Harry Potter : Another Dark Lord - Chapter 25 : Conflicted Year

The Great Hall welcomed alarming news. The students had followed for days, the investigation on the missing minister. This strange case gave birth to many theories especially with the house guard testimonies, the emptied building and the said sight of the minister in devious places to buy portkey leading to foreign countries. A replacement was elected as for the time being until they found the truth. If not, the Wizengamot would elect a new minister by the start of the new year.

Reading the newspaper, the orphan noticed how the bushy girl was left alone on her table. She seemed to have recurrent conflicts with the redhead wizard who glared at her between every fourth spoon of the meal. The green robe was outside the school kitchen because of the blond head next to him. She wore his handmade dream catcher like a necklace. The strange object had basilisk scales instead of feathers and a big unicorn eye in the construct center. She was really happy with this birthday gift and paid attention to not stain or damage it despite the runes engraved to not allow it.

Watching another taunt by Draco to the red and gold table, the ritual adept picked another slice of meat. Whenever he had breakfast in the Great Hall, he would try to see this kind of entertainment. Just eating after training his body the morning was boring especially if the girl was stuffing herself with pudding. Catching the falling sunglass, the third-year put them on the table. It was the gift he enchanted to allow the user to see in the dark. With it, the younger witch could wander in new places without alarming the caretaker of her presence.

The confrontation didn't end up with just words this time. The savior of magic wasn't in a good mood. The two rivals had drawn their wands before the present professor separated and stopped them. The green eyes were filled with anger and fear. Did the savior of the wizard word learned about his godfather, thought the orphan. The irony of the situation made him lift his lips.

The lion celebrity caught on the green robe mockery before leaving the Great Hall.

HP - Another Dark Lord

Still cold, the water didn't stop a student to swim across the black lake. The season was getting warmer, but no other students dared to enter the squid's living place. Controlling the water to dissipate any ripple, the presence of the disillusioned wizard was perceived by a moving cavity on the lake's surface. Any fishes crossing the intruder path ended up immobilized by his death stare. Whenever a group came, the ritual adept controlled his eyes to either freeze them one by one or instead get them all at the same time. Without control, this lethal power was too dangerous to use safely.

Around the seventh lake circle, the swimming student noticed a group of third-year gathering at the shore. The small crowd was divided into two-part with three and four wizards on each side. Getting closer, the orphan witnessed the group exchanging insults. The noticeable fat duo with the blond leader and the brown supporter was from the green robe house. Facing them was the new 'golden' trio made of the savior, his sidekick and his new 'friend'.

No professor was present as it was dinner period. Exiting the water, the naked student summoned his invisible clothes from somewhere he put them before swimming. As he put his green robe on, the witness appreciated the confrontation. First, Draco sent a curse hitting the redhead in its face, resulting in facial hair expending to a meter long. Unable to see, the redhead was struck by a stunner this time while the savior was firing his own, taking down the two bodyguards.

As interesting as it was, the orphan gathered magic in his back. Deploying his wings, the ritual adept flew to the castle seven-floor. Entering by the window, the third-year moved forth and back in front of the troll tapestry. Piles of broken and lost objects greeted the regular. Wishing for advanced books on runes, the room summoned shelves of textbooks and essays on the topic.

Before searching for the information, the ritual adept activated his old ritual circle. With enough ingredient, this time he succeeded to raise three flesh golems. Without magic core, those creatures were like automatons with an understanding borrowed from the master mental link. They weren't independent. They wouldn't betray any secret. They were another variation from his first test of a living clone.

The two servants didn't have other utility than obeying until their death. Unable of magic, they were still capable to browse the small library and recovered potential objects to sell. The green robe didn't want to alert the headmaster with altering the house-elves' minds. The leader of light would notice it. The less this man knew of those experiences the better it was for the ritual adept.

Activating a copy of his wings on the third clone, the original conjured a silver knife and started engraving multiple rune on the skin and feathers. Bound by chains the experiment was immobilized even the body reflexes were stuck in place. The green robe didn't use a stunner on the body to make sure no internal magic was affecting the rune's effect on the patient.

