Now that all of the information I've obtained regarding the Dark Vein System has been disseminated and Ordis has successfully replaced all of the old Subsidizers with their upgraded versions, the training facilities in the Reservoir should provide us with much more capable Tenno a lot sooner.
I've had plenty of time, over the past couple of months, to train with Birdy and Bot and my body has completely matured. I'm currently 6'1" and full of muscles. I may not come from the land down under but I'm a pretty damn impressive specimen, if I do say so myself.
Also, during this time, The Father Organization has been establishing bases on all of our conquered territories and has placed terraforming machines on Earth, in order to rid the planet of its residual toxins. Hopefully, the rest of the Earth, besides Cetus, will be livable, by the time Operation Drops of Jupiter is complete.
Operation Drops of Jupiter is going to take at least a year or longer, considering the size of the Piezoelectric Planetary Core. Of course, if we actually want to utilize Jupiter, and not just Saturn, to the same ends we'll need to negotiate with the Corpus.
Currently, I'm headed towards Cetus to speak with Onko Primary. I'm hoping he has the Mask of the Revenant. Finally getting my hands on Revenant should be fun but, in regards to Harrow, I can only wait for the Red Veil to make their request. I'm hoping it doesn't take too much longer.
I enter the Quill's enclave and sure enough Onko Primary is there waiting for me. This time, however, I'm not the only Tenno here. There are at least a dozen other Tenno and it's obvious that the place has been enlarged quite a bit. I approach Onko Primary and he reaches out to nearby shelf, upon seeing me.
"Greetings, Dark Star, I presume you are here for this artifact. The Unum said you would be interested in it." He says, as he hands me the mask.
'Damn! Just how much does that nosy little Unum know? Oh well, I suppose it's for the best since it saves me time.'_"Ahhh, thank you, Onko Primary. I was indeed looking for this. Once again, give the Unum my regards, you've been most helpful. I'll be sure to repay this favor." I grab the mask and head out to the plains.
I hop into my Arch-Frame and blast off towards a random fishing hole. I spend the rest of the day fishing, with Birdy and Bot. Once night falls, I enter Operator Mode and put on the mask. I follow the mask's guidance, until I reach the location of the first vision. After receiving the first vision, I continue to follow the masks guidance, until I'm nearing the location where the Revenant Spectre should appear.
I stay in Operator Mode with the mask on, while Nidus enters the Arch-Frame and prepares the Arch-Weapons. As soon as I reach the location and the Specter appears, I dump all of my dark energy into Void Beaming the shit out of him, while Nidus, Birdy, and Bot open fire on him. Once I'm empty, I enter Void Mode to wait for my dark energy to replenish. I never get the chance to fire again, however, as the Specter is quickly obliterated under our combined fire. ' I too OP? Nah, probably not. Anyway, let's see if this next vision has information on Revenant's genetic code.'
I re enter Operator Mode, with the mask on, and sure enough the information is transmitted to me just like the visions. I head back to the Orbiter and relay the information to Ordis, who proceeds to construct the necessary Bio-cartridge and then the frame.
I hop into my newly minted Revenant, as soon as it's completed. I point my Orbiter in the direction of the nearest unconquered Orokin Tower, and prepare for the big grind. 'I suspect that this is going to be quite the amusing leveling session.' I load up on plenty of Energy Resupply Augments and Install nothing but duration extending mods into Revenant's psionic energy matrix, which much like my Primed Nidus utilizes Sentient Cores. It's psionic energy matrix is connected to an Orokin Reactor that has a specialized Sentient Core wrapped around it. The Vicarllium, from the core, is spread throughout the matrix. The Energy Resupply Augments are a type of device that sit on the back of a frames neck and allow it to use the energy stored inside, as a supplement to their own stores.
With no weapons equipped, I head into the Tower, as soon as we arrive, and cast Enthrall on the first Corrupted I see. 'Now let's see whose mind control is superior. The Neural Sentry's implants or the borrowed power of the Sentients?' The Corrupted Lancer stalls for a moment before identifying one of his companions as an enemy and opens fire. 'Hahahaha, of course, my Revenant's power is supreme. What good is your mind control, when I have brain control? Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!'
I come out of my self congratulatory musings, as soon as some nearby Corrupted begin firing on me. I then place an Energy Resupply Augment on my neck and begin spamming Enthrall across the entire floor. 'Near infinite psionic energy stores plus Enthrall plus maximized duration equals Supreme Master Troll of the Entire Warframe Universe! Hahahahahahahaha!' I continue spamming Enthrall on every enemy in sight, until I reach level three. I then activate Mesmer Skin and resume my frenzied Enthralling of these pitiable Corrupted.
By the time I've reached level six, I'm at the fifth floor and I finish off what's left of the Energy Resupply Augment I'm currently using and then replace it with another. With Reave now unlocked, I'm much less worried about heavier units being able to deal any decent damage, before I can Enthrall them.
