The Moment Would Be Over Too Soon

"Yeah, good girl, good girl," the pizza girl said, stroking Bridget's back and pausing to slip a lick between her ass cheeks. "You love to have your pussy eaten, don't you? By nasty whores like me."

"Yeah," Bridget sighed. "Oh, yeah." As she lifted her head, Melvin noticed the red teeth marks that she had left on his skin. He wondered if he was in over his head with two such intense women. The pizza girl pushed Bridget to one side of the couch, rolling her on her back. Bridget's face looked flushed and satisfied as she stared up at the ceiling, a toothy smile parting her lips.

"Now watch while I fuck the shit your boyfriend, and I mean literally. I am gonna fuck him so hard, shit's gonna come out," the pizza girl said, standing up and then straddling Melvin, her pert tits in his face. Rings looped out of each nipple, and Melvin flicked at them with his tongue. She ground her pussy into him, her hips rotating Melvin's cock into her dripping wet warmth. She put her hands to the side of his head, nails digging into his scalp and pulled his head back roughly.

"Suck on my tongue," she said. Melvin opened his mouth, and the pizza girl's mouth was over his, her tongue thrusting into it. He hadn't noticed before, but a large metal stud was in the middle of her tongue. No wonder she had gotten off Bridget so easily and so well.

Melvin gripped her hips as she rode him violently, his fingers digging into her soft flesh, taking comfort in the pulsing heat of her skin. Her breasts brushed against his chest, the cool metal of her nipple rings sliding up and down. Melvin clenched his eyes shut and tried to force his mind to anything but the feeling of the woman riding him. If he allowed himself back into the moment, the moment would be over too soon, and he'd be erupting into the pizza girl like a fiery volcano.

Numbers ran through his brain. Multiplication tables. Graphs. Data from random clients. Statistics. Price quotes. Projected profit margins.