Why can't you leave me alone?

Jessica sat there waiting for her friend when she felt someone's presence behind her.

She was a bit scared. 'Bit' scared would be an understatement. Though she didn't drink much, she was not capable of fighting the stranger.😨

She turned around and her eyes went wide in shock.

"Y-you, you What are you doing here?"

Jess wondered how was he able to find her whenever she went out or was alone.😣

'Ughh... How to get rid of him'

"How are you, Jess? It has been a while since I last you", after a short chuckle he continued, "It is so funny that we always meet in such circumstances"

He slowly moved towards her.

She moved backward.

"Stop right there Do not come forward"

He dint say anything, just continued to move forward and a slow pace. His eyes glistened with tears, it was longing for her.

Jess: "Listen, I have already told you many times to not follow me back. Don't you get this small thing? Why do you have to create more problems for me? Why can't you leave me to live peacefully and have to create more problems for me? Just leave me alone, will you?

Jess didn't want to show him her vulnerable side, she didn't want to cry in front of him, but now she could not control anything. Everything was beyond her will. Her dam of emotions could not hold up any longer.

Seeing her cry, he moved forward and embraced her, "Jess, please don't cry. I cannot live without you. Let us not talk about leaving anymore"

Jess started struggling and finally removed herself from his embrace, "Yes, let us not talk about it"

As soon as he heard this, his eyes shined with happiness but it was short-lived.🤐

Jess: "As I see that you have no intention of leaving me alone, I will do so myself"

She started walking away from him, but he held her wrists and pulled her back.

"No, you can't leave me alone"

The gentleness and longing from before were now gone. Instead, it was then filled with fury and craziness. He started dragging her toward a more secluded area.😡

"W-what are you doing? Are you out of your mind? Release me this instant or the consequences won't be good"


Rose had just found a cab driver and now was walking towards the place where she left Jess

'I hope that she is there without causing any trouble'

'Huh? Where is she? I left her right here '

Rose felt a headache coming. She started looking for her nearby.

"... Release me this instance.....no good"


This was all she could think about at that moment. The voice sounded somewhat similar.


It is Jessica.

'Oh Jess I hope you are fine'

She rushed towards the source of the sound and saw that her friend was being dragged away by a man.

Rose ran straight towards the guy and pulled out Jessica's hand from his grip. Without any further delay, she tried to kick him below his abdomen, she learned that it deals maximum damage with fewer efforts, but it never goes as one plans his action to be.

The man was already in a bad mood because Jess was stubborn and out of nowhere someone came to interfere. He held her legs, as Rose tried to kick him and pushed her back.

Rose was in an awkward position and with the push, she lost her balance and fell. She could not even get up and her waist and hands were aching due to the impact.

Jess: "ROSE....", she cried out.

Everything was happening at a fast pace. Jess was in a daze. She rooted in her place and could not even move an inch.

The man turned around and grabbed her shoulder and was about to take her somewhere when someone punched him on his face from the side. Due to a sudden attack, he stumbled backward.


John had finally located the source of the sound and found that it was indeed her. He was confused by the scene taking place in front of him. The man had a look of concern and longing whereas she showed only hatred towards him. John was happy that Jess didn't reciprocate the same feelings for the man. It was a strange feeling. He had never thought that he would be happy for such a silly reason.

John had put himself in between the man and Jess. He first checked Jess for injuries. He noticed that her wrists had turned red due to force with which they were being held earlier. He lightly touched it, "It must be painful." He turned and hid her behind him, like a mighty mountain protecting her from everyone.