After spending four days visiting Pluto and Neptune, I headed back to the dead drop site. Both planets having frigid arctic like climates and also being Corpus controlled, I ran into several Fortuna like locations and, of course, none of them knew anything about the Federalists. I ran as many high profile missions as possible, while calling myself Dark Star and operating my Nidus frame. I collected various forms of flora and fauna for experimentation and even explored a few Orokin Ruins. Right now, though, I'm fiending for updates. Four whole days without an update and I'm practically twitching over here.
Back at the dead drop, I see the glorious site of a skana style dagger that I've taken to calling a Void Dagger. I pick it up eagerly and I have to restrain myself, from calling it "my precious" and immediately rushing back to the Orbiter to have it deciphered. I take out all of the resources, objects, and animals I've collected and send them through the portal. I also send back the Void Dagger I received previously, with information on my latest movements. With the portal closed and the illusory wall back in place, I blast off at the speed of things that are really fast.
Having already tasked Ordis with deciphering the Void Imprint, back aboard the Orbiter, I'm anxiously awaiting the results. "Operator, I believe you will be most pleased with this update…"
"Is it the Theorem? Did he complete the Theorem?" I interrupt.
"The Theorem has been completed, Operator."
"YES! YEAH! Uhhhuh! Fuck Yeah! WooooHoo!" I start throwing myself a little party. 'Seriously, though, I should probably calm down. Who the fuck says 'WooHoo?'
"That isn't all, Operator, there is more news that you will likely be pleased to hear."
"Ahhh, right, well, carry on then."
"This message was imprinted nearly eight hours ago. The message from the General states that six hours, after the imprinting of this message, the Federalists will begin their propaganda, which leaves only twenty two hours before Operation Opening Scene is successfully resolved. They also report that the Traveler will be finished, within five days, as will the VIRT device. Helminth reports that the experiment, attempting to control Alad V, was a failure but he says that much useful information was gained from that failure and he's certain that the next attempt will be a success."
I think I'm actually getting a headache from all the mental smiling I'm doing right now. Almost like facial muscles getting tired, my neurocytes are being overburdened with joy. "That's a whole heap of good news all at once, I hope this isn't the prelude to a whole heap of the opposite. But I won't dwell on that thought much as I'm not particularly superstitious. I suspect much of our success can be put down to the thoroughly meticulous nature of our planning and my knowledge of future events. That being said, I couldn't be happier at the moment. These are all highly anticipated events that essentially start the timer on the more important events to come. With all of these things done, even if those events were to start right now, I could at least rest easy knowing that it's only a matter of days before we are prepared to face them."
"I knew you would be pleased, Operator. Perhaps, a little fishing is in order?"
"...You know what? I think a little fishing is very much in order. Ordis, scan the Earth for a good sized population of fish within the Oceans. I want to see what still lives there, if anything."
"I'm already aware, Operator, that the Earth's Oceans do indeed contain several fish species. However, you'll likely require an Arch-Frame and a special modification for underwater harpooning. Shall I set the Founder to work while I locate an appropriate location?"
"Absolutely, Ordis. I'm going to have a field day before I get back to planet hopping."
Ordis crafts the modification required for harpoon fishing and takes us to the nearest fishing hotspot. I equipped my Nidus and the modified Arch-Frame and set out to do some deep sea fishing, Tenno style.
I've already decided my first move, by the time I arrive at the location given by Ordis. I hover over the top of the water and focus on my Ravenous ability. I modify the density, of the mat of Infested flesh and spores that define Ravenous's boundaries, until I'm sure it can float. I invert it so that its tendrils that normally stretch from the mat to the walls and ceiling are now extended under it in a supportive floating matrix. Once I've solidified the concept in my mind, I unleash my Ravenous just above the waters surface and it plops down successfully forming a floating platform. I land on the platform and notice that it's not the most stable footing I could hope for. It's the only thing I have, however, so it'll have to work.
With my platform constructed, I dive into the water and begin searching for these fishes. I have my maggots attached to my frame and pick them off to use for bait. I spend most of the day hunting down all the different fish in these parts. There are quite a few. Most of them are as big as I am or larger with the exception of schooling fish. After catching several fish, I'd go back to my platform for an occasional break and then set back out again.
Once I've had my fill of fishing and relaxation, I scoot on back to the Orbiter and prepare for getting back to work. I've got Jupiter and Saturn in my sights this time and I'm sure it will take longer to scout those areas given their size. I instruct Ordis to get to Saturn on the double. I want to at least familiarize myself with where I need to focus on before the day is over.