I finish clearing out the tenth floor soon after reaching level ten. With all four of my abilities unlocked, I decide to chill out on the augments and save them for the later floors. I eventually make it to the top floor, find the platform leading to the Sentry's room, and send in Birdy and Bot to deal with it. They've mostly sat this one out, to give me plenty of room and time to play with my new frame. I leave them there, to deal with the Sentry, and head back to the Orbiter.
'Well, that was quite a bit of fun. Now, however, I need to find out if Cephalon Suda is ready to divulge her information about Octavia. With Hunhow safely locked away in his specialized Void Cell, she should be fairly easy to obtain.' Once Birdy and Bot return, I order Bot to relay the information she gathered to Nyx, for weapon crafting inspiration.
"Ordis, I want you to study the cells of Revenant, Chroma, and Mirage and integrate their cells and abilities into a new design for Birdy. I also want you to study the cells of Nova, Mesa, and Ivara to do the same for Bot."
"Right away, Operator."
"Also, while you're at it, set a course for the Strata Relay."
As soon as we arrive at the Relay, I go to see Suda. "Ahh, Dark Star, if I'm not mistaken, you visited me once before to acquire my Synoid Weapons. It would seem that you've been quite busy, since then. This new Mother and Father Organization set up looks quite promising for the Tenno. I wish you and yours much success. Is there anything I can help you with today?"
"Thank you, Suda, for your kind words. And, yes, I was hoping that you possess knowledge of a Warframe, named Octavia, who as I hear it plays a most impressive anthem. An anthem that is played on a device called the Mandachord, if I'm not mistaken."
"I must say, Dark Star, you very well informed. Where could you have possibly learned about such a thing? Was it the Lotus?"
"It wasn't actually but, that being said, I'm not really at liberty to speak on the origins of my intelligence. However, if you have information regarding this matter, you would be duly rewarded. I've not come looking for handouts."
"I see, well, no matter. As for compensation, don't worry about it. I'm actually quite excited to be sharing this particular bit of knowledge. I'm sending the blueprint, to build the Mandachord, to Ordis. Go to Sao, Neptune and find the three pieces required to build it."
"Thank you, Cephalon Suda, you're truly benevolent. I'll leave now but I'll stay in contact, until this matter is resolved. I'll speak with you later."
"Until then, Dark Star."
I reboard the Orbiter and head towards Neptune, where I swiftly recover the three necessary Mandachord pieces. There in Neptune's orbit, I craft the Mandachord and contact Suda, for further instructions.
"Excellent, Dark Star! Now that the Mandachord is complete you must rediscover the fragments of the anthem. Go first to Stephano, Uranus. There you'll find a Hydraulus, which will allow you to recover the first part of the anthem."
I continue to follow Suda's instructions moving from Stephano, Uranus to Tycho, Lua, to Taranis, Void. Each locations secrets are revealed with ease due to the lack of Hunhow's meddling. Once I've recovered the full anthem, I return to Suda at the Relay.
"Well, here you go. This is the completed Mandachord and the accompanying anthem. Are you certain you can obtain the information required, for Octavia's construction from these?"
"Absolutely, give me an hour to work with these and I'll have everything you need to construct Octavia, guaranteed."
I sit patiently for an hour waiting for Suda's results. Once she finishes, she transmits the data to Ordis, who has the Bio-cartridge waiting when I return. I place the Bio-cartridge into the Founder and await yet another new frame. 'Haha, two in one space? Hell yeah, I'm about to get my level on.'
Once Octavia has been completed, I seek out another unconquered Orokin Tower and start to enter the first floor, when Nyx suddenly contacts me.
"Operator, you'll be happy to hear that I've completed the specialized weapons for Revenant."
"Already? Damn, that was fast! How did you manage it?"
"Ummm, Operator, it's been nearly twelve hours, since you sent me the ability information."
"Twelve hours? What the hell?"_'Well, now that I think about it, that's probably what happens whenever you refer to your sleeping period and your awakened period both as "space," instead of day and night.'
"Ordis, construct a Cephalid to display the time and date whenever activated. Make sure it can show both Earth time and System time."_'Why the shit didn't I think of this earlier? Am I stupid or something? Good grief!'
"Alright then, Nyx, how about these weapons? Describe their functions to me."
"Absolutely, Operator. The first weapon is a modified version of the Phantasma that you requested be built. This version, however, has the same damage modification effect as the beams of Danse Macabre adjusting its damage type to fit the enemy. It also has a synergy with the Reave ability. This allows the single fire mode to launch its usual payload of Sentient energy and then siphon off Bio and psionic energy and then return to you in the form of your Reave ability.
"The Secondary weapon is a modified Gamacor that allows you to not only channel your Danse Macabre beams into a single beam but also maintains the damage redirection of that ability and Mesmer Skin.
"The melee weapon is probably the most powerful Light weapon I've made so far. It's called the Macabre Lumiere (loo-mee-air.) It allows you to channel Danse Macabre beams into a single controlled shaft of light, much like the Might Light. The whip function isn't as powerful but can also channel your Enthrall ability. These abilities being powered by the psionic energy battery instead of your own reserves, of course, makes this weapon quite formidable."
