Simple mission they said

Most girls have caring parents and siblings to help them grow up. Most girls get the rich guys with muscle and bravado. Most girls even start out as a ten throughout life and get looked upon with envy.

Most girls...

Well, I'm not even most girls. Matter of fact, I'm not even a girl. I say this merely because I'm not exactly sure how most guys are. And that reason is merely because my squad is entirely girls, and it's been that way ever since I can remember. Matter of fact, I wouldn't even call them girls since we are Omega Omega: the last to call in, but always first one to arrive. And when they do get called in, it gets messy.

What do I do? Guess I'm just the tech guy, the punching bag of jokes, and the only one who can work the thermostat. My name is Gerald, and here is how our missions normally go.

"Got no eyes Gare, where's my DOT?" I sighed and shook my head as I rolled my chair across the floor to a green panel.

"Last time Val, it's a Direct Ordinance Tracker. Quit calling it in every time you don't wanna use your binoculars." I hit a couple buttons before a yellow light clicks on. I hit a switch and it goes green.

"I'm calling it DOT till you find a name that's shorter" Valerie replied before a soft whir could be heard over the comms. I knew that sound well and hung my head.

"Please tell me you didn't bring the prototype on a 'stealth' mission." I hoped she didn't answer but my luck wasn't anywhere that good with her.

"Well of course I did." As I heard her fiddling with it and getting frustrated. The prototype in question was a camouflage suit I had designed for another operative, so I have no clue how in the world Val got a hold of it.

"Val, how in the hell did you get the suit without Liz noticing? She would have broken your jaw if she caught you." She chuckled, leaving one explanation.

"You bribed her." I said. Val clearly took offense to that.

"I did not," she argued, "I merely offered a gift that is questionable to Angelina and asked for a gift in return that had equal value." Her words had barely left her mouth when a third voice choked into the comms.

"Is that where my fucking AP rounds went you piece of shit!" A very unamused Angelina bellowed into the voice piece as I winced and pulled the headset slightly away from my ear to still hear but avoid permanent damage.

"I had to to trade half my fucking stock for those rounds only for you to go behind my back and use them so you can skinny dipping in enemy territory."

That made me raise an eyebrow. The hell did she mean by skinny-

Oh shit.

"Valerie! You can't wear the suit naked or you will..."

Too late. A very shocked yelp came over the comms as a slightly nude Val got electrocuted from an exposed electron node. There was supposed to be an undergarment that negates the electric field from harming the wearer, but Val prefers not to read the fine print.

In Val's loud attempt to remove the suit from her singed skin, an alarm blared above my head. Crap, that was the proximity alert. Meaning the facility was on alert, also meaning that a squad of elite troopers were en route to Val's location.

Any normal tech guy would be scared and calling the troops to back his squad mate, but that proved useless after a dozen missions. Because even in her birthday suit with ten soldiers bearing down onto her with automatic weapons, she knows how to pack a punch.

And her punch involves an eight round grenade launcher which made short work of the vehicle and the front entrance of the facility.

"Heh," she said confidently as I avoided watching the recon camera that had a clean view of her, "guess that suit was handy."

I can feel my face burning as I spoke, "Val, please put your gear back on. You look very unprofessional."

"What's wrong Gerry? Can't handle a little skin?" Out of the corner of my eye I saw a whole of pink that made me turn a whole lot of red. Luckily for me, Angelina chimed in and took over.

"Alright Val, quit fuckin about and get your gear. You got ten mins before reinforcements arrive and surround you. Get to the vault and retrieve the package." She paused and sighed. "And yes, go loud."

"Yippee!" Val cries, only for it to be drowned out by a series of explosions and gunfire with what I assumed were also screams in the mix. I preferred not to think of it.

"Another successful mission captain?" I said as Angelina came through the door. She gave that cold dead look that made me wanna puke.

"Get her an extraction and then we are gunna talk."

"Yes ma'am." I turned to the monitor and radioed in our pilot. This would be unordinary to an outsider, but it was slowly becoming the norm for the rest of us. I mean, that's why we are last line of the squads according to the military code. We are Valkyrie Squad, callsign Omega Omega. And we get the shitty work, because even we can't fuck that up.