Nothing To Be Frightened Of

Bridget sighed as Melvin began to suck on her bare breasts. She wondered about Melvin's story. Two days ago she would have simply assumed that Melvin was delusional, but after her wild experience with him and the pizza girl, she found herself believing every word. Would she have given Melvin the time of day before he'd taken the witch's love juice? It was hard to say. It wasn't Melvin's physical attributes that made her want him, though he wasn't an ugly man; it was what she could see underneath, his inner self, that made him so attractive. Perhaps the potion merely allowed women to see the beauty, the warmth and kind heart beneath his skin?

Bridget got up and led Melvin by the wrist to the windows. She kissed him and allowed her hands to roam to his belt buckle and unfasten it. Melvin's lips were soft, sweet, and inexperienced much like her own. For some reason, this only made her want him more. Pleasing a man who could have any woman at any time was not as satisfying as pleasing a man who would appreciate what she was going to do for him. She knew that Melvin would appreciate it; it was still too early for him to have become jaded by the legions of women that would soon fall at his feet and beg for his affections. Bridget broke their kiss and slipped a finger between Melvin's lips for him to suck on.

"Do you want me to go with you to your meeting tonight? It might be helpful to have your lawyer with you if the witch gets all tricksy on your ass," Bridget said. She pulled her finger out of his mouth to allow him to speak and slipped his pants and boxers down his legs. She wrapped her hands around his hot throbbing cock. It flexed in her slender fingers. She was proud of how good she was with her hands, and she knew that Melvin had loved his hand job the night before. He could barely croak out his reply, lost in the passion of her graceful strokes and touches.

"Yeah, that might be a good idea," he said.

"Ok, then nothing to be frightened of," Bridget said before bowing to her knees and devouring his cock. Melvin let the pleasure overtake him, placing his hands against the windows for support. The glass felt cool under his palms, and he took in the view of the city around him. Skyscrapers cut through the sky, parting clouds and looming over the landscape like angry giants, monuments to man's modern hubris. Murky clouds gathered in the sky and darkened the day, a layer of gloomy gray sparkling with bolts of electricity. A storm was coming. A few fat droplets of rain pattered against the window in warning.

Bridget glided her mouth over his pole for a few minutes, her hands subtly working him, fingers tickling the underside of his balls, her tongue flicking out and dripping spit on Melvin's cock. Melvin closed his eyes for a moment and leaned his head onto the glass. Her mouth felt so damn good. He opened his eyes and looked down, the ground an eternity below him. Cars zoomed like Matchbox toys, and people were merely moving dots, scrambling from one area to another. This would be the closest sensation he'd ever get to flying and getting head at the same time; pretty cool, he thought. He blew air through his teeth.