Chapter 2 - Student Council

Fuck fuck fuck fuck!!! I did not realized the time and I'm gonna be late. I had been relaxing too much with my new room that I lost track of time.

Now in my uniform and equipped with my sword, I rushed to the station in hopes I can get a ride back to the school ground.

In a few moments, I've arrived at the station. The entrance's automatic sliding door opened as its sensors detected my approach. I entered the building.

A train is still here! That's good. But my hope started to crumble as I heard the PA system announcement.

"The train will leave in just 10 seconds. Please step away from the safety line."

Ok, not good at all. I doubled my pace as I try to catch my ride. I slammed my PDC at the security pass to scan it. Hope I didn't break it.

The train door are starting to close. Not on my watch! I leaped forward and manage to get inside. But I ended up hitting the other side of the train laying up-side-down.


I immidiately set myself up-right and look around. There were also other students on-board. I guess I'm not the only one who's running late.

I took a seat and catch my breath after all those running and stunts I pulled off just to get here.

That's when I noticed someone was seated beside me as well.

"So, another freshman late for the orientation."

I look beside me to see a black wolf. He was seated with his leg cross. I noticed that he wasn't wearing our blazers and replaced instead with a hoodie jacket.

"Yeah. Same as you." I replied

He just chuckled at me and lean his head back. What's so funny about that? I mean he's also a freshman, right? Is this guy too care free to not give a shit about it?

"Sorry to break it to you, but... I'm already in my third year here." he said trying to clarify my confusion "And I'm also a member of the 'Student Council' as well."

That's when he showed off a small pin attach on the left side of his button up shirt collar.

Oh fuck! I'm guessing he's here to list up the students who are late. This isn't good at all.

"I-I'm s-sorry senpai." I begin to stutter to how nervous I am "I-I didn't n-notice who you a-are."

He let's out another chuckle.

Great, now he's laughing at how I look stupid right now.

"There's no need to get all nervous now. Rest at ease" he re-assured me "I'm on with a different matter."

I calmed myself down. That had me almost. I can't believe a Student Council is here.

"So senpa-" before I could finish, he cut me off

"My name is Yachi, Akira Yachi."

"I'm Keizo, Nomura Keizo." I introduced myself "Akira-senpai, so you're with the Student Council?"

"That's right."

"You get the most boring and hustle magnet job, huh?"

He just smirk as he pulls out a handgun. Whoa! I didn't know he would get that offended. Now I'm sweating hard.

"Its a hustle...That part is true." he said as he takes out the magazine and loaded it with a different kind of bullets. "But, boring? I wouldn't say that."

"Isn't the student council on to paper works for school event and such?" I asked him

He just finished loading up his gun and put it back to its holster.

"Small portion is that but..." he paused for a moment

I waited for him to continue. But, my eyes widened in shock. This feeling... Its too heavy... Is this his Magical level? I haven't felt this much except back at home. This guy is beyond me.

"The Student Council members... are also the strongest students here. We stand atop from the others." he continued with a smile

I think I'm gonna piss myself from how this guy is intimidating.

Thankfully, the train slowed to a stop and his Magical Level starts to drop. The train doors opened as he stood up.

"Well, gonna head on with my duty. Best you should prepare yourself and keep an eye on things on your way." Akira-senpai said before leaving.

I shook myself off from that encounter and headed for the orientation venue. But what does he mean by prepare myself and keep an eye out on things?

It doesn't matter. What matters now is I'm going to be late. But the Student Council is still running inside my head. They're actually the strongest students here. And I can't even begin to compare with them. The difference is far out of my reach to even close it up. Maybe if I just listened to my father from all this time, I can even be on par of them. My attitude actually hold me back. If only I took things seriously. If I didn't fucked up my time. Then...

Why am I sensing a mass of Magical Levels? It's like an army. Are these belong to the students at the orientation? No, based from its sources it's coming from... Just outside the campus.

I stopped just infront of the main entrance gate. And stared at what's outside for a moment.

I was caught by surprise as the gate suddenly exploded. What just happened!? I shielded myself from the shockwave the explosion created and hold my ground.

As the explosion subsided, I looked to see the once gate now turned into ruins. I was shocked. We are under attack!? By who!?

It was not common anymore for me. Even though this only happened to me just now. I already seen this in the news. Even though it was covered up. But I know what's true. Clans would attack their opposing side's facilities, hijack sometimes. My father's workplace was attacked like a dozen of times already.

That's when my PDC vibrated and its A.I. announced through it. "The Campus is under attack. Defend the school ground."

You don't have to tell me twice about that.

That's when 3 figures emerged out of the smokescreen: a snow leopard, hyena and dingo. They were armed with weapons. A sword, daggers and a lance respectively to its users.

I draw my own weapon, a longsword which my father passed it down to me, I spin my sword before taking my stance.

"Come at me." I muttered to myself.

The snow leopard reached me first as he tried to slash me with his sword. I parried his attack and he went pass me.

He was followed by the dingo charging with his lance trying to impale. Nice try though. I deflected his weapon up making him lose his footing. He's too wide, now's my chance. I prepared to stab him, dealing the lethal blow.

My sword suddenly hit something hard and invisible before I could pierce his flesh. What!? A magic barrier?

That's when I felt the pressence of the other two just behind me. Not on my watch, motherfuckers!

My sword's blade glowed. Now! I slide my sword down before doing a rising slash behind me shooting a sword wave at my two opponents behind me, at the same time I was launched 10 feet off the ground.

The hyena and snow leopard barely able to dodge it without taking some damage. I got them surprised.

