platforms with several docking points around the perimeter. Some were empty but others had various Tenno landing crafts docked. Once they exited their craft, one of Darvo's employees standing in the center of the platform would hand them one of the tablets he was carrying. The Tenno would examine the tablet, hand it back to the employee, and the employee would then examine it further. Less than a minute later a drone would deliver the requested goods to the platform, the Tenno would pop them into his inventory, reboard his landing craft, and take off. I smile mentally at the sight of all this. 'Opportunist, indeed.'
I enter Darvo's galleon and look around at all of the merchandise, stands, and employees. This place is even busier than the relays. I look around attempting to locate Darvo but I don't see him. I ask one of the employees and he leaves the sales floor room and returns a moment later. "Excuse me, Tenno, but could you perhaps tell me how one prepares a Grineer Galleon for sale?"
'A little test, from Darvo I suppose.'_"Clear out all the bodies, of course."
"Precisely so, Tenno. If you would follow me, Darvo is this way."
We head to what would have been just a control deck but is now a luxurious and spacious executive style office, as well. I see Darvo sitting back in a large fancy throne like chair.
"Well, if it isn't my favorite Tenno? How are you and how do you like my Marketplace?"
"I'm well Darvo and I must say your Marketplace is quite impressive. But, as you can imagine, I didn't come here for a tour. I was wondering if you sell Cephalons and if not do you know the best place to acquire them?"
"Cephalons, ehh? Well I'll have to disappoint you Tenno for I'm afraid the Cephalon trade is a bit beyond me, at the moment, despite my recent success. That being said, you are of course correct in coming to me. If there's anything I can't get for you Tenno, I'll gladly use my connections to hunt down someone who can. In this matter, however, I'm already aware of several reliable Cephalon dealers who may serve your purposes. Might I ask what this Cephalon will be used for so that I can match you with the correct dealer?"
"It should have protocols that specialize in humanoid body mechanics, squad tactics, general battlefield tactics, and space warfare tactics. It should also have specialized protocols for general psychology and loyalty to its owner. I don't know if the last part is possible for a being with it's own self-awareness, but if it is I'll pay a premium for it."
"I see. Well if not worded properly it may be hard to get anyone to create a Cephalon of that nature for you. Fortunately for you Tenno, I'm certain I'll be able to find a way to make your request amenable to a Cephalon dealer. There are many restrictions on the nature and type of Cephalons that can be constructed and for what purposes. That said, it is often thought wasteful to squander an entire Cephalon on a singular independent machine. Cephalons have the ability to do so many things at the same time as part of a larger system. It is thought that a Cephalon in charge of a capable system could easily overcome a Cephalon operating an individual mechanism of similar capabilities. Although, I suppose you know what you are doing so I won't dwell on it. I just want to make sure you are informed that's all. As for the loyalty issue, you needn't worry. The Corpus have been making Cephalons for a long time. One of the first things they mastered was ensuring the loyalty of their creations."
"It's fine Darvo. I appreciate your concern and the information. However, it's unlikely you'll be able to discern the true nature of my plans as I have very particular task for this Cephalon. You aren't too far off with your assessment but you're still off base. Nevertheless, if you can acquire a Cephalon of this nature I would of course be immensely grateful."
"Very well then, so long as you are confident in your decision, I'll see that it gets done. Was there anything else, Tenno?"
"There is one other thing, actually. You may have noticed, that the Warframe I operate is unique amongst the other Tenno. It is one of a kind, at the moment, but I would like to share this knowledge with the wider Tenno community, without anyone one knowing that I'm connected to its dissemination. I only need your acknowledgment that you can postpone the release of this new Warframe for at least three weeks after I deliver it to you, and I can have a batch of Bio-cartridges ready, upon my return to pick up the Cephalon."
"I have noticed that some Warframes seem to be rarer than others. I also noticed that you are the only one I've seen with that particular Warframe. But to think that it's one of a kind and I'm getting an exclusive deal for its introduction into the Tenno community, this is truly exhilarating news, Tenno!"
"I have to warn you, though, that this is not a simple deal. The Sol Tenno Federation will eventually get their hands on it and so this exclusivity won't last for long. Also, the Tenno clearly don't want their secrets falling into the hands of other factions and I'm with them in that. That being said, I don't want you to take it personally knowing that each of these Bio-cartridges will have a full complement of anti-hacking measures to ensure that neither you nor any of your employees are capable of opening these cartridges without either destroying them or use of a Tenno Foundry. I'm less concerned about you than some of your employees or a thief perhaps. So knowing this, are you still interested?"
"Certainly, no offense is taken on my part. I fully respect you and your fellows desire to keep your secrets to yourselves. If anything, I'm honored that you would trust me with this. I always look forward to our meetings, Tenno, and with this deal I'll have even more reason to anticipate them."
"In that case, how long will it take to acquire that Cephalon?"
"It shouldn't take more than three days, Tenno. I'll be sure to contact you as soon as I've confirmed the purchase."
"Excellent! I knew I was right to come to you, Darvo. Well, with that settled, I should get going. I don't know how busy the other Tenno are but my work never seems to end. Although, it's probably my own fault what with all the schemes and everything. Until next time Darvo."
"Until next time, Tenno."
Three days later, I pick up my Cephalon at Darvo's and leave him with five hundred Nidus Bio-cartridges. I head back to The Tau-er, embed my newly acquired Cephalon into my Nyx Specter, and head out to hunt down more Sentient specimens. Meanwhile, Ordis and Helminth execute Operation Cephalon Super Friends.