You Cheated

It was getting late and Chen Long Hua suggested the couple to stay. Bai Hao Yun didn't mind staying for the night and Chen Xixi was very happy to stay because she missed her room badly. She went to her room, it was still the same as how it used to be but she had transferred most of her items to Bai Hao Yun's house. Bai Hao Yun noticed the look on his wife and placed his hand on her shoulders.

He spoke softly, "Miss your room?"

"Mhm." Chen Xixi nodded.

"It's okay. We can visit your parents home together whenever you want." Bai Hao Yun comforted.

"Really? You won't mind visiting my parents home frequently?"

"Silly girl. Why would I? We are married, so your family are my family too." Bai Hao Yun lowered his head to face her and put his hand on her head.

"Thank you hubby!" Chen Xixi replied emotionally and hugged Bai Hao Yun tightly.

"Don't cry." Bai Hao Yun laughed and gave her a pat on her back.

"Don't laugh!"

Chen Xixi opened her wardrobe and took some clean clothes for her to put on after shower. She realised that she only had one piece of towel and none of her clothes could fit Bai Hao Yun.

Chen Xixi turned to Bai Hao Yun and said, "Sorry, I don't have anything clean for you to change. Wait, let me go ask from my father." She was about to go out but Bai Hao Yun held her hand.

"It's not early now. Let's not disturb your dad. I don't need clothes tonight."

"But you might catch a cold if you sleep uncovered tonight. Are you sure about that?" Chen Xixi knew her husband was dropping hint for her, but she pretended to be oblivious.

"I'm sure that my wife won't bear to let me catch a cold. I can cover my body with hers." He grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to his body. Bai Hao Yun was pretty strong. He secured Chen Xixi waist with his right hand and lip-locking with her while placing his left hand on Chen Xixi's bum. Bai Hao Yun's left hand went underneath her shirt, moving upwards slowly and unhooked her bra. He felt the smoothness of her back before slipping his hand beneath her bra cup. Chen Xixi pressed Bai Hao Yun's hand on her breast.

"Hao Yun, can you open the door?" Chen Long Hua stood outside the room while knocking on the door.

"Dad, wait a moment." Bai Hao Yun let go of Chen Xixi and tidied his clothes. Chen Xixi quickly ran into the bathroom to hide herself before Bai Hao Yun open the door.

"Hao Yun, here's a piece of clean towel and some clean clothes for you to change on."

"Thanks dad." Bai Hao Yun replied.

Bai Hao Yun locked the door after Chen Long Hua walked away. Chen Xixi opened the bathroom door slightly to make sure her father was not there before stepping out. She saw Bai Hao Yun was holding some clothes and towel.

"Someone got clean clothing to wear now, guess that the wife have nothing to do now." Chen Xixi said mockingly.

"Don't worry, my wife still had unfinished task with me. Where are we now?"

Chen Xixi was annoyed when Bai Hao Yun asked her where were they. Shouldn't he just continued where he left off instead of asking her? She took off her shirt and tried throwing it on Bai Hao Yun but it didn't hit him. She then removed her bra that was hanging loosely on her and threw it on Bai Hao Yun's face before storming into the bathroom. Bai Hao Yun was amused by Chen Xixi gestures. He saw her breast bouncing seductively when she threw her bra on him. This time, he was not going to let her close the bathroom door. Chen Xixi felt a force stopping her from shutting the door. Bai Hao Yun was holding the door with his hand. She let go of the door and ignored Bai Hao Yun. She took off her skirts and underwear before turning on the shower.

Bai Hao Yun realised Chen Xixi was sulking and unclothed himself before joining Chen Xixi under the running shower. Bai Hao Yun looked irresistible with droplets of water on his well built body.

"Darling, please don't be angry."

"....." Chen Xixi looked away from his body.

Bai Hao Yun took a soap and purposely dropped it on the floor. He bent down to picked the soap and let it touched the back of Chen Xixi's leg as he moved it upwards from her calf all the way to the back of her thigh.

Chen Xixi snatched the soap from Bai Hao Yun. "Why are you always the one touching me?"

"I never say you can't touch me too." Bai Hao Yun laughed.

"So, it's my turn then?"

Chen Xixi rubbed Bai Hao Yun's chest and turned off the shower head. She rubbed the soap on his body until a thick layer of foam was formed on his skin. Bai Hao Yun stood still, enjoying the feeling of being touched and allowed his wife to explore parts of him.

The soap on Chen Xixi's hand accidentally dropped on the floor. Bai Hao Yun was stimulated by her smooth buttocks when she bent down to pick it. Bai Hao Yun pulled her hips towards him and pushed himself into her.

"Bai Hao Yun, you cheated!" Chen Xixi cried in pain.

"Should I pulled off now?" Bai Hao Yun teased when he was halfway into her.

"Please don't stop." Chen Xixi begged.