The snow leopard's sword started to spark with lightning. He thrust his sword towards me and shoots out lightning from the tip.

I'm not done yet! My sword glowed and strengthen my grip. I started to spin while I stretch out my sword. When my rotation was fast enough, I turned my self a buzzsaw. I successfully blocked the lightning strike.

I started to descend towards the hyena first while keeping my rotation at the same pace. The hyena took out more daggers and threw it down the ground just infront of him. He even manage to make it stand up-right before a visible barrier appeared.

So that's how it was. But that won't save you anymore. I hit the barrier and just cut it down like a thin piece of paper. Even with my spinning, I can see the fear in his eyes. You're trying to kill me, that's beyond forgiving now, you piece of shit. I cut him down from his torso and landed behind him standing with my two feet.

Blood gushed out of his wound before he fell down. The snow leopard let out a roar of rage as he charges towards me. He's way too full of opening.

"Wait! Hold up!" the dingo tried to stop his comrade.

That's too late now. I slammed my sword to the ground. Blades started to came out of the ground impaling the snow leopard. 2 down and 1 to go.

The dingo was frustrated and decided to retreat for now. Oh no! You are not getting away.

Just before I was about to chase him when a gigantic blade burst out of the ground to where the dingo was standing and impaled him.

"What the fuck!?" I shouted from surprise

"Oh, looks like someone already got ahead already."

I recognize that voice as I turned around to see the other freshmen of my school and that same brown wolf that help me with my admission. He has a sheathed katana in hand and a mask placed on the right side of his face. Next to him is a German Shepherd and... Why is he not wearing shirt under his blazers? I mean his toned body is almost visible underneath. I think I'm getting a nosebleed just looking at him.

It took me to realized his weapon was a spear impaled to the ground. He pulls out his spear at the same time the gigantic blade that burst out from the ground started to descend back down the ground.

"Well, the orientation is not over yet though. He only manage to take down 2 and I take down 1." The German Shepherd stated

"Orientation? This is the orientation?" I asked

"Yes, this also part of it though, at the same time to evaluate the freshmen."

"But, since seeing they also have upperclassmen with them this time around. The Student Council will have to join in to lessen our casuality." The German Shepherd continue

I was surprised after hearing they are also members of the Student Council.

"You guys are Student Council members?" I asked

"And we got to say you handle these upperclassmen pretty well." the brown wolf complimented me "Now then..."

I turned around at the destroyed gate as the smokescreen cleared out. There were far more of the Izumo still out there.

The brown wolf properly wears his mask on "Murder them." he said in the most deep and dark tone but I can see his eyes that he is going to enjoy it.

The Izumo students charges in at the same time ours did. This is going to turn into a war and this campus is the war zone.

"We'll take care of the upperclassmen." the German Shepherd said

He then proceed to take off his blazers. Fuck! I'm getting a boner for this. He's really ripped.

The brown wolf groan "Is that really necessary?"

"What? You know I can't fight well with this stupid tight clothes on the way."

"You should learn some decency you know."

The canine just ignored the brown wolf and jumps in with the battle. The brown wolf then point his attention to me.

"You did a fine job. But you should still help us clean up."

With that he also joins in with the fight. But I need to know how they fight first. The German Shepherd once again stabbed his spear again to the ground. This time chains came out and latch to its five target. The chains started to pull its prisoners towards the canine. He then proceed to spin his spear around with incredible speed. Before I know it, he shredded them into pieces. The only thing I could say was 'Wow'.

My attention was shifted to the brown wolf. He pulls out his katana from its sheathe and slashes the air to shoot out a sword wave. But his attack was dodged by a group of enemies. That's what I thought, the sword wave suddenly vanished and the brown wolf appeared to the previous position of the sword wave. He was about to sheathe his katana back. With an audible clicking sound, blood started gush out from the group before falling down.

They're too good... But not that good... I know and I can match up to them without breaking a sweat.

The brown wolf suddenly leaned his head to the side when he heard a loud gunshot. A bull suddenly jerk his head up before falling to the ground. The brown wolf then turns towards me.

"Watch where you are shooting, asshole!" he yelled out of anger

"My sincirest apology, Eizan-san."

That voice! I turn to see Akira-senpai behind me with his gun in hand.

"I know you did that on purpose." the brown wolf Eizan-senpai complained

"My hand slipped." Akira-senpai said and follow it with a laugh

"Fuck you!"

"Is that an offer? I would gladly take you up for it."

"Shut up!"

In the midst of their quarrel, the Izumo guild students started retreating. Now's my chance to show them what I got. I chase after them.

"Wait! Stand down!" Akira-senpai tried to stop me

I was about to catch up with the enemy troops when a dragon dressed in black button up shirt, a white necktie and white pants suddenly appeared out of nowhere just infront of me with a katana in hand.

"Sorry, off-limits" he said.

I then saw Eizan-senpai above the dragon.


He draws out his katana and slashes down. His slash actually split the ground and landed just infront of me.

"No, you didn't"

The dragon dodge the attack and now standing just infront of us.

"I would love to throw down with you, Eizan. But, I just recieve orders to retreat for now."

That's when Akira-senpai shot another round. His gun fires a stream of red light before it scatters and were homing at the dragon.

The dragon just simply slashed once destroying Akira-senpai's attack and creating a smokescreen. Once it cleared out, the dragon was already gone.

"Tch... He got away." Eizan-senpai muttered

I look around at the aftermath of this battle, our side only had a few casualities.

Eizan-senpai suddenly turned his attention to me.

"Nomura Keizo..."


"The Council President wants to see you."

*End of Chapter 2*