Husband's Lunch

"Aunt Alice, I want to learn it now. Any dishes will do with the materials we have now." Chen Xixi requested excitedly. After hearing her request, Alice took some vegetables and meat from the fridge, had them cleaned and cut nicely before teaching Chen Xixi how to cook. She decided to teach Chen Xixi to cook mix vegetables, stir-fried pork with black pepper and a simple omelette. Chen Xixi insisted to cook the dishes by herself. Alice was not allowed to help her apart from giving instructions.

Thanks to the assistance of Alice, Chen Xixi managed to serves three dishes on the table successfully. She took her phone out and snapped a photo of it before trying it on her own. Her mix vegetables was slightly bland and she could bit eggshells on her omelette. "Urgh that was gross!" she thought. She looked at her black pepper pork and thought "Well, this should be good. It looks good and smell great." She placed a piece of meat in her mouth and spat it out. "Aunt Alice, get me a glass of water." Chen Xixi spoke while coughing because of the spiciness of the pepper. She gulped down the glass of water Alice passed to her.

Her dishes taste terrible. It's a waste to throw it away but she didn't want to eat it and was embarrassed to let Alice consume it. "What do I do with these? Shall I throw it away?" Chen Xixi was in dilemma. "Wait, there's a Bai Hao Yun. Shall I give it to him? Yes, it must be him!" an evil thought was forming in her mind. She took out her phone and gave Bai Hao Yun a call.

Bai Hao Yun was working when his phone rang. He looked at his phone and saw his wife name on the screen. "What's up?" Bai Hao Yun picked up his phone. "Yun Yun~, have you had your lunch yet?" Chen Xixi spoke with honeyed tone. "No yet. I'm still working. Why?" Bai Hao Yun was confused. "So you should be free on lunch time rite?" Chen Xixi asked with anticipation. "Yup. Why did you asked?" Bai Hao Yun replied. "Wait for me, I'm coming!" Chen Xixi spoke with excited tone and hung up the phone before Bai Hao Yun was able to say anything.

"Aunt Alice, please hand me the food container. I'm sending these to Hao Yun" Chen Xixi requested.

Alice took a food container and handed it to Chen Xixi. "That's so sweet of you. Learning to cook for your husband." Alice praised. "Thank you." Chen Xixi replied and smiled back.

Chen Xixi went to her husband's company and headed straight to his office just to deliver lunch for him. All the employees were surprised to see a young woman delivering lunch to their boss. Bai Hao Yun saw her entered his office and asked, "Why did you come?" Chen Xixi smiled brightly and said, "To deliver lunch to my husband." Feeling weird, Bai Hao Yun opened the lunch box to take a look at it. It was finely cut, so he thought the food was probably not cooked by Chen Xixi because he knew her knife skills were terrible. He held the spoon and took a bite of the dishes. He wanted to spit it out so badly but his employees were watching him. He chewed the food calmly while looking at his wife and smiled at her before swallowing the nasty food.

"Let me guess, my wife personally cooked this dishes for me."

"Bingo! I made this with all of my heart and came here specifically just to deliver my love for you. Do you like it?"

"No wonder it was so scrumptious! My wife's cooking are invincible indeed." Bai Hao Yun shot her a dead glace as he spoke.

"I'm glad you like it, enjoy!" Chen Xixi took the spoon and fed him another spoonful of it.

He was annoyed and pulled Chen Xixi, forcing her to sit on his lap. "My wife, come have some too. Look at yourself, you are so thin and should eat more." Bai Hao Yun snatched the spoon from her hand and started feeding her. She couldn't fight or refute because everybody had their eyes on the both of them.

Chen Xixi wanted to torture Bai Hao Yun but she ended up suffering herself. Bai Hao Yun was stronger than her. He held her firmly when she was seated on his lap so she couldn't run away. He didn't even gave her the chance to retaliate. Chen Xixi was lucky that Bai Hao Yun was not as mean as her. He didn't forced her to finish everything but let go of her after feeding her a spoonful of it. Chen Xixi stood up and ready to run but she couldn't because Bai Hao Yun was holding her hand.

"Let's go!" Bai Hao Yun he held her hand and walked out of his office. Surprised. Chen Xixi asked, "Where are you taking me to?" Bai Hao Yun looked into her eyes and replied, "Lunch." It was lunch hours and he knew that his wife must be hungry as well. He held her hand and brought her out to a nearby restaurant for lunch.