Chapter 24: Bankai Zanka No Tachi

"All things in the universe turn to ashes Ryujin Jakka". Instantly intense pillars of flames burst forth into the sky.

"Now die".

Kareem waved the sword in his hand forward as the flames rushed forward. Zhang Tianzo started walking forward until he walked through the flames.

" To use fire against me you must be joking"

Kareem used shunpo and appeared before him and slashed down with his blade covered in flames. Zhang Tianzo figured blurred as he appeared twenty meters away.

He flicked his wrist and a blade appear in his hand. He pulled the blade out of the scabbard a red katana. The sword started glowing red as he lifted it and slashed forward. A wave of red sword qi was fired towards Kareem. In returned he fired a wave of flames forward.

The attacks meant and exploded. They both stared at each other before they both disappeared and started clashing. Every time their sword meant it would produce a ding.

The onlookers could not believe what they were seeing.

"To think someone could stand up to Zhang Tianzo"

" What exquisite sportsmanship"

" Will we ever able to reach such a level?" a disciple commented with a helpless expression.

"Wait look Zhang Tianzo seems to be losing"


They all turned their heads to see Zhang Tianzo coughing blood. Kareem didn't even have a scratch on him.

"You said earlier to use flames against you I must be joking? Let me show you something interesting" Kareem said as an intense amount of spiritual pressure started rising from his body.

"Bankai Zanka No Tachi" all the flames in the surrounding disappeared. A scorched blade was revealed in Kareem's hand.

"You plan to defeat me with that ?" Zhang Tianzo asked coldly.

Kareem's figure appeared before him and cut his left arm off then quickly punching him in the chest sending flying backward.

"You talk too much"

Zhang Tianzo came rushing back at a tremendous speed as he appeared in front of Kareem and waved for his head with his sword in his right hand. Kareem caught the blade with his fingers covered in armored haki. He then slashed forward cutting Zhang Tianzo in half.