Speed, vitality, immunity were the main effects the student sought with this process. However, the patient's skin underwent the marking of any runes found in the books. Any possible combinations were branded on the flesh or the bones. Trying for days, the cut became swifter with smaller size symbols. The ritual adept knew that the theoretical limit wasn't reachable at his level so he stopped when the proportion could fit the one found inside broom and wands.

Another problem he encountered was the side effect of runes that weren't compatible with each other, like sōwilō for the sun and īsaz for ice. When the sun rune was engraved first, it prevented the second one to come into effect. When it was engraved in the inverse order, the clone arms exploded with frostbite. Failure after failure, the wizard was getting closer to succeed in his making a rune set. Witnessing the many death of himself, the orphan was numbed toward those visions of his own demise.

Knowing his body couldn't undergo any more permanent ritual, the orphan had to either craft himself a new vessel with a better physical limit which would take a lot of time or he could and was going down this path, try to find alternative solutions to enchant his abilities. Runic engraving and magical tattoo were easy to test, but to further its potential, he would have to visit other countries to test their own system that didn't rely on Latin or Nordic letters.

Gulping a potion for his tiredness, the orphan stopped his work for the night. The fake sunrise illuminated the silver diadem inside a transparent container.

HP - Another Dark Lord

The path from the castle to the gamekeeper's hut was multiple. One of them differentiated from the other roads with its group of monolithic menhirs. Arranged into an uneven wall of gray color, the tall upright stones underwent a new skin. With her fingers, a second-year witch painted blue motives on each rock. The new picture of subjective patterns rotated at different speeds on the stone supports.

Enjoying stories from The Tales of Beedle the Bard, the orphan helped the girl to climb to the top of the stone. Filling the place with his magic, he could make part of the air solid to give her footing. Her ambition was to cover most parts of the monolithic to illustrated one story of this Christmas gift she gave. If he guessed true, she would gift him the second earing she made. The first one was for the boy's birthday, but he refused to stick it near his head. Instead, he added this element to his existing bracelet.

Nearly finishing the artwork, the duo was rejoined by a famous green robe trio. After a node, Draco, along Crabbe and Goyle lurked within the fresh paint. Binoculars in hand, they spied on the gamekeeper. The half-giant stood in the pumpkin patch, tossing dead ferrets to the hippogriff. Draco didn't resist to display his joy when the man wiped his eyes. Laughing hard, the blond wizard boasted on his father's influence for the creature death sentence.

Newcomer seeing the spectacle, couldn't contain themselves. The orphan shield repelled spells that came toward the monolithic group. The savior with his two house-mates were once again confronting his rival. Angry by this sneak attack, the blond snake and his bodyguards repeated another informal duel to the red robes. With watering eyes, Potter knocked off his blond opponents.

When the clash ended with the lion win, the second-year had finished her artwork. The lions couldn't move an inch. The many lines over the different stones moved around. The strange design revealed itself as a vertical line inside a triangle and a circle surrounded by moving grass one each side of the river at the bottom, only visible when the viewer was on the right side of the monolithic' group with an angle between ten and forty-five. Admiring the painting, the orphan recalled all the stories he read in his book. Proposing the tale of the three brothers, the orphan got the second earing.

After healing his house-mates, the green robe followed the younger witch and dispelled his magic around the arena.

HP - Another Dark Lord

The crowed reception where rows of witches and wizards sat upon rickety wooden chairs wasn't emptying itself with the late hour. Some visitors looked perfectly normal, perusing outdated copies of Witch Weekly while some others sported gruesome disfigurements such as elephant trunks, extra hands sticking out of their chest or even missing chunk of flesh.

Passing by the medical staff who was walking up and down the rows, making notes on clipboards after asking questions, the green robe and the elder wizard passed through the corridor of St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. Starting from the fourth floor, the headmaster visited each patient of this ward. The long-term residents for permanent spell damage were delighted to see the leader of light paying a visit.

