

The guards thought they caught me, but I got them instead. As I went back to get Derick, I saw a key card and a gun. Good the one I had run out of bullets. I grabbed the key card and the gun, then I grabbed Derick. If the plan were to go well, we would be free. Patron was going to have a party, I'll make sure there are fireworks for entertainment. I hid in the vents staying away from the censers to avoid getting burned. once I felt all the guards were gone, I took out the gun for security and left out the vent. If we made it I had to find a way to wake him, He can't stay like this forever. I walk through the hall and stop at the door of the room the part is in. There was complete silence in the room beside the small whispers and clinking of silverware and plates. I ran past the room to keep my mind on track. I was at the door when...