
A few months later, Betty was promoted as a permanent staff due to her outstanding performance at work. Her carrier was smooth sailing and nobody picked on her since she had a good relationship with Chen Xixi.

Bai Hao Yun was working alone in his office when Chen Xixi went out. A woman standing outside his office knocked the door. "Come in." Bai Hao Yun spoke without looking at her. His gaze was fixated on his computer screen. Betty entered Bai Hao Yun's office and stood infront of his table without speaking. She was admiring the view of the working man.

Bai Hao Yun looked at her and spoke, "Oh, it's you. What's the matter?"

"Hao Yun, I brought you some cookies." Betty placed a jar of homemade cookies on the table.

Bai Hao Yun ignored her and continued with his work.

"Hao.." Betty tried to relieve the awkward atmosphere in the office before Bai Hao Yun cut her off.

"Miss Betty, I personally think that it is inappropriate for you to address me as Hao Yun. Please address me as Mr Bai from now onward. You may leave if there's nothing else." Bai Hao Yun said coldly.

Betty was slightly taken aback by Bai Hao Yun's response. Bai Hao Yun's office was not soundproof and his voice was loud and clear enough for others to hear it from outside. She clenched her fist and walked out of his office embarrassingly.

Betty didn't took her cookies when she left. Bai Hao Yun frowned as he was looking at the jar of cookies on his table. He must get rid of it before Chen Xixi went back. He called his secretary in. "Sir, how can I help you?" David asked. Bai Hao Yun pointed on the cookies and said, "Help me get rid of these." David looked at his boss confusingly. "Just do it. Throw it away, distribute it or keep it for yourself. Anyway you like." Bai Hao Yun ordered. David thought it was a waste to throw the cookies away, he ended up keeping it for himself.

Chen Xixi drove Bai Hao Yun's car and went to a cafe nearby. She had quite a huge appetite recently. She ordered a slice of blueberry cheese cake and mango tart along with a cup of hot chocolate and cafe latte for takeaway.

Chen Xixi brought the foods and beverages to Bai Hao Yun's office with smile planted on her face. "A cafe latte for you!" Chen Xixi passed the coffee to Bai Hao Yun.

"Oh my goodness! Hot chocolate, cake and tart. All for yourself?" Bai Hao Yun asked in disbelief.

"Yup. It's all mine. You didn't tell me if you want anything."

"My wife, that's a lot of calories inside. You might gain weight after these." Bai Hao Yun teased.

"It's okay, I'm married." Chen Xixi started consuming her desserts without sharing it with Bai Hao Yun.

Dinner was ready to serve when Bai Hao Yun and Chen Xixi was home. Bai Hao Yun scooped a bowl of soup and handed it to Chen Xixi considerately. Chen Xixi took the bowl of soup closer to her face and put it down before she managed to take a sip. Bai Hao Yun noticed the weird behavior of his wife and asked, "What's wrong? Isn't this your favourite fish head soup."

Everyone gazes turned to Chen Xixi as Bai Hao Yun was speaking. Chen Xixi smiled awkwardly and replied, "It's nothing. I just don't feel like drinking it now."

Mrs Bai noticed the uncomfortable look on Chen Xixi's face and asked, "Xixi, are you feeling unwell today?"

"Don't worry mom. I am fine. Just a little bit nauseous." Chen Xixi couldn't bear with the stench anymore. She hold her mouth and ran to the kitchen sink to vomit. Bai Hao Yun followed Chen Xixi to checked on her. He gave her a light pat on her back.

"Are you okay?" Bai Hao Yun asked.

"I'm fine. I just can't stand the smell of the fish." Chen Xixi replied.

Mrs Bai casts a smile at Chen Xixi when she heard her. "Xixi, did you have your period for this month?"

Chen Xixi thought for a while and replied, "I haven't had it since last month."

Mr Bai and Mrs Bai were delighted to hear her replies. "Son, you are becoming a father soon." Mr Bai spoke.

Bai Hao Yun hugged Chen Xixi excitedly after hearing what his father said. No wonder Chen Xixi had such a good appetite recently. He was going to become a father soon! Chen Xixi was stunned. She couldn't believe that she was going to be a mother soon. She was now bearing a child for her man.

That night, Chen Xixi was lying next to Bai Hao Yun. "Yun, do you wish our first child to be a boy or girl?" Chen Xixi asked curiously.

"Well, I don't know. I'm okay with both as long as you give birth to it." Bai Hao Yun caress her hair lovingly. "How bout you?"

"I'm not sure either. If we had a son resembling you, I could see the mini version of you but if we had a daughter like me, she can be your little lover." Chen Xixi replied.

"If you give birth to a son, I will trained him to a good man. If you give birth to a daughter, I will make her my little princess." Bai Hao Yun kissed Chen Xixi's forehead before sleeping.