After making some small talk with the last patient, the older wizard faced his student. " I fear Mikhael, this is our last meeting for this year. And maybe, I won't even have time for your fourth since, it'll be a unique one in kind. ", the wizard shook the hand of a medical staff after finish his short discussion with the green robe. Descending to the third floor, the leading wizard visited the patients for potions and plant poisoning.

Repeating the same process, the headmaster spent more than hours in the building. " So many suffering Mikhael. It was worse during the war. Healers are formidable. I know, I'm an old man rambling. I'm a fool, wishing to help them all, but can't we dream a bit, Mikhael ? What is your ? ", sitting inside an empty room the wizard conjured a basin. Facing the student, the headmaster extended his hand above the new container.

" I've lost mine, years ago. ", the green robe didn't stop the older wizard when the latter's hand was inflicted with a cutting charm.

Blood spilled from the wound. Red drops hit the basin bottom. " Sad thing Mikhael. I too, lost things in my life. Many things I regret, even now. We can't change past, only live the present and shape the future. ", with a pale expression, the injured man waved his wand when the basin was half full. Unlike normal healing spell that target specific problems, the greenish light, the same used on tree, enveloped the red loss and hand cut. The blood was injected into the body, leaving no trace of any scars.

" At one moment in life, we must all face the choice between what is right, and what is easy. ", the wizard put his wand in his pocket. Trusting the student, the headmaster cut his little finger with a stronger severing charm. Waiting less than a minute, the wizard stuck his lost finger back to the injury. The healing light was taking a chunk of the man's magical reserve as the part was merged back to its original place. The lesson followed by burning and breaking bone wounds. The injury wasn't just one, it went from one finger to two, three then five and all of them. After the burn, the older wizard took a pause, eating half an apple, letting the other part to the student.

HP - Another Dark Lord

Finishing his preparation, the orphan sighed to the prospect of another night without sleep spent in the Room of Requirement. Deprived of arms and legs, the clone was bound to a wooden chair. Runic circle around the artificial 'human', the wizard made the silver diadem floated and topped the target head. With his telekinesis, the green robe made another restriction on the sitting subject. The foul magic emanated from the cursed object. It penetrated the golem's skull. Trying to trash around, the magic-less clone had an insufficient physical strength to break free.

After a minute of struggling, the dismembered 'human' calmed down. Red eyes stared at the ritual adept. The mental link between the original and the copy wasn't destroyed but used as a pathway for the foreign entity to attack the green robe mind. This wasn't a probe nor a mind visit, but a stronger than normal Imperius Curse. The direct link allowed the thing residing inside the cursed object to channel more of its magic.

A cold voice repeated with force the same order, 'Free me'. Each tentative became weaker. The magic stored inside the diadem wasn't infinite. Negating the orders, the green robe transfigured a luxurious armchair and sat down. Floating closer to the experiment, the student stopped at the circle limit. Straightening his back on the fluffy cushion, black orbs sent death.

With an inhuman scream, the foreign conscious exited the clone body, returning into the diadem. Making the body burned to ashes, the wizard severed the arms and legs of another clone before using it as the previous set up. This time, the ritual adept didn't let the thing start the fight. With his own mind art, the orphan pierced from the clone head to the object conscious.

Weakened, the thing attached to the diadem had a hard time fighting against the prepared invader. Every barrier, soldiers and creatures this mind had to protect its secret was turned to ashes before touching an hair from the orphan's mental body. The mind world represented the school castle. The same walls, towers, doors, corridors and rooms were found inside.

Confused by the appearance of an older student inside the place, the intruder recognized the one he met in the Chamber of Secrets. A tad older, without a doubt, this person was the dark lord in his youth, Tom Riddle. As furious as this one was, it could resist long in the mental duel. After burning away the fake wand in the hand of the mind owner, the intruder operated with the same treatment to the living vessel.

A member-less dark lord was forced to watch as the intruder visited each room of the castle, viewing each of his memories. The one at the orphanage, meeting the headmaster, the similarity didn't bother Mikhael. He saw why the leader of light was so cautious of him since the first year. He understood, but didn't didn't forget. The orphan continued his intrusion through new memories.

