Let Me Try To Explain

"Really? No plans with the ex, I hope."

"No, no. Nothing like that. Perhaps I can take a rain check?" Melvin said, hoping that Olivia would accept his proposal and not further investigate his plans for the evening. Who knew how she would react if she found out he had a date with another woman, one who he was more interested in?

"Sure, anything for my favorite fuck bunny. We'll work something out," she said, gave him a quick peck on the cheek and made her way out of the office, stopping only to blow him a kiss before disappearing behind the closing door.

Melvin sighed and leaned against his desk. What a day.

"What the fuck was that?" Richie Golding asked as he poked his head up from his hiding place under Melvin's desk. Melvin jumped, startled out of his wits. Richie had been under his desk the entire time! He'd heard it all!

"Richie, let me try to explain," Melvin stammered, urging Richie to take a seat with his hands. Richie collapsed into Melvin's office chair, an expression on unbelief etched on his face. Everything that Richie had known and assumed about Melvin was all about to change, and Melvin knew that he'd have to be tactful about his explanation. How much would Richie be willing to swallow?

"I was waiting for you, and when I saw Crabapple come in, I hid under your desk, thinking I could catch her at stealing some of your work but... but... oh shit, this is fucked. You're boning her?" he said, running his hands through his hair. Some of it stood up in spiky patches. Melvin licked his lips, trying to find the right beginning for everything that needed to be said.

"Well, kind of. This is all going to sound a little crazy, but here goes..."