The Dark Star Approaches

  Less than an hour after I exit the Void, the Lotus contacts me. I'm once again immensely grateful for my faceless visage. Only a little over an hour between me being in the middle of my schemes to being contacted by the Lotus is a bit nerve wracking to say the least. It's a much tighter squeeze than I would like but at least now we can get down to business. 

     "Tenno, I've just received news of some despicable experiments being carried out on Warframes by a Corpus board member named Alad V. I've also acquired the location of where these experiments have been taking place. I want you to head there immediately and make sure that the demonstration he has prepared for his investors demonstrates nothing but the consequences of messing with the Tenno."

     "At once, Lotus. Whatever the sick bastard is up to I'll end it I promise. Ordis, take us to these coordinates immediately."

     As we take off towards Themisto, Jupiter, I tell the Lotus that I've been rather bored lately and request that she involve me with more missions if at all possible. 

     "It's a common complaint amongst Tenno and all I can tell you is to visit different places and meet new people. There's a pleasant little community named Cetus on Earth. The people who live there are called Ostrons and they almost always have some kind of work that needs doing. That being said, you should also familiarize yourself with the various Syndicates hosted within the Relays, if you haven't already. Also, I'll see if there's anything extra I can give you, when I get the time." 

     "Thanks for the advice, Lotus. I think I'll check out this Cetus place, once we're finished here. It sounds like a nice place."

     I equip my Ivara, Opticore, Kunia, and Glaive and begin my infiltration of Alad V's facility, as soon as we arrive. 

     Using my Glaive and Kunai to dispatch enemies, I make my way silently towards Alad V's location. I want to make sure I conserve as much energy as possible, which is why I only activate Prowl when absolutely necessary. I'm not sure how this is going to go. I obviously need Alad V alive until he discovers the Mutalist Strain. At the same time I'm not even sure how he managed to survive in the game because your character would kill him during the first encounter. I may have to find a way to keep him alive without raising suspicions. But how to do that with the Lotus watching my every move? Taking out Zanuka shouldn't be a problem but how to teach Alad his lesson to everyone's satisfaction and also keep him alive is up in the air. 'Perhaps I'll just stick with a good old fashioned beatdown and hope that the Lotus intervenes. Yeah, that's about as good ofa a plan as any. Let's go with that.' 

     I've finally arrived just outside of the room that Alad is currently occupying. I creep inside and immediately place a Dashwire close to the ceiling and bullet jump to my perch. I activate Prowl and position myself almost above Alad. I take aim at Zanuka's head(?) with my Artemis Bow and pour almost all of my energy into a single Artemis Arrow. Zanuka gets forced to the ground and I'm certain it's been heavily damaged. Wasting no time, I immediately draw my Opticore and unleash a fully charged shot into the middle of its back. I drop in front of a terrified Alad and place my Glaive on his neck, one blade on each side. I turn my head towards Zanuka to make sure it's out of commission. After a few seconds of stillness, I quickly put away my Glaive, choke slam Alad to the ground, and start pummeling the shit out of him. I may be playing the long game, but now that I'm here in this Universe the Tenno are my people and knowing what this prick did to them really pisses me off. I'm in no hurry for the Lotus to intervene, assuming that she does, as I'm quite enjoying myself. 

     Nearly ten minutes later, Alad isn't looking too hot. I haven't relented in the least since his beating started but I'm starting to worry that the Lotus is content to just sit back and watch. 

     "...Tenno…" I don't immediately respond to the Lotus and keep pummeling. 

     "Tenno, listen to me, that's enough." Being the generous Tenno that I am, I offer Alad a few more full powered punches before standing up. I curb stomp his bitch ass for good measure and then address the Lotus.

     "What seems to be the problem, Lotus?"

     "Tenno, we may have been a bit hasty in our decision to come here. I've run a full scan on Alad's facility and there are no Tenno Bio signatures anywhere. The evidence of his crimes are all over the place but no complete bodies. The Corpus are aware of Alad's actions and he will almost certainly be disgraced and cut off at the very least. The Corpus, however, are still bureaucrats and killing a current board member without so much as a body as evidence will not go over well. As much as I hate to say it, we'll have to leave Alad alive."

