A life experience that will happen only in my dreams ...

Fifteen to two hundred million of them swim every time. Only the strongest amongst them will survive to reach their peak destination.

Their three days lifespan is spent looking for their one and only life partner that only lives for forty-eight hours till it may be reborn again the following month of their life cycle.

If they get lucky they meet and join together. The union of two individuals as one will develop to their maturity of thirty-six weeks while hibernating together.

The time for coming out will be soon. To see a new world of chaos after living in peace with just the sound of the heart beating as a companion in their own special world.

Coming out to the new world as one. This time a different fight for survival. Outside, there are more challenges to win, more ways to live, and more stages in life to battle. The peace and tranquility they had enjoyed in their own world are no more.

This time they are going to look for their new life partner in a jungle world that has too many to choose from. They have to rely on their hearts and souls to learn while finding their true happiness.

With a dream of someday, they too can create a new life.