Love at first sight...

The president of the Sally Group, Neil Harrison was a heartthrob of all the women. He was a famous playboy who was rumored to change girlfriends every week.

No matter what the rumor said, he was a genius when it came to business. A heartless person in the business world that had crushed many major companies.

The World Co. was supposed to partner with Sally group, Neil was passing by to meet the new CEO of the company and share a few ideas but his eyes fell on beauty, she was on the phone talking to someone and didn't notice him. Her sweet voice and beautiful smile caught his attention. She was not a beauty to die for, rather just an average looking person but for him she was everything.

He could do nothing at that time but made up his mind to make her his soon. The fate was not on his side though. Before getting any chance to approach her, the news caught his attention-

'The young president of The World Co. is now engaged.'

Even though they didn't make their announcement public, this was known throughout the business circle.

Neil was heartbroken. For the first time in his life, a woman was able to catch his attention, but now it was all in vain.

'No. I won't accept this. She cant choose him. I will make her mine.'


The day started with all smiles for the couple. Feeling happy about the previous night, the two ate their breakfast in silence and quickly got ready for work. John was looking forward to more such surprises in the future. Jess was trying to calm her self down.

'Jess it is okay. Nothing happened between you guys. You just went there to take a nap. Stop smiling like an idiot.'

"Everything okay?" He looked sideways and saw that Jess was thinking about something.

"Ah. Yepp. Everything is good", giving John an awkward smile she looked out of the window again.

John smiled and said, "Well if you are thinking about..."

"Thinking about what? I am not thinking about anything. Just stop questioning me and focus on driving. I don't want to go to the office late."

John could not stop himself from laughing any longer and started laughing out loud.

"Ok, as you say it goes."

They reached the office and went back to do their respective jobs.


A red Bugatti Veron stopped in front of the World Co. building and a tall handsome man came out. A black car followed the suit and stopped. Two women came out from the second car and followed him into the building.

"Oh my god! He is so handsome, who is he?"

"You don't know him? What do you know?"

"He is a famous playboy, Neil Harrison."

"Looks like the rumors saying that the companies will soon be partners is true"

The whole lobby was in chaos. The secretary confirmed the appointment and asked them to move upstairs.

Jess received the update from the lobby and informed John about their arrival. After setting up all the necessary documents for the meeting, she turned and was about to leave the room.

"Stop. Where do you think you are going? Ms. Blevins, you are my secretary and you are supposed to attend the meeting with me."

"Ah. Okay. I will do as you say, sir." She showed him a forced smile and stood beside his chair.

"Very well. Do assist me in the meeting."