     'Holy Cretinous Corpus Cockamamie! Did I accidentally save Alad V's life?'

     "Leave him alive!? After all the things he's done to us? He deserves to die and you just want me to walk away?"

     "No, Tenno, I don't want you to walk away. I want the son of bitch dead as much as you. I need you to walk away for the sake of maintaining a tentative peace with the Corpus. Please, Tenno, just let it go for now."

     I immediately pull out my Opticore, point it directly at Alad's face, and begin charging up the beam. 

     "Tenno, I'm ordering you to put that weapon down immediately!"

     I cancel the charge, flip the Opticore around, and bring the butt of it down into Alad's face three consecutive times. I stand up, grace him with one last curb stomp, and then turn around to leave. I immediately make my way to extraction, while silently ignoring the Lotus. 

     Back aboard the Orbiter, I'm waiting for the Lotus to contact me again, while feeling quite proud of my performance back there. I might of actually overdid it a bit. I'll now need to convince her that I truly understand why her decision was the best and that I was simply being emotional. I wouldn't want her to suspect me, of harboring ill will towards her, whenever the Federalists start up their propaganda. Also, I'm still a bit shocked that me sending in the General after Valkyr was at least part of the reason she decided not to kill him.

     "Tenno, how are you doing?"

     "...I'm...better. Although, I'm not at all pleased with how that played out. We should have killed him."

     "I understand how you feel, Tenno, but sometimes you have to consider the bigger picture and if we had killed him the ramifications could have very easily led to even more Tenno deaths. I know it's not easy but try to understand that as wrong as it may feel it's for the greater good."

     "I know you're's just not an easy thing to accept...I really need something to take my mind off of that insufferable miscreant."

     "I normally wouldn't ask you go out on another mission so soon after such an occurrence but, if you think it'll help keep your mind occupied, I'm sure I can find something for you to do."

     "...Thank you, Lotus. That would be immensely helpful."

     After our brief discussion, the Lotus lined up a series of missions to determine how the Corpus are responding to the situation. The missions were very much like Mobile Defense missions, with several locations requiring breaching and data retrieval. Being the badass Tenno that I am, they were simple matters and I cleaned up nicely. The Corpus, of course, responded as expected and cast Alad out completely disgraced. 

      Once we were certain we had a complete picture of any fallout from our Alad V operation, I thanked the Lotus for stopping me and also for helping me deal with the aftermath. She reassured me that I could call her anytime and encouraged me to take it easy for a while. Once I conveyed my interest in spending some time in Cetus and we said our goodbyes, she disconnected and left me to my schemes. 

     I head back to Cetus, with a little gift for Konzu and Saya. Upon arrival, I go directly to Konzu and ask him about the Iron Rose.

     "Konzu, how are you?"

     "I'm well, Tenno. What can I do for you today?"

     "It's me, the one who obliterated that troublesome Grineer Commander along with his entire base." I pull out, from my inventory, the credit card style device given to me, upon receiving my reputation points with the Ostrons. He then checks the card with a device of his own. 

     "Ahh, yes, Tenno I do apologize for not recognizing you. What brings you back to Cetus? We have a few new bounties, if you're up for it?"

     "Hahaha, not to worry Konzu. I'm sure the lack of unique facial features makes recognizing any individual Tenno a tad difficult. As a matter of fact, I'm sure of it, because we have to deal with the same thing ourselves. That being said, the last time I was on the plains I did a little exploring. During my exploration, I came across a coffer, within a cave just northwest of here. Once I managed to open it, the only thing inside was this…" I pull the Iron Rose, from my inventory, and hand it to Konzu. "...and I was wondering if you could tell me anything about it." 

     After staring slack jawed at the rose while running his hands over it, he began to tear up a bit. He told me about his history with Saya and Onnko. He told me I should show the rose to Saya and so I did just that. After showing Saya the rose and bringing her back to Konzu, I pick up all the available bounties, take off into the plains, and leave the two reunited love birds to chirp it up.