Ordis and I now have a pretty good idea of where to start searching tomorrow, and so I decide to turn in for the night, which is actually Jupiter's day. Well whatever it is I'm going to sleep and I still don't know if I even need to. Although my frame's never seem to tire, I can become mentally exhausted after too much exertion and sleep always helps with that. So as long as I've got that as a motivation, I'm going to keep doing it.
I awaken to the sound of the Lotus urgently requesting my attention.
"Tenno, wake up! You can sleep later. This is too important. Several hours ago, along with most of the Tenno Relays, I got word that an organization calling themselves the Federalist's Tenno Liberation Force are now the controlling force on Mars. The Grineer have been completely overrun and thoroughly expelled. They've established a highly defensible base of operations near Olympus Mons and are touting themselves as an organization that seeks to bring the Tenno into a new age of prosperity out from under my influence. I don't know what their true motives are but I'm not aware of any Tenno that could even potentially be connected with them. I spent several hours looking for any information about these Federalists, other than what they put out, and I've come up completely empty handed.
"When I consider the lack of Transference in that Nyx frame and the fact that the rest were all Specters, I'm almost certain of three things. Firstly, the interlopers we encountered while confronting Alad V are the same ones who call themselves the Federalists. Secondly, these Federalists have no actual Tenno leadership. I'm not certain how they are able to operate their Warframes or where they obtained them from but I'm certain that they are not Tenno. Thirdly and lastly, I'm certain that they intend to lead the Tenno astray in some fashion. Whether or not they intend to harm them I don't know, but I'm certain they're being set up, to be used in some way.
"I need you to go to Mars and investigate this fortress they've established. Take your Ivara and remain invisible. I'll be with you the entire time, so I can direct you towards anything suspicious." The Lotus instructs me.
"This is all a bit much to take in...but if these scoundrels have set themselves against us then let's go find out what they're up to. Ordis, you know what to do."
I arrive on Mars already invisible in my Arch-Frame. I immediately rush towards my new fortress. Once I get close enough I slow down and drop out of my Arch-Frame. I walk slowly towards the entrance examining what is clearly a cross between Tenno and Orokin architecture. For the most part it's pretty bland, like most Tenno architecture. It does however have some unexpected curves here and there, with Orokin outlines and accents scattered about.
Upon seeing that my fortress is sturdily built and well defended, I finally approach the most immediately accessible door and step inside. As soon as I'm across the threshold, my Prowl ability is interrupted and cancelled. One might even say nullified. Being a Tenno safe haven and gathering place, it would be pretty embarrassing if we couldn't even protect ourselves from our own abilities. With all the Corpus ships we've Voided, of course, we've integrated nullifier technology into the fortress.
"Tenno, what are you doing? Why did you remove your invisibility?"
"What? You think I would do that? In the middle of a mission? I didn't cancel anything. It was nullified as soon as crossed the threshold."
"Right, sorry, Tenno. I suppose I got a little flustered. I apologize for my rashness. It doesn't seem like anyone's noticed us yet as there only seems to be a few Specters roaming about. I also apologize for bringing you here. It clearly wasn't a very good idea. Let's get you out of here and we'll regroup back at the Orbiter."
----------POV Change----------
I watch the holographic display, as the Operator speaks briefly with the Lotus and then begins to return to his Orbiter. I waste no time in ordering the modified Nova, to send the Sentient specimen through the portal.
Once the Operator witnesses the Sentient, he stops and begins pointing at it while no doubt asking the Lotus about the strange creature. He eventually begins creeping up on it, presumably to acquire scans for the Lotus.
Once the creature is scanned and the Operator returns to his Orbiter, I use my psychic control over the Sentient to maneuver it back through M-Nova's portal. The Sentient is sent back to his holding cell and I head back to the Tenno Lab, here in the Federal Building, to finish up these modified Specters.
As per the Operator's orders, immediately upon finishing the Federal Building I began monitoring various Relays to get a feel for how Tenno speak with one another both publicly and in private. Once these Specters are completed I'll be able to operate three of them at once from a secure room inside the Federal Building. I'll be able to modify their appearance to look like actual Warframes and will be able to project a number of different voices through the acoustic Cephalids inside of a Warframe's head. I can then use them as happy and eager young Tenno recruits of the Federalists to speak loudly amongst themselves, within the various Relays about the glory and benefits of their newfound family.
