
- Xiao family courtyard -

" Point it a little bit higher, make sure you stab it in the right place: the heart! again!" an old woman could be seen, shouting to a boy holding a sword in his hand.

although it sounded rash, the boy seem to take the advice seriously, as he stab towards the doll furiously.

stab, after stab were showered to the doll, and except for a few hole, all the other holes were right on the vital parts of it: neck, heart, liver, and even some joints that if it were human, he or she would be disabled for life.

hours passed in the green courtyard, yet there's only a swishing sound of a sword could be heard, it were both terrifying yet calming at the same time.

" Stop! the training is enough this afternoon, go back and cultivate your Qi in the night." the old woman suddenly said.

"Yes teacher Gu!"

With a flash, the sword dissapeared from his hand, seemingly gone to thin air. this course of action fall on the woman eyes, but she didn't seem to even bat an eyelids, as if this thing is a common occurance for her.

seeing the boy back in the distance, teacher Gu thought to himself:

'this kid.... his potential is monterous! just like his sisters.... seems like the rumor that Xiao family only cultivated monster in it were right! each and every one of them could become the number one in their own generation!'

the boy went back to his room, oblivious to what his teacher thought to himself and his family; he just wanterd to review what this day of practice has made to his body and mind, this boy is Xiao Yun, it's been six years for him to learn under some teacher, each with different kind of personalities and different kind of skills; etitique, manners, politics, horse riding, and now swordmanship.

And yes, this is a Cultivation world, Xiao Yun have saw a flying sword with human riding on top of it, a giant bird for transportation purposes, the making of some pill, and many more!

as of now his cultivation is still on Houtian 3rd stage, and it's considered to be above average for his age, one must know that the teacher that teaches him was a Xiantian 9th stage, just one major stage above him! so the title of monter for him is considered normal!

The cultivation stage that he knows now were only 5fth major stage: Qi condensation, Profound, Houtian, Xiantian, and Jin Dan. and that's all it is recorded in his book from the family library, ofcourse this was the common one, that even the servant can look at it with or without permission, as for the family secret library, only if you're approved by the elders could you see them in person. This include a cultivation manual, and the Xiao Ancestor bioghraphy.

Yes, the Xiao ancestor bioghraphy, why? because it contain many comprehension from them all, be it from their view of the world, to their view on Qi itself! and this is what make it so valuable..... Ofcourse it also contain some of Ancestors rival (nemesis) family there.... and who knows how much these guy offend those families! dozen, hundreds maybe!?

before long, dinner time arrived.

"Young master, dinner is served, please..." the servant said while making a gesture.

as one of many big families in the kingdom of Khong Guan, the manner of eating together is a must, not only would it be good for health, it also became a good thing for a thing called: 'togetherness' in a family.

in case there's a family conflict, etc.. you can ease it with this occasion. in a huge family there usually social struggle to get the patriarch position in between the descendants of the patriarch itself... at the very least they won't kill each other because of this occasion... sometime...