Chapter 14: Tournament

Kareem looked to see Veronica having on smile on her face hearing his ingenuise plan.

"Go sign up it's your turn" Veronica said smiling but one could see the excitement in here eye's.

Kareem went up to the man sitting at the desk.

"Tell me your name, age, and the sect you belong to" the man said extremely fast.

"Vali age 17 member of The Multi Verse Exploding Faction" he said smiling.

The man looked at him before saying "The tournament is tomorrow be at the royal palace in the afternoon" he then said next and continued to sign up participants.

Kareem went back to Veronica and told her the details for the tournament. They decided to search for on inn because it was getting late. They found one called "Lions Inn". When they went it they caught the attention of the people in the surrounding.

"Welcome to my inn. What can I do for you?" asked the man at the counter.

"How much is it to stay for three day's?"

"For the both of you it's 5 silver coins"

Kareem took the money from his inventory and handed it over to the man. The man gave him a key and told him room twelve. Kareem and Veronica headed up stairs and went into the room.

Veronica went straight to meditating to connect with Hyōrinmaru. Kareem seeing this started thinking of his plan for the following day's to act tough.

He purchased Minato's Hokage clothes and then used cleaning magic on both him and Veronica. Afterwards he sat down to meditate and get to know Rujin Jakka.

"Hopefully I can achieve Bankai soon" he thought before closing his eye's.


The next day he changed into the Minato's Hokage clothes and got some food with Veronica from the inn.

When it turned in the afternoon they both walked in the direction of the royal palace. They arrived at the gate and was stopped by the guard.

"Are you here for the tournament?" the guard asked.


"Follow that line"

Kareem walked through the gate with Veronica they followed the line of people and was lead into a huge field. There they saw many stadiums and a huge crowd.

Before long a man wearing a crown came in with a young girl at his side. There were many guards following behind him he walked up and sat at a huge imposing looking seat with the young girl taking the seat next to him.

The man in the crown started talking " I would like to thank you all for coming. I won't say much but I expect you all to try your best to win the hand of my daughter in marriage hahaha. Spectors move over to the seats on the side there's enough for everybody. I would also like to say we will be broad casting the match live to the people who didn't attended outside the castle. Now my royal guard will explain the rules."

After saying that the crowd was separated the into 40 people for each 15 stadium. There were 600 people participating. A guard stepped onto each stadium. Then a higher ranking looking guard stepped forward.

"I will announce the rules. Rule one no killing. Rule two weapons are permitted but no using a hidden weapon are pills to boast your strength. Rule three no crippling someone's cultivation were all friends here. Rule four no poison. Now the last 5 people remaining in each stadium will move on to the next round being."

The guards in the stadium moved off the stadium and put a barrier around each stadium so the attacks won't hit the audience.


In stadium five Kareem was standing with a calm look on his face. That's when a youth stepped infront of him.

"I Lo Win will be the one to win this tournament and win th" Before the youth finished his sentence he was punched in the face by Kareem flying out the stadium.

Two participants saw this and rushed to attack him. One slashed with a sword for his chest and one used a movement technique to appear behind him throwing out a punch.

In Kareem' s eye's they were extremely slow he used Shunpo and appeared beside the guy slashing at him kicking him in his side out the stadium. Then he used Shunpo again and appeared behind the guy punching at him punching him in his back sending him flying out the stadium as well.

Kareem looked and saw many people in the process of fighting.

"This is annoying" he thought. He went to the corner of the stadium then waved a few hand signs "Fire Style: Majestic Flame Destroyer" a majestic sea of flames left his mouth in all directions of the stadium .The youths in the stadium saw this and had fear in there eye's because they couldn't dodge this and if it hits them they will be severely injured.

They all choose to jump out the stage. The flames hit the barrier stopping it. The youths looked down on the floor to see the burn marks.

"YOU BASTERED" one youth shouted angrily.

"If that had hit us we would be severely injured" said another youth he was not shouting but you could hear the anger in his tone.

Kareem looked at them before saying "Guy's guy's don't look at me like that. But I do want to ask you a question. Are you angry?? I just want to know if your angry. If your angry then good I want you to be angry."

The Youth's: .....

The Guard: .....

The King: ......