As the Operator expected, several Tenno came to join our ranks almost immediately. Some were simply impressed by our take over of Mars and a few, a very small few, had always had reservations about blindly answering to the Lotus's beck and call. We're currently only about sixty actual Tenno but that's more than enough for a one day old Tenno Clan. We should be able to recruit many more in the coming weeks. Darvo is just about ready to deploy his information service and has already agreed, for a reasonable price, to put a segment in his daily updates with our information in it.
'I'm not entirely sure what exact events will be occurring in the near future but, based on the Operator's instructions, I suspect that things will start to get exciting very soon. I can't wait to see what the Operator pulls out of his sleeve next.'
----------POV Change----------
"...stay safe, Tenno…" Is the last thing I hear before the Lotus disconnects.
'Man, all I can say is it's about damn time.' I was betting on Hunhow showing himself without having to go through this. I assumed my kidnapping of his body parts would precipitate his haste. Due to this now being necessary, I think I'll pay Uranus a visit, before seeking assistance from Teshin, just to check something.
First things first, however, I need to go back to the dead drop and place an order. If it turns out to be what I suspect I'll need the General to keep tabs on Tyl Regor.
At the dead drop, I toss the Void Dagger I received previously into the portal with its new imprint. I then check in with Konzu to make sure nothing major is going on. He actually informs me that the Quills have taken notice of my deeds and wish to speak with me. I inform him that I would be glad to but I'm currently in the middle of some pretty important business.
After assuring Konzu that I'll return to speak, with the Quills, at a later date, I return to the dead drop and find my beautiful Prime Skin Limbo standing there. It's colored in the same way my Limbo Prime of yester-verse was. It's a red, white, and blue color scheme offset by the Ducalidium's golden accents that I nicknamed "Uncle Sam." It's nostalgic and beautiful and I can't wait to take it out for a test drive.
Back aboard the Orbiter, I head for Uranus to level my Limbo and keep an eye out for Tyl Regor. Upon arrival, I equip my recently crafted Arch-Frame and begin clearing the first sea lab. Three sea labs later and I'm at level fourteen. With all of my abilities unlocked, I decide to weaken the Grineer's Orbital superiority and so I target their galleons.
I'm feeling pretty invincible right now, with all of these Grineer gunning for me but completely helpless to do anything about it. I'm obviously here to ruin their party and they obviously want to stop me but, well...the rift just won't let it happen. It stands there brazenly, seemingly unmoved by all their little hopes and ambitions. It truly is a cruel thing this rift, too bad for them its master isn't any kinder. "DIE! You filthy Grineer scum!" I scream, as I continue my bloody slaughter.
Five ships later, I finally decided to focus on Tyl Regor. I reached level thirty, after the first ship, but I was having too much fun. I hop back into my Arch-Frame and begin targeting the sea labs most likely to play host to Dr. Regor.
I lucked out on the second sea lab and spotted our target commanding his troops and running his experiments but absolutely no sign of Hunhow or even a sign of his presence. I suspected as much. It seems my rushing through some of the other events, whose consequences weren't supposed to have been felt until later, has put me a bit ahead of schedule. Tyl Regor hasn't even found Hunhow's remains much less succeeded in excavating him. It seems that I'll need to have General Nyx keep an eye on him until he does. I take out a Void Dagger and imprint it with this place's coordinates and instructions on how to proceed. I then Arch-Frame it out of there and head to the dead drop.
Back at the dead drop, I place the Void Dagger in Limbo's hand and push him through the portal. I then clear out a few Grineer outposts on the plains and catch a few fish, before heading back to the Orbiter.
'With the status of Hunhow's remains now verified and the Lotus in hiding, doesn't that mean I have, like, free time?' I wonder to myself.
Let's see, the Traveler is currently under construction, with less than a full four days before its completion. Operation Opening Scene has commenced and concluded, with the initiation of our propaganda protocols and the reception of our first recruits. Ordis, that beautiful and fantastic Cephalon, has finally completed the Limbo Theorem and is currently working on the VIRT device. Limbo has been leveled and returned. The WormHole tech has been completed and even implemented. Helminth is making progress with my Ducalidium research and Nyx is busy managing the Federalists.
'Yeah, pretty much everything that needs to be done, from now until Tyl Regor makes his move, is already being handled by one of my subordinates. Which leaves me more or less free to take it easy, until that time. Nice! I think I'll do just that. I'll start tomorrow, by having a nice friendly chat with the Quills.'