
I walk away, leaving my friends broken. What else was I supposed to do. "you're a really good person, what was your name again?" great, the old man is trying to start a conversation with me. I just look over at the bar in the middle of vanish street. I never liked it there, I felt wired, unwanted by a source of death and destruction. "not answering me huh? it's ok, no one does when we first start out. But things change because I make them change." This guy had issues beyond repair, not even his cures can fix the messed up life he has. We board a boat to go to the facility in Bulo island, it's far from England. I get on and see hundreds of sad children looking at me, asking me to help them with their eyes. How could he go on with this? "I know what your thinking, these are all children between the ages of four and ten, the pain won't hurt them as much as-"

"you're an idiot." I cut him off, "what?" I repeat what I said. "only an idiot would say pain isn't as bad for inexperienced children who have not seen nor been through as much as someone at least in their twenties, you're an idiot for thinking they feel less pain than someone who's lived for a long time, at least if you used twenty-year-olds they wouldn't scream as much, and wouldn't be so needy." He just stared at me for a few seconds. "you really are as smart as they say you are." He grabs my neck. "your too smart for your own good, it's sad, I might feel bad for this... what I'm about to do to you is going to hurt me, more than it is you." and like that, I was out. It felt like days before I woke up, on a table, strapped down by my arms and legs. I struggled to get free. "the less you struggle the less pain you'll feel."

"Is that what you tell every idiotic child you capture?" I'm not the type to freak out where everyone could see, so I was pretty calm on the outside but I was having a panic attack on the inside. "no. Just you, don't worry, it won't hurt as bad as you think because your leg will be numb." he takes out a giant knife and begins to cut my leg off. "what the heck!"

"you're a donator because I say so. My sister needs a leg and you've got a perfect size."

"you can't attach someone else's leg to another person because it won't work!"

"who said I was attaching it to her, I'm using it as a guide for size." this man was more stupid than I thought. Once he had finished he stitched my thy and took me to a cell. "your neighbor is going to be here soon, he's just finishing up." I sat on the bed because I couldn't go anywhere else. "what happens if I have to use the bathroom!" he turned around. "you don't need to worry about that." he walks off. what does that mean? A few hours later my neighbor came over, sat down in his cell, and started to talk to me. I'm going to be more miserable than I was with those money-wasting people I called parents.