The Pizza Interruption

"Bridget," she said, her face flushed. "Bridget Briswell. I know it's a stupid name but not as silly as Melvin MacMuffin, I'd say."

"Gee, thanks. And how'd you find out my name, if you don't mind me asking?" Melvin said. Bridget sighed and slowly stroked him as she spoke. Melvin closed his eyes, listening and feeling the pleasure tingling through his stomach.

"Richie Golding from your office is up on my floor all the time, trying to pick up my twin sister, Brenda. Don't laugh, but yes, our names are Bridget and Brenda Briswell. I'm the smart one, and Brenda's the sexy one. Anyway, I asked him what your name was," she said. Melvin smiled hearing that Bridget's sister was actually the sexy one while it was Bridget who was jacking him off, basically a complete stranger, her body on top of his.

Melvin's eyes fluttered open in recognition, and he said, "You mean, YOU'RE one of the Briswells from Briswell and Briswell, the law firm? I've seen your commercials."

"You better believe it," Brenda replied and licked his lips with her wet pink tongue, her breath warm on Melvin's face.

Then someone knocked on the door, startling them, and Melvin slapped his palm against his head and said, "The pizza!"

Melvin was grateful that Bridget had not yet torn off his clothes, so he could get to the door fairly quickly without fear of scaring the pizza boy to death. Bridget allowed him to get up, and Melvin untucked his shirt and pulled the tails over his crotch, hiding the struggling erection that refused to go away. Glancing down, he figured that he was presentable enough and headed towards the door.

"Be right back," he said over his shoulder to Bridget. Melvin cracked the door open about halfway, a polite smile creasing his face.