
In the sewers

As I jump something grabs onto my shirt. I hit my head on the edge of the drain. I hear a voice whispers to it's self. "No... No, no, no, no, no... This is, this isn't right. No. Not right at all." I try not to look back, I had already broken that rule once and I fear of what might happen if I do it again. I feel a tug on my waist. "Oi! stop tugging!"

"Then come on!" I pull on the rope. "One... One moment." The voice above me begins to mumble. I begin to unbutton my shirt. "Since you're such a big fan of me, you can have my sha!" I feel a rough pull on my hair. "I want you dead, dead, dead!"

"Well you won't have me dead!" I take out a piece of glass I in my arm. I took off my shirt so it wouldn't be able to pull me up, then, with one slash, I fall down, my hair shorter than before, my shirt getting farther away from me. My eyes looking at something I failed to kill. I fall into the arms of my Experiment. "Took you long enough." I roll my eyes. "You can let me down now." He puts me down. I walk ahead of him. "Let's go, I need to get out of this place." I wrap my arms around my body, due to the fact I had no shirt on, I was freezing. "Hey, what happened to-"

"Don't. Ask." He catches up to me. "You know... You can have mine... If you want it." I sake my head. His ears go down. I look at him. "What are you doing?"

"I'm sad. You look so cold and I can't do anything about it." I roll my eyes. "Fine. I'll take the shirt." His ears perk up as he takes off his shirt and gives it to me. I take the shirt and put it on. His tail begins to wag. "Why are you so happy?"

"Because you're not cold anymore. I think it's a dog thing to be happy when their master isn't miserable anymore."

"I'm not your master." His head tilts. "Then what are you?" I fold my arms. "I'm... Your... Your... I uh... I'm your doctor... Or... Something."

Then why do you call me your boy?" I shrug. Talking only made me feel worse. I needed to get some help before I can feel anything. I'll be a burden to him if I didn't. He looks at me. "Where are we headed?" I shrug once again. "I guess to the nearest exit. I really didn't plan this far ahead, I didn't think I'd have a dog with me. Don't you think you're a little too childish for your age?" He shakes his head. "I'm only like this around you. If I'm with the old man, I'm more violent. I guess this is the only time I get to be playful. Plus, if you really think about it, Dogs are always playful until they hit their death age. The best part about me, is that I go by human years! So i'll die way later than a normal dog would."

"So how were you born?" He looks at the ground. "I was scientifically made. I guess my parents wanted a puppy, not a baby, so they tried to make me more dog than human, didn't work though. that's why I'm hear, second resorts always the worst." I look at him with a straight face. "It could have been worse... They could've killed you." I felt very sluggish, as if I just woke up from a nap, so my emotional bank was very wide at the moment. My experiment Pauses and looks at me. "Doc, you don't look so good." I shake my head shooing him off. "I'm fine." I'm still shivering. Maybe it's because it's really cold down hear. "Hey, you look really cold, even with the shirt." I stare straight into his eyes, I've never notice the color of his eyes until now. They're, "Hazel. Hazel brown is a beautiful color."

"What?" I need to learn to finish in my head instead of out my mouth. "Nothing I just... was thinking aloud."

"I think all the time, I don't think aloud all the time though, unless I'm insulting the old man." He continues to talk. Was he always this talkative. I remember him being more feisty and full of anger, then again, all children show their true colors when father isn't around. I feel a jolt of pain. Great timing, like REALLY great timing. The pain begins to kick in and I seconds what I missed back at the top came rushing through my body. "And I also almost murdered you in the process but that's o...Kay... Are you okay, D?" A rush of blood gushes from my mouth as I fall to the ground holding my waist. My experiment looks down in fear, his ears and his tail down. "Hold up! I'll be back!" Perfect, I'm stuck down here with who knows how much bacteria, I could get infected. The tears in my eyes begin to flow. All I could hear was the rush of the water, and the squeaking from an animal I refuse to name. It felt like hours before I could hear the animal I wanted to. My boy, but as I heard him yelling a name that was still foreign to me, Jones, my eyes begin get to get heavy. I never though I'd say this but... Thank God... For Trained Narcolepsy.