Whenever I see a tree...

They say that a tree is magical. I didn't believe them. How can a tree be magical?

I grew up with that tree. My mother water her when she was a twig, even put a brace when she needs them for she sways. How can a tree be magical?

Every childhood days of my life I played around that tree. I climbed her, pick flowers on her, eat her fruits and even share her with birds. I sleep in her branches, dreaming of what I would be someday. I even curve my dream boy's name on her trunk. I cried on her branches when my heart was broken. How can a tree be magical?

The rest of my life I've walked around that tree. I never saw any magical thing going on that tree. They are lying to me. All I see are everyday ordinary things a tree does. How can a tree be magical?

Every stormy day, she sways and dances with the storms. Every rainy day, she opens her branches for everyone to find sanctuary. Every sunny day her shade is heavenly. Every harvesting days, she shares whatever she can give. Even give herself to everyone who needs her branches for shelter. How can a tree be magical?

Every winter and fall days, she looks haunting with all her leaves falling and just the twigs showing. Every spring and summer days, flowers blossom around her majestically beautiful. Oh, I forgot there are some nights that her branches are a shelter for fireflies clans. Now that is enchantingly beautiful. How can a tree be magical?

Now I have to re-think things...