Chapter One:

    It was just like any ordinary hot sunny day, though something about the air told me that things were slightly different, I couldn't put my finger on what was different. I walked down the normal stone pathway to the Temple of the gods, greeting my fellow sisters and brothers. It wasn't until I stepped in front of My Lord Anubis did I notice the difference. The air around the very start was pulsating, almost as if it had an aura. I blinked, somewhat distraught not really sure what was taking place but, I got down on my knees and placed my hands on my lap, closing my eyes praying to him. 

   In this very area of the temple was closed off, almost directly facing the back wall. No one really ever came down this way, no one really ever went to the back of the temple,  most people were afraid of him. I didn't really understand why though, he was one of the oldest gods, yes, but that wasn't why they feared him. He was the son of Set, the god of Darkness. One who ever prayed or offered them self to Set was always later on gifted with a very bad consequence... Mummified alive.

    I sighed silently after a while as I felt bare and too exposed for my own good. The attire for this very path I've chosen was too revealing. It would have been different if I was working with Isis, but I was kneeling before a God and for some reason, I felt that he was staring at me. I shifted uncomfortably and leaned over placing my palms on the floor before flipping them up, almost as if I was offering him something and stayed that way

What only passed as fifteen minutes I then heard a crack. I flinched, wondering if one of the priests had dropped or damaged one of the items that were meant to adorn the god they worked with or if another crack in the statue appeared, either way, I sat up and looked at my Lord and what I saw was astonishing. He was indeed, in fact, staring at me, though it was his human counterpart standing next to his half human half Jackal form. 

I blinked as my White hair fell around my shoulders, covering my exposed breast and body paint, my hand on the muzzle of the jackal mask. I looked up at him, my breath coming faster as he stepped from the pedestal he stood on and stepped down to me. " And who might you be Fledgling?" His deep voice seemed to shake the very ground I was kneeling on. I blinked and stood before bowing before him. " Akasha, My lord. I am the High priestess here. One who would like to serve under you if you will allow it." I placed my hands behind my back and looked up at him. I stood that way almost in a submissive way with my head bowed down, my hair finally falling behind my back exposing my topless self. I was only painted in gold and black and I wore a golden color along with a black kilt that seemed to only cover my front. My legs were painted in the same black and gold pattern as my ankles, wrists, and arms had black cuffs on them.

[That is the best Example of her attire that I can give for now. I might post a character page later.]

I peeked up at him to find him staring at me, his expression almost confused. " What happened to the one that served me before you?" He leaned forward, his eyes cold, holding his spear across his lap. I flinched instinctively stepping back. " Nbhat has become severely ill, my lord," I whispered before clearing my throat. I went back to bowing my head and, stayed in the same submissive like posture until I heard him come closer. I flinched again because he was so close, but also because his hand reached toward my face. I was afraid I was about to be struck by him, but he surprised me by lifting the mask that I had on my face up so that he could see who was underneath.

He peered at me as I looked down and heard him grunt in frustration, grabbing my chin lifting my head up. " You must look at me at all times. That is a must. I don't know if you're afraid or you' re---"

" ---I'm not afraid my lord. I was only being respectful in your presence." I stared in his face almost stunned, pulling my face from his hand. I blinked, not really sure, but I then walked around him and began to dust his other statue, lighting the candles that were on either side of his enormous feet. I then went back to stand in front of him watching him sit lotus his eyes on me.

" I've kept you company For two years my lord, not once did you stir." I began to attend other things around the very area he stood, lighting other candles, Singing under my breath as I looked out at the darkening sky of the setting sun, though I still felt his eyes follow me become more unnerving. I was way more aware of him, I always was but I never knew why. "No fledgling, I was watching. I've watched all of those two years." He peered at me once more before closing his eyes, his hand under his chin. " A lot more souls have appeared in the underworld recently, it is my duty to protect the dead. You of all people should know this High Priestess." He then looked at me with his cold eyes and something in me jolted. 

Immediately I tensed up as the atmosphere between me and him became more and more uncomfortable. I even held my tongue so I wouldn't retort back, and looked down at my bare feet. " I do so, my lord." Was all I could say to him. His very presence was intimidating and I quite frankly, I couldn't stand it, but I was happy that he was here, that at least he showed up. " What did I say earlier?" He growled suddenly his hand reaching out to grab my face, but this time he held on to it in a tight grip his eyes peering into mine.

I stared at him as something in my jolted again, the tension growing only it was growing elsewhere. He finally let me go, sighing with a distant look on his face. " I must depart here. Come later tonight. I have something that I must speak to you about." He grunted standing before stepping back on his pedestal. He gave me an unnerving hard, cold look before going still, becoming lifeless stone.

I let go of the breath that I held and crumbled to the floor and blinked, understanding why some of the others would swoon. But I wasn't going to falter. Not ever and not yet.


I made it back to my chambers, my dear friend waiting for me. " How did it go. Still No response?" Azeaze looked up at me, he wavy hair falling around her shoulders. She grabbed my hands as she began to pull my hair from its updo, placing the hairpins in a jar that sat on the table. I heaved a sigh and looked at her, my eyes wide, squeezing her hand. " He actually appeared before me. It wasn't what I was expecting to happen. He was cold towards me." I whispered, squirming as she finally took the last pin from my hair, pulling the mask off of me setting it on the table as well. My hair, then fell in white waves around my shoulder as she grabbed my hand leading me to my bath. When she leads me to the water I stepped into something nice and comforting, the water laced with herbs and other essential oils.

" Well, it's a start... Just don't go falling over them. It's forbidden and also, you're the Pharaohs' daughter, You will be the next to wear the crown." She looked at me as she began to pour water into my hair, scrubbing my scalp. I closed my eyes for a long moment, savoring the massage, but something bothered me deeply. If he was watching why didn't he come out sooner?