When you have given reasons to fight for your life...


You've come back!

I've missed you so!

"I'm here to fetch you, Hades."

What do you mean by fetching me?

Where are we going?

"For us to be together again."

But I'm busy playing here with Patricia and Father.

"You won't feel pain where we are going, Hades."

Mother said she'd bring me to the hospital and the doctors there will make my pain go away.

I'll be okay here, Margaux.

Don't worry about me.

I am happy now.

Just missed Father, cause we had a fight before he left for work. I'll wait till he comes back home.

They love me and taking good care of me here."

"Are you sure you won't come with me, Hades?"

Yes, I am sure, Margaux and besides, they will miss me here. I don't want Patricia to miss me as I've missed you. It was heartbreaking, and it almost killed me.

"I know they love you; I just can't bear to see you like this."

I will be fine.

Look at her she's been crying, and it's painful to see her cry like this. She called the doctor already; I don't know why she got mad and cried. She hasn't slept for days looking after me.

"I will be praying for you, Hades. Be well my dear brother and stay happy."

I love you, Margaux.

I will be staying here for a while. Then you can come back when my time really comes. This is not yet the end for me.

"Adios, for now, Hades. I'll be back when that time comes."

I have to fight, Margaux.

I have to keep breathing for her.