HP - Another Dark Lord

Patting one last time Bob, the alpha death horse, the green robe noticed some animal prints on the ground that were larger than normal for a dog. The trace dug in the earth for half a centimeter. The beast was heavy. Following his instinct, the wizard deployed his winged while two third eyes checked on the trace and path the animal left in the wood.

Deep into the dense vegetation, the disillusioned wizard flew across a small river where the animal footprints stopped. Checking on the other side, the chase continued with new traces left meter south from the riverside. The third-year had an idea about the creature leaving such a trail. The fur and broken branches gave an estimation of the beast size and color. Bushes were devastated by the animal path.

Slicing some giant spiders in his pursuit, the wizard reached a hidden cavern, half-covered by a dead trunk and a mushroom colony living on its carcass. The interior stench repulsed the newcomer. The magical eyes spied on the inside, but no living creature was present, only bones and animal's remnants. Pondering on his next actions, the intruder set the interior in flames.

The hunt for the dog failed. For two years, it was the first clue the student found of his second pet. This region of the forest wasn't where he usually wandered for herbs and moving targets. The three-heads dog would understand the message as the wizard removed a layer of his modified disillusionment to let his scent linger the burning place. If the beast didn't, its fate wouldn't be a graceful one. Leaving behind a last glance, the wizard set up the Caterwauling Charm in case.

Flying above the trees, the wizard accelerated, without obstacles on his path he reached the castle in less than half the time he spent for his track. Near the lake, the orphan noticed his second-year friend feeding bread to the squid. Coming closer, the green robe noted the presence of the savior. That was strange to see this lion without his sidekicks. Canceling the magic that hid him from other, the orphan strode next to the girl. Taking a piece of food in her bag, he threw it to the squid.

" You are Mikhael right ? Luna told me you would come if I waited. ", the savior of the wizard world stepped back while facing the green robe. Focusing on his footing, Potter drew his wand, pointing toward the ground. " Fight me. ", not receiving any response back, the lion student started to redden. " I'm not the same. I'm stronger now. I've trained hard. ", taking pride in his last statement, the wizard didn't dodge eye contact.

Around ten meters away, the boy who lived only heard an emotionless 'why'. Remembering his parents in the mirror of Erised and the moving photo in his family album, the wizard stayed silent for a while. " That doesn't concern yourself. ", lifting his hand, the savior imitated the duel salute and posture displayed in their second year. The lion waited for the younger witch to sat away from the area before waving his wand.

Not willing to play this little game, the green robe disarmed his opponent with his telekinesis. The opponent's grip was far from resisting the attracting force. The wand of holly flew into the orphan hand. The duel lasted less than a second. Tilting his head, the ritual adept didn't move when his contestant cried on the ground. Instead, he caught up the blond girl who wanted to come closer to the lion student. She intended to comfort the nice wizard that lost the confrontation. Clenching his teeth, the orphan let her go and walked away.

" If I can't even beat you, how I'm supposed to kill the one that betrayed my parent, Sirius Black. ", the boy who lived slammed his fist on the earth, water in the eyes.

HP - Another Dark Lord

The Room of Requirement wasn't perfect. Despite all of its advantages, it couldn't create food nor summon some from the kitchen. When the room was copying the kitchen, it was the exact replica without the army of elves and fresh food. Taking a bite of his original pudding, the green robe traveled again inside the mind of the dark lord soul. The clone was created each time before being destroyed to not leave any shreds of evidence.

The knowledge from the dark arts leaded the green robe to learn about the Horcruxes. This was the way found by the madman to survive despite losing his physical vessel. Splitting the soul and hiding it inside object was a process that required a living sacrifice. No animal other than a human could be exchanged to perform this magic on a human soul. Maybe the death of a rodent would allow to split the soul of another rat, but no sacrifice of different kinds could.