"Ha! Absolutely magnificent! Another completely overwhelming performance, by our very own Weaponsmith Scion. Thank you, for your hard work, Nyx. As soon as I'm done leveling Octavia, I'm going to be taking those bad boys out for a test murder. Until then, you're dismissed."
"Thank you, Operator. Good luck, with your leveling."
I make my way through the tower shaking that thing like you never did see. To my surprise, one hundred stories high...wait no that was something else. This tower is only sixty stories high. Stupid math!
At the top, I leave Birdy and Bot to do their thing. I rush back to the Orbiter, jump back into my Revenant, equip my newly acquired Scionic Set, and wait for Birdy and Bot to finish up. As soon as they return, Bot sends his ability analysis to Nyx and we immediately head out to conquer another tower.
'Alright, it's time to test out these new murder machines. Although, I really should get some sleep, as soon as I'm done.'
----------POV Change----------
-In a Corpus Board meeting, just before the fall of the Twin Queens.-
"These Tenno are becoming a menace. They may have been useful tools, before they were unified but now they pose too great a danger to ignore. We must act now, before they are able to solidify a foundation of power." Nef Anyo urgently pleaded.
"You are mistaken, Nef, the Tenno were already too dangerous. With all of these new technologies and the revelation of the Tenno's new identities, the existence of the Traveler and the Reservoir, the Reservoir's sudden appearance and the Orokin Ships that guard it, all of this reeks heavily of a well laid plan that had been brewing for quite some time before we were ever made aware of it. I suspect that these people who now call themselves The Father Organization, formerly known as The Federalists, are more than meets the eye and are behind many of these new occurrences, if not all of them. Either way, it would have been foolish for the Corpus to make enemies of the Tenno and now, given everything that has happened, it would be supremely foolish. It would bring us nothing but ruin. Whatever 'foundation of power' you speak of, I suggest it has already been established. It's quite likely they're expecting us to underestimate them and make the first move. I will not support any action against the Tenno." Director Frohd Bek made his position clear.
"And what makes you so certain of this? I've already been made a fool of, by those meddlesome Tenno, during one of my meetings with the Investors. If we allow them to continue this behavior, they'll soon hold the entire system in the palm of their hands. We'll be powerless to stop them. We have to act now or else lose everything we have worked so hard for. I'll not bow before some unruly Technoctye anomalies and their Void dwelling manipulators." Nef rebutted.
"Gentlemen, please? This matter is indeed delicate but, Nef, I really must say that the Chairman's assessment of the Tenno is correct. There is nothing we can throw against the Tenno that could hope to defeat them. If we did somehow manage to emerge victorious from an altercation with them, it would inevitably be at a price that few are willing to pay. To be fair, you are correct that the Tenno, if left unchecked, could easily wrest control of the entire system, if they so choose. This however is merely the right of the strong. Their power too greatly outstrips our own and grows daily. You speak of losing everything you have worked for but yet you're willing to throw all of it away, in order to avoid bending the knee. Nef, I urge you to reconsider your position." Director Vel Kross (made up) interjected."
An assistant to Chairman Bek walks in with a concerned look on his face. "Chairman, Directors, this transmission was just received through Darvo's Data Service. You need to see this." The assistant pulls forth a device that projects the image of General Nyx.
"Attention any and all citizens of the Sol System for whom this information might be relevant. We, the Tenno, have just killed the Twin Queens and taken control of their Kuva Fortress. We Tenno here by lay claim to any and all Grineer controlled territories. Any Grineer, occupying these territories, are advised to lay down their arms and submit or face extermination. That is all."
"There, you see? Even as we speak their arrogance and hubris seeks ever greater heights. If we don't bring them to heel now, it will bring ruin to us all!" Nef exclaimed.
"No, Nef, the only one who will bring us ruin is you and your inability to get over this petty slight by a single Tenno. I'll not listen to anymore of this nonsense. I vote to remain neutral in these matters and let the Tenno come to us. All those in favor?" Much to Bek's chagrin, Nef wasn't the only one to keep his hand down.
"All those in favor of going to war with the Tenno?" Four out of twelve Directors raised their hands in opposition.
"Eight against four. The board will not take action against the Tenno and will wait for them to broach the matter themselves. As for the dissenters, you already know any action you take in contradiction to this position is not only on your own heads but also risks putting you in direct opposition to the board itself."
Chairman Bek stood up and walked out of the board room. The dissenters kept their seats and began talking quietly amongst themselves.
-Copy Paste of second Not A Chapter Info-
Hi, I just finished writing the first story chapter of "Reincarnated into Destiny Universe." The intro chapter is basically just a slightly edited version, of the intro chapter for this novel, so you can skip it if you want. I'll probably use the same intro chapter for any Iseki that I do, since it's basically like my personalized version of Truck-kun.
That being said, now that I've got that little bit of itch out of my system I probably won't post any chapters to that novel for a few weeks, until I finish this one. While writing on the other one, I was able to come up with a decent idea of how to wrap things up on this end. I know it isn't going to please everyone but hopefully it won't feel too rushed despite the fact that it kinda is. You can expect anywhere from three to five chapters to close this one out. I hope you all have enjoyed reading and will join me on my next one.