The interview

Jess confidently entered The World company building. She was tall, had a perfect hourglass figure which was accentuated by the black pencil skirt and a suit over her peach-colored blouse. Her shoulder-length hair was simply tied up in a ponytail, and her face was bare with no makeup, just a lip gloss was applied to make her rosy full lips even more beautiful. She looked professional and had an elegant aura around her.

The lady at the front desk was in a daze after seeing her. Jess greeted her, " Hello, I am here for an interview with the chairman for the post of the secretary. Can you please give me more details about where I am supposed to go?"

The question brought the lady out of her daze, " Hello miss. The interview will be held in front of the chairman himself and you are to go to the 45th floor, the staff present there will take you to the destination." If Jess wouldn't have said to her that she was here for an interview she would have definitely that she is a big shot.

Jessica smiled at her and thanked her before making her way towards the elevator.

Jessica was very confident about her capabilities. As she was making her way towards the room, her mind was filled with all the possible situations and questions which could come up during her interview.

The chairman's assistant, Mr. Cox was waiting for her in front of the elevator. As soon as he saw Jessica leave her he approached her,

" Miss Blevins, hello I m the chairman's assistant and you can call me Mr. Cox. Please follow me to the chairman's office"

Seeing the man waiting for her she felt conscious and asked, " Good to meet you, Mr. Cox, I hope I am not late for the appointment."

He smiled, " Absolutely not miss. You are very much on time. "

He led her towards the room and knocked on the door twice after he received the response from inside, he opened the door and led her inside.

When she entered the room what she saw was an old man, seated on a chair, focused on seeing the data displayed on the computer screen. The room had the left wall covered with a full-length book self which displayed some of the trophies and awards and had a lot of books in foreign languages and about various aspects.

After looking around the room, she focused on her task today. Right! She didn't even greet the man. Oops!

She waited for the man to recognize her presence in the room. Mr. Cox silently went beside Grandpa Parker, the Chairman, and whispered something into his ears. Grandpa Parker slowly nodded and made a sign asking him to leave the room. Seeing that his boss wanted him to excuse immediately, he bowed and left the room.

Finally, Grandpa Parker looked up and was sizing Jessica from top to bottom, as if he was trying to analyze something.

Jessica saw this as a sign to finally introduce her.

" Good morning sir. I am Jessica Blevins. I am here to interview for the post of the secretary to Mr. CEO. "

Grandpa Parker had no change in emotions and just nodded his head. He started asking questions about her education, work experience, qualifications, and all work-related matters. After he was satisfied with the response he asked her one final question.

" Miss Blevins I would like to know why did you suddenly leave your excellent job abroad and are here instead?"

Jessica was mentally prepared to answer this, but she still had to calm herself and tried to stop the emotions which threatened to reveal themselves.

" Even though everything was perfect there, I felt that I left behind something important here, I missed my parents a lot. So I decided to return to the continue working here."

Satisfied with her answer, Grandpa Parker smiled and said, "Finally I found someone capable enough to work alongside my grandson. He was studying abroad, in fact in the same city as you. He is finally returning and will take up the role of the CEO and then I can finally retire peacefully."

He pressed a button and Mr. Cox appeared, " William, take Ms. Blevins around the office and introduce her to everyone important." Then he turned to Jess. " Miss Jessica we will send the contract and details tomorrow and you can start working from next Monday. See you then. Goodbye"

He had no further intentions to continue talking with her so he went back to his work.