     There are four bounties this time and none of them are as impressive as the last one I took. It seems that the Grineer have decided to station a single Commander in each quadrant of the plains. I'm assuming this is done to divide the attention of the Ostrons and their allies instead of giving them a single target to aim for. Unfortunately for the Grineer, all four of their Commanders will be dead by the end of the day. That bit of mayhem, however, can wait until I've gotten my Bill Dance on. 

     I hop in my Arch-Frame and head off to a fishing hole not far from the southeastern Commander's base. I pull out my trusty not at all rusty spear and start snatching up all the little fishies. 

     After a couple of hours of relaxing fishing, I whip out my Synoid Set while operating my Nova and prepare to Dark Star the fuck out of these cocky little Grineer. Then, of course, well, the Dark Star did what the Dark Star does and it's almost as if the base never was. 'I'll teach these Grineer to find somewhere else to carry out their shenanigans if it's the last thing I do.' 

     After demonstrating the glory of the Dark Star in all four quadrants, I decide to camp out on the plains tonight after clearing out a few more outposts and capturing a few Wisps and Vomvalysts. 

     I chose one of the outposts that I didn't Dark Star to sleep in. That turned out to be a mistake because a Grineer ship showed up in the middle of the night with replacement troops. If I'd known that the Dark Star was so popular, I would have slept somewhere more isolated. Since they've gone through the trouble of disturbing my sleep just for a demonstration, it would be rude of me to deny them. So I squeezed them all together for the demonstration. With my outpost destroyed along with the obnoxious sleep disturbing ship, I book it to another previously cleared outpost and get back to sleep. 

     Some time close to noon, I finally wake up and decide it's a good day to make the plains  a little less Grineery. So I take a stroll towards the nearest outpost and decide to not even use my weapons. I spend what's left of the day just having fun slinging my Nova's abilities around. After clearing out half a dozen outposts and putting in a little fishing time, I hop into my Arch-Frame and head back to Konzu. 

     "Ahh, Tenno, Is that you? If my reports are accurate it would seem that you've been busy."

     "Yes, it's me and I have been somewhat busy. The four Commanders should no longer be a problem and I took the liberty of thinning the herd a bit while I was out there."

     "Excellent, Tenno! He are your rewards...and I look forward to your future visits. You've truly been a great asset to Cetus. Please come back anytime." 

     "Thank you, Konzu. I suspect I'll be back before long. I'll see you then...actually..." Suddenly a thought occurs to me. "The next time you see a Tenno look for a symbol on their shoulder in the shape of an eight point star that's dark purple in the middle and fades to pitch black around the edges. Also, you can call me Dark Star."

     "I'd be happy to, Tenno. I'm glad to see you've taken a name that will make things easier. Congratulations and good luck!"

     "And to you as well, Konzu."

     I head back to the Orbiter and begin contemplating whether or not to visit Fortuna. As I'm contemplating my next course of action, Darvo unexpectedly calls me. 

     "Tenno, I do hope you are well and that this isn't a bad time. I'm in a bit of a pinch and I could really use your help."

     'Huh, is this the whole Clem debacle? I'd almost forgotten about him.'

     "What's on your mind, Darvo? Anything I can help with I certainly will."

     "That is certainly reassuring, Tenno. I have a contractor named Clem. He's a Grineer defector and at this point a particularly close friend as well. He's been captured and taken to a prison on Stephano, Uranus. If you could rescue him I would be eternally grateful."

     "Not to worry, Darvo. I'll have Clem out of there before you can make your next sale."

     "Ordis, get us to Stephano, Uranus on the double."

     It, of course, was a trivial task infiltrating the prison and rescuing Clem. I then recovered his Twin Grakatas for him and headed to Puck, Uranus to teach these Grustrag bitches some fucking respect. All three should be there, as I made a point to just ignore the others, during our last two missions. We just did what we needed to do and booked it to extraction. 

     Once my Ivara Specter signals we've arrived at the room the Grustrag Three are occupying, I tell Clem to wait here. I stand in front of the now open door and spot the three standing together looking at me from the center of the room. 

     "After seeing you run away like that, I never imagined that you'd be foolish enough to come face all three of us together. But if death is what you desire then we shall give it to you."

