How's Tomorrow Night?

"I understand if you don't want to; it's ok," she added before he had a chance to respond.

"I... I'd love to," Melvin said. Courtney put a hand over her mouth and laughed in relief, the dimples returning. Her eyes finally gained the courage to rest on his. He liked the way her hazel eyes reflected the green of her apron.

"Oh, thank God! I'd have felt like such a fucking loser if you'd said no," she replied and then gasped, her eyes opening wide in shock.

"Oh sorry, Mr. MacMuffin! You probably don't say the f-word, do you? You seem way too nice!" she squeaked like a frightened mouse.

"Call me Mel, and it's fine. I say the f-word. Fuck! See?" he replied and laughed. His face burned a little as he said it, and he realized that he was blushing now, too. He didn't really say the f-word, but he didn't want her to think he was some kind of prude. She laughed with him.

"How's tomorrow night?" she said, nervously twiddling her fingers as she still held the tray against her chest. Melvin nodded. He would have said yes to any time she suggested.

"Sounds wonderful."

"Great! Why don't I give you my number when I bring you the check?" she suggested.

"Deal," Melvin said, and Courtney backed away before disappearing into the kitchen with a giggle and a cute wave. Melvin sighed. The potion... the love juice... it was all true. It was all real. What had he done to deserve such a thing? He had trouble thinking that the witch had given it to him out of the kindness of her heart. But what could she be getting out of the deal? Did she expect some kind of payment?

Out of curiosity, Melvin checked the call log on his cell phone. The last received call was from his mother in Oregon; the witch's number was nowhere to be found. He tried to dig it up in his head, but he found that he couldn't.

Strange, since he had such a strong memory when it came to numbers. In any case, if the witch wanted to contact him or speak to him, she apparently had his number. Plus, he could always go back to her shop.

Frowning, Melvin pushed all these thoughts out of his mind and let Courtney drift into his brain and fill him up. He couldn't wait until tomorrow night. Then all of his attention would be hers and hers alone. She would be everything to him for as long as she was with him. He grinned at the thought of it.

He was so excited, he could barely eat his chef salad.