Need To Finish This Nonsense For Good

The bartender was an attractive, bleached blonde who looked more like a surfer chick than a bartender. Melvin ordered his beer, thinking that on any other night he might try the love potion on such a smiling cutie. He was happy to know that he didn't feel the need to tempt her now that he was with Courtney. He passed over some cash and thanked her as she handed Melvin his beer. She slipped Melvin a sly wink before turning to the next customer.

"Hey, what's your ex wife look like?" Joey said, leaning over.

"Short black hair. Attractive. Surgically enhanced hooters," Melvin ticked off Abigail's features on his fingers with a laugh. Joey Dangerfield didn't smile back, but his face darkened. His jaw clenched. Melvin was again reminded that Joey had the physical attributes of an action star.

"I think she's coming this way," Joey said in a low voice, and Melvin barely heard him. However, it was enough to chill his heart, and Melvin pivoted around on his heels and searched the growing crowd with his eyes.

It only took a moment to spot her. Abigail. His ex wife.

She had already found and zeroed in on him through the crowd and snaked towards his position at the bar with long, purposeful strides, her dark hair swishing to keep up. A certain resoluteness held her face, and Melvin didn't like the looks of the expression. Abigail was the kind of woman who always got what she wanted and couldn't handle it when something was out of her reach. Melvin knew that this time, above all others, he was finally beyond her reach.

How Abigail would react to this discovery was anyone's guess.

"Should I head her off?" Joey offered, his jaw stony and set. Melvin shook his head in the negative. Having another man save him from a woman was almost too pathetic for words, and Melvin was pretty positive he could handle the likes of Abigail on his own. He had already done so once today, after all.

"No, let her come. We need to finish this nonsense for good," Melvin said, and Joey nodded in understanding.