That Was Interesting

Time was of the essence, considering the large puddle in the middle of the lobby that Tasha was responsible for cleaning and that Melvin was expected in his office by Richie at any moment, so they wasted no time in tearing each other out of their clothes. Melvin pulled Tasha's shirt over her creamy shoulders while she fumbled with Melvin's fly. Unleashing Melvin's straining meat, she stroked him with one hand, gaining heat, tickling his balls with the other. Melvin then pulled Tasha's pants and underwear to her knees and maneuvered himself behind her. In moment, he was slipping into her hot pussy, her ass wriggling as she squirmed in pleasure.

"Oh, fuck. That's it," Tasha murmured as Melvin began to pump his cock into her, thrusting deep and hard. She arched her back, pushing into him, and Melvin pounded at her pussy, sweat starting to drip down his face. He blinked as a salty bead threatened to drop off an eyelash and into his eye. His hands sunk into the soft flesh of her hips, and he clenched his eyes shut. Being in control was a different feeling for him, somehow powerful and authoritative; he could do with her as he liked. Still, he could tell she wanted it rough and dirty, so he'd allow her that satisfaction. But mostly only because he wanted it rough and dirty as well.

"You like it hard, baby?" Melvin said between breaths. Tasha put her hands on the walls and grinded back into Melvin's pelvis, taking him even deeper inside the moist walls of her vagina. Melvin gritted his teeth and waves of pleasure swooped over him and made his legs feel wobbly.

"Love... gettin... it... ROUGH!" Tasha grunted and crashed into him as another bolt of ecstasy rushed through them. She stood up just enough to allow Melvin to grasp her swinging pendulum breasts as he pumped his cock into her sopping wetness. Her titties were so huge, Melvin could hardly find a decent purchase on them with his hands. Her ass smacked against him with a sweaty clap.

The fact that Tasha was fucking a complete stranger in the cleaning supply closet hit her and took her to the edge of her lust. Tasha's passion was overcome by a surging wave from her lower body, and she became blanketed with tingly shivers. She stifled a cry as she came on Melvin's throbbing tool. Meanwhile, Melvin's head swirled, and he felt his muscles clench before spewing his thick load down the side of Tasha's cool leg. They pulled apart and took some time to catch their breath. After a moment, they slowly and quietly began to sort through their clothes without speaking. Finally, Tasha broke the silence.

"Well, THAT was interesting," she said with a breathless laugh, and Melvin laughed with her.