Two Choices

"Two things. The first is pretty simple; I have a little number I cooked up that you will drink. The second thing is, sooner or later, you're going to have to make a choice."

"A choice?" Melvin said, his eyes growing wide.

"Yeah, you don't really think you can go around the city with every woman you're attracted to wanting to fuck your dick off without consequences, do you? Sometime, there's gonna be some men who are gonna get pissed you're taking all the ladies and decide to take YOU out. Trust me, I know from past experience," Morgan said. Her dark eyes gleamed in the candlelight like a wolf's.

"You mean someone's been killed because of this same potion you've given Melvin?" Bridget said in a sharp voice.

"Live and learn," Morgan intoned with a shrug and turned to Melvin. "You've got to pick one and only one, but I promise you this. You two will be bound forever and ever by my potion."

"What are you getting out of this?" Bridget cut in.

"Amusement. The satisfaction of helping out my fellow man. I mean, what made you such a cynical bitch? Want me to take some of that edge off, Bridget sweetie?" the witch said in soft, soothing whispers.

Something about the way Morgan said her words sent pleasant shivers down Bridget's back. The woman was beautiful, exotic and somehow dangerous. Bridget found her to be a more and more attractive combination of traits, but she fought to retain her lawyerly mode of skepticism on Melvin's behalf. Morgan's hand slipped through the flickering gloom and rested on top of Bridget's fingers.

"Can I give you something?" Morgan purred. Melvin rapped his knuckles against the top of the table, temporarily breaking whatever spell Morgan seemed to be casting over Bridget.

"You can give me that fuel or potion or stuff now. When do I have to make my choice?" he said, pulling his glasses off and placing them neatly on the table before him.

"Come back whenever you're ready. Just don't take too long making your decision. Now be careful. This stuff has been known to make some people's heads a little funny after they take it," the witch said. She reached down the front of her shirt and took out a long vial of glowing orange fluid.

"Rejuvenator," Morgan said and passed the vial to Melvin. Melvin rolled the vial in his fingers, considering the odd fluid inside of it. He remembered having to put his own essence in the batch of original love juice, and he wondered what possible ingredients might be floating around in this one.

"Some of MY essence, babe. Less filling and tastes great," Morgan said, reading his mind. The corners of Melvin's mouth tightened, and he pulled off the small wooden cork at the end of the vial. The two women looked at him expectantly.

"Bottoms up," he said and threw his head back as he brought the vial to his lips, feeling the warm liquid slid down his throat and settle in his guts.