My Wife Is A Great Cook

"It's your first day being together as married couple, shouldn't you guys be enjoying somewhere?" Mrs Bai asked. "It's okay mom. We'll stay here to accompany you." Bai Hao Yun answered while playing game on his phone. "But son, it's not like you always have free time. You should take your wife out and spend time with her instead of your phone!" Mrs Bai nagged. "It's okay mom, staying at home is fine for me as well." Chen Xixi comforted. "No, just go anywhere and don't come back until dinner." Mrs Bai replied. She took Bai Hao Yun's phone and confiscated it. "Now, take your wife out to anywhere. You will not get your phone back if you refused to go" Mrs Bai ordered. Bai Hao Yun had no other option but to take his wife out reluctantly. Chen Xixi was delighted to see the annoyed expression on her husband face. She purposely used her phone infront of Bai Hao Yun to annoy him more. Well, there's nothing he could do but let her be. "Now, where do you plan to go?" Bai Hao Yun asked. "I don't know. It's up to you." Chen Xixi answered. Not knowing what his wife would like, he brought her to an amusement park.

The amusement park was huge and crowded. Chen Xixi couldn't part with Bai Hao Yun because he doesn't had his phone with him. She had to held his hand tightly to avoid being separated by the crowds. Bai Hao Yun was taken aback by her sudden gesture. He felt a tingling sensation on his hand followed by butterflies in his stomach when her skin touched his.

That afternoon, the weather was good. It was neither raining nor scorching hot. It was pretty cool because it was windy. Chen Xixi was pretty excited and dragged Bai Hao Yun around to buy some food from the stalls. Although Chen Xixi was not interested with the games in the amusement park, the food sold there was enough to satisfy her. After a few hours walking around in the amusement park, both of them were tired from walking. Bai Hao Yun brought Chen Xixi to a cafe to sit for a while and had some drinks and desserts before returning home for dinner.

Upon reaching home, Bai Hao Yun found a note on the table. "Aunt Alice is not here tonight for personal matters. Your dad and I are going out for dinner. You guys settle your own dinner tonight. -Mom". "Xixi, tonight dinner are on us. Mom and aunt Alice are not home. Can you cook or order delivery?" Bai Hao Yun spoke. "Rest assured. I will make dinner tonight." Chen Xixi replied him with a bright smile. "Urm, you don't have to trouble yourself actually. I don't mind eating delivery food." Bai Hao Yun answered as he looked at her with a face full of doubt. "Leave it to me, I can do it." Chen Xixi replied with a smile. Since she insisted to cook, he decided to let her do it.

Actually Chen Xixi rarely got the chance to enter the kitchen before she got married with Bai Hao Yun. As a young miss, she never had to do any housework not to mention cooking because her parents hired a maid to take care of everything. There was a time when she tried cook something but ended up almost burning her kitchen down and leaving a huge mess for others to clean up. Since that incident, she was banned from kitchen. She was thrilled the moment Bai Hao Yun told her to take care of their dinner. It was a good chance for her to try working with her own hands.

Chen Xixi decided to fry fish for dinner. She rinse the fish with water, rub some salt on it and placed it down on the boiling oil. She stood a few metres away from the frying wok after putting the fish inside the wok in fear of the splattering oil. She then went forward to flip the fish before running back again. She left the fish alone and proceed to cook rice. It took her a while and she forgot her fish.

Bai Hao Yun smelt something burnt. He rushed to the kitchen and turned off the stove before switching on the ventillating fan to get rid of the smokes. "Chen Xixi, what are you doing?!" he yelled at her angrily. "What do you mean?" she asked confusedly. "Look!" Bai Hao Yun pointed at the fish in the wok. "Ahh!!" Chen Xixi screamed in panic upon seeing the burned fish. She took a plate and imediately scooped it up.

At the end, Bai Hao Yun turned out to be the one preparing for dinner and cleaning after Chen Xixi's mess. He let her showered while he cleaned up the kitchen and cooked dinner. Dinner was served not long after Chen Xixi came out from shower. Bai Hao Yun cooked fish and stir-fried vegetables. He purposely placed Chen Xixi's burnt fish beside his as comparison. "My wife is such a great cook." Bai Hao Yun commented sarcastically.