

My body was limp. I couldn't feel anything. I look up at the light. It was dim, it had no life to it, just like me. I look around to see John. Lying there next to me. He was breathless. I stand up and walk into the room. I knew that in seconds, my body would succumb to the pain that was ignored during my escape from John, the now dead man, who most likely went to... Nevermind that. I sit myself on the bed, getting ready for the pain I was about to encounter. I wait. Bang! I jump to the sound of a loud bang on the door. I stay silent, grabbing the stick I took form the door. It was shut, the door, was shut. No one could get in or out. That's just fact, and honestly, I don't know if I'm happy or in fear of that. The banging continues in a pattern. I listen to the words from the banging. "D-don't... look... Back... You'll... Regret it?" The banging stops. I step back, standing on the bed. My blood was rushing, normally, I would be out like a light. This only meant one thing, I'm still dreaming. That only worried me more. A body with a dead brain is as dead as the brain inside the body, which meant that If I wanted a chance to get back to the real world, I had to avoid getting killed in here. The scratching took me out of my thoughts. This isn't good. I grab my suspenders and tie a loop. This is going to help me shut the door closed if the being doesn't destroy it. Then, I take the blanket on the bed and tie it to my waist, tying the other end to some dirty sheets in a pile. I spotted a drain while I was running from John. I take the band holding my hair up out. I pull it back. Sadly, my resources were limited, so this was the only thing I could think of on short notice. I pull it back and aim at the door, once it swings open, I'll shoot. That should give me enough time to throw the sharp end of the stick at it and run. The gun should still be in the hall way so I'll pick it up and shoot at it. After that I'll hook the loop from the suspenders on the door and shut it closed, whether or not I take the suspenders is whether or not they come off the door. I'll escape through the drain system. I have no idea where to go from there. The being began to bang on the door once more, this time, aiming to open it. The falls to the floor. Crap. I have to figure something else out. I shoot the band at the monster, not to long after, throwing the stick at it's neck. I hear I scream. Like a human. I Slowly get of the bed, my steps filled with caution. I see blood, and a leg. The dust from the door falling to the ground hasn't cleared up yet, once it did. I saw a kid... Who... Wait... "You're-