The one from Sydney...

John reached the place on time. He asked the receptionist and got to know that 'his guest' had already arrived and was waiting for him in the room.

On his way to the private room, thousands of thoughts crossed his mind.

What will I say to her, "Hello I am your boss; Nice to meet you"

Naah! I can't say this to her.

What about, "Hello, I saved you last night, do you remember me?"

Psshhh! It doesn't sound good. What will she think about me? I can't let her think that I am a bad person. What if she thinks that I am playing with her? I didn't know that was my fiance, I just got to know about this information recently, she would not misunderstand me, right?

He was nervous. Very Nervous.

He slowly entered the room, unsure of what her reaction would be. He entered and was entranced by what he saw. She was sitting there, looking outside the window and slowly sipping her drink. He somehow felt that she had a sad aura around her. He was feeling anxious, so he just went near her, cleared his throat and said hello.

She instantly turned around and was about to greet him, but her eyes went wide with shock.

"Y-you... Are you the one from Sydney?"

"..." John was confused. He had thought of many possibilities, but this was not one of them. 'Sydney?' Did she remember him from Sydney?

Seeing the confused look on his face, she chuckled and stood up. She extended her hands for a handshake and said, "Apologies. Hello, I am Jessica Blevins. I saw you at the conference in Sydney a few years back. You were awarded the Best Manager then and gave a very inspiring speech."

Realization dawned upon him. Oh! so she talking about the Business Conference in Sydney.

"Yeah. Nice to meet you. I am John Parker. You were present at the conference because?"

"I was the representative of my company, back then I was senior managerial personnel and handled the organizing and distribution of task, in short, it was my job to see the work was equally distributed and was performed with efficiency."

"I am impressed. Then why did you leave your previous job? It sounds that you were working quite well there.."

John was wondering and could not stop himself from asking this question. At present whatever work she was doing in his company was impressive but she was capable of doing a more important task. Hmm! He will have to make some changes to the work and responsibilities being given to her. He would like her to showcase her talents.

"About that... I faced some issues there and thought about coming back to the country to work here. I wanted to stay near my parents"

She didn't know what else to say to him. They were meeting each other for the first time and she was not comfortable sharing everything with him. He very well understood her hesitation and didn't probe into the matter.

"Ah! that is good. Are you happy with your current job?"

"Current job... Yes. I am quite happy. Although my boss is a complete workaholic, I like that he cares for his employees and never burdens them with work."

John initially didn't expect such a direct answer from her. Even though he knew that he was a complete workaholic, he didn't like hearing it from others... especially her. The disappointment in his heart instantly vanished when she complimented him. Yes, she unknowingly complimented him and he was feeling very proud of himself.

'It's good that she doesn't know that I am her boss. If she would know, I never would have got to know what she truly thinks about me.'