The Sweet Night

John supported her as she wrapped her legs around his waist and clung on to him. He was quite happy that Jess didn't push him away.

John carried her to their bedroom, not once did they break the kiss. He opened the door with his leg and closed it the same way. He gently laid her on the bed and hovered above her, his hand on one side to support his body weight.

John gently removed the hairs from her forehead. He saw that her cheeks were burning red and her tightly shut eyes opened and her light brown orbs stared at his blue ones. Their breaths were heavy to match each other's pace.

Jess slid her hand from the back of his neck and rested it on side of his face, caressing his cheeks with her thumb. Her lips had a small smile on it. She had always wanted something like this but her previous relationship being ended on such bad terms, she never thought that she would be with someone who would love her for who is, not only love her but also understand her. He gave her a smile as well and leaned in to whisper in her ears, "Did anyone tell you before that you are very beautiful?" He bit ear lobe and then soothed it with his tongue.

His warm breath and actions were sending shocks to her body and her body felt as if it was set on fire. He slowly inched downwards from her ear to her neck and then finally settled on her collarbone, leaving a trail of wet kisses. John had successfully removed the dress to reveal her bare shoulders. He looked into her eyes, asking for her approval before doing anything. He didn't want her to feel uncomfortable and wanted to avoid doing things she was not ready for yet.

She blinked her eyes. Taking it as a yes, he began to further pull her dress down and finally off her legs. To make her less shy from her nakedness, he proceeded to undress as well.

"Would not you help me the way I did?"

Jess bit her lips. She sat up and started unbuttoning his shirt. His arