UNEXPECTED incounter with a beauty

"Boni why Ella taking to much time in washroom" Sarah ask.

"Hmm.. I also don't know. it's been while is did'n return."Boni said with phone in her hand.

After five minutes, Sarah stand up and dash towards the washroom . Looking to her friend going in directions of washroom Boni also follow her.

In the direction of washroom Sarah listen some boys voice .

"hey baby come with us."A boy asked her

"we will satisfy you with money and body"A boy stand beside her added.

" I don't need money and your ugly body.GET OUT!!!.

Then girl start struggling to escape form these bunkers .but a boy block her by his arms.

Linda and Boni have no mood to interfere in someone matter but girl voice stop them in their tracks.

The voice of the girl same as Ella and then they run in the direction of the voice .then by peeking in the door they saw a boy is capture a girl in their arms .

looking at the face of the girl they recognize the girl is not other than their dear friend Ella.

They open the door instantly and SARAH kick a boy who trying to kiss Ella

Within the whole few seconds Sarah Knock out of all the boys and run out of the door and lock it .

Then three run in the direction of elevator . when they are in the parking lot then enter in there car and out of the hotel.

In the car no one is speaking. After they are one and half kilometers away from the hotel Boni stop the car in the side and take sign in relief.

Boni turn in the direction of girls who are sitting in back sit. When their eye meet they couldn't help but laugh loud.

"I think our boring dinner is become interesting."

"yeah" SARAH and Ella say in unison.

they started laughing again.

"Stupid punks " boni said and start driving the car. Driving half hour they are in the Boni place .Boni say goodbye to the girls and turn to the direction of elevator.

SARAH start driving the car and Ella was in passenger seat.when they are Ella place she say thanks to SARAH for today and went to in her home.

when SARAH went to her apartment it's already past twelve. when she take of her top and shoes in same time then she held her shoe in her hand to put it in her wardrobe . looking at her shoe she remember that when she and her friends running out of the hotel her shoes open and flung in the direction of a pair of man casual shoes before she pick up her shoes a slender long hand pick up her shoes and throw in her direction but SARAH instantly catch her shoes .

because she was in bad mood she look in the direction of man. she dash towards the man and said


and want to say teach him a lesson but...before she took one step listen a man saying behind her " "here she is " then without thinking much she run like she running for life .

Thinking about the man she walk in the direction of bathroom after bath she wear her pajama and slide in her bed.

"Ahhhh ...God you are so unfair with girls how can you make a beauty like him."

and fall

a sleep.

In the hotel,

A boy enter in the private room with the first aid box. Room are unexpectedly silent . looking all over the room He sit on the table left side. Then he started to apply antiseptic on his friend. Boy couldn't help but cry instantly then a fly shoe knock him on his head


" you four guys can't fight with three girl hmmp....SHAME ON YOU."

a boy who sitting in the single chair yell

"but I think they are beaten by single girl hehe." a brown hair boy says

"Jasob can you SHUT UP" the boy in fancy clothes and green hair says.