The school-day was coming to an end in a month. The orphan was squeezing as much as he could from this unique source, considering bringing it back home to further progress on this path or letting it in a safe place until next year. Siphoning magic collected by the silver crown made it less aggressive. When nothing new could be extorted, the ritual adept planned to sacrifice this lesser portion of soul for a dimensional offering. He was confident in his ability to try some lesser summoning or opening gate to other 'worlds'.

Making sure to not damage the founder artifact, the green robe put it back into its unbreakable container. Filtering memories was taking a load on him. Family murder and raid were instructive the first time, seeing the battle arrangement, strategy and spell used, but the thousandth one wasn't. The time when the dark lord recruited his followers was something the orphan couldn't copy. The charisma and conviction displayed wasn't something he could inspire in other, even training wouldn't bring him to this level without spending too much time.

A high-pitched scream resonated in the Forbidden Forest. The Caterwauling Charm was activated. The modified version would alarm not when an unauthorized person entered the perimeter, but when the specified beast would. Removing his clone, the green robe exited the room and jumped from one of the seven-floor windows. Flying with his maximal speed, the ritual adept reached the cavern before the alarmed stopped, emptied of magical energy.

There, low to the ground crouched a giant dog. The three heads whined at the wizard sight. Happy to have found Ace 2, the orphan petted the animal and caressed its fur. Some wounds were removed with the green healing. The animal was fifty centimeters taller than the last time the orphan saw it. Jumping on its top, the wizard commanded it to roam the forest. Heavy paws left deep marks behind as the beast sprinted through the wood. Not so far away, they heard some howling under the full moon.

Following the riverside, the orphan appreciated the wind on his face. The speed was good. The dog was a good asset despite its grave weakness toward music. He would find a way to remove it since anyone knowing it could bypass this beast. Meeting a wild troll, the wizard let the three heads creature fight it. It was a test, to be sure the animal was better than just transport. The strength behind the paws and ferocious bites made a short job of the troll. Congratulating the creature, the ritual adept collected the useful parts and let the animal feast on its prey.

Preparing to flew away, the green robe noticed the presence of two students on the other side of the river. Strangely it was Hermione with Harry. That girl was avoided by her classmate, how did she ended up in the wood with the savior, thought the orphan. He saw during the year how she separated from her own house. Trying her best in every lesson and lecturing the savior from time to time.

The two lions ran away. Traversing the river on his pet back, the green robe encountered a strange wolf. The famished body, elongated arms, legs and peeled hairs copped with the ability to walk on its two back legs made it clear on the creature nature. Sniffing around, the werewolf stop net. The meeting with the three heads dog didn't end up well for the creature.

A heavy paw threw the smaller animal against a tree. Howling, the werewolf recovered and bared its teeth toward the huge dog. Avoiding the attack, the creature jumped to knack at the wizard on the top. A two hand longsword pierced the werewolf gut. Nailed to the ground, the human beast was unable to remove the conjured weapon as many others were summoned to pin it down. Blood couldn't coagulate. The werewolf regenerative power was countered by venom covering all the blades that was piercing its body. Dying howling couldn't leave the destroyed throat.

Leaving the five X creature, the green robe commanded Ace 2 to continued its walk in the Forbidden Forest.

HP - Another Dark Lord

Still black, the Great Hall started The End-of-Term Feast in dark color. Demanding one minute of silence for the decease, the headmaster made the wall behind him display a portrait of the late professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, Remus Lupin. Controlling his convulsed gasps at the professor image, the boy who lived waited for the minuted to end before shedding hot tears on his plate.

Because of this incident near the end of the year, the headmaster chose to not award the annual house cup since it was of lesser importance than honoring the dead. The next new offered by the wizard was of lighter subject, the dark guardians wouldn't come back next year since their presence failed, to protect the students and to catch the wanted man by the ministry.

The last information for the feast was the new Minister for Magic, Rufus Scrimgeour, decision to increase the price on the head of the escaped prisoner and the ban on All-England Wizarding Dueling Competition since this year had resulted in more death case than the previous decade. Pages on the wizard main newspaper related the qualifiers secret death statistic and the horrendous behavior of the constant number six.