     Ignoring their ignorance, I open a WormHole and immediately begin bullet jumping directly towards them. I form the connecting WormHole behind them, as I slide underneath the legs of the one in the middle. I unload a full clip of gravity orbs, into the middle Grineer's back, and it's obvious the other two are having trouble resisting the pull already. I complete my Dark Star by dumping the rest of my energy, in the form of Antimatter Drops, into the gravity orbs. I immediately step backwards into the WormHole and come sprinting out the other side. I tell Clem to run for all he's worth and not to look back. 

     With Clem and his Grakatas safely aboard the Orbiter, I take off back to Darvo's Marketplace. 

     "Tenno, thank you so much, for saving Clem. I'm genuinely indebted to you now. Please call on me, anytime you need something. Not that you couldn't do that already but I'll redouble my efforts to make sure you get whatever it is that you need."

     "Hey, don't worry about it. I was bored and needed something to do anyways. If anything I'm glad you called. It gave me another chance to stick it to those dirty Grineer dogs, which I always enjoy. Present company excluded, of course. Now, tell me, how have those Nidus Bio-cartridges been treating you? Have you sold many yet?"

     "Indeed, Tenno, I've completely sold out and if you have any more I'd greatly appreciate a resupply. I don't have the Tenno technology required to synthesize more and I'm already losing Bio-cartridge sales to the Relays. Those Federation people work really fast. I may have lost my exclusivity but I'd like to continue carrying them if you don't mind."

     "Not at all, Darvo. As a matter of fact I predicted just such a scenario and came prepared. Also, from now on you can refer to me as Dark Star. I've finally decided on a name and I think it fits quite nicely." I pull out five hundred more Nidus Bio-cartridges, from my inventory, and hand them over to Darvo. 

     "Ahh, Dark Star, yes that is an impressive name but for an impressive Tenno, of course. Well, Dark Star, you truly are a blessing. Thank you once again for your generosity. Although I have to ask, I noticed your Landing Craft is the same ordinary one from the first time we met. Didn't you have a much more glorious one that I myself remember being a bit jealous of? You haven't landed on hard times have you?"

     "Haahaha, Darvo, you really know how to lighten the mood. 'Hard Times' listen to you! There is really no telling what it is that I might require if I ever fell on hard times. A legion of soldiers, a legion of ships each with a legion of soldiers, a planet, who knows. If I ever fall on hard times, it would most likely require far more than you or any other single individual could ever hope to offer to pull me out. I actually still have my glorious one. I'm simply using this one for Classified reasons. Listen, Darvo, you really don't need to worry about me at all. I'm a Tenno and you've seen what I'm capable of. I know that there are dangers out there and some of them are beyond me at the moment. But I'm also smart enough to avoid those dangers, until I know I can handle them. So be at ease and go enjoy your resupply and your newly returned friend."

     "A most reassuring thing to hear, Ten…ah Dark Star. Until next time and thank you again."

     "Until next time, Darvo."

     Knowing that all is well with Darvo and Clem, I head back to the Orbiter. I decide that I will go to Fotuna but only after I've cleared at least a hundred Grineer outposts on Earth. Once the Federalists show themselves, they'll need to start conquering Earth. A task that will be much easier, if I cripple their forces ahead of time. 

     I'm hoping that my capture of those fourteen Sentients will have spurred Hunhow, into moving a bit faster. I really don't want to be away from my Tau-er for a year or more waiting for the events of the Natah quest to play out. 

     "Ordis, I'm going to need you to contact your better half as soon as I land on Earth. Tell him to tell General Nyx that the entire system needs to be scanned for Sentient lifeforms. Instruct her to clean the entire system of Sentients. Every detectable Sentient lifeform in the system should be in our custody by the time I return. Also, have Helminth suspend whatever he is working on and try his best to pick up my Ducalidium research. Tell him to focus on Oro, the nature and manipulation of memories, and biological integration. Tell him to analyze and utilize any available Sentient cores to assist in this research. Also, request an update from Ordis on the progress of the Limbo Theorem. That's all, I'll be heading out now."

     "I'll see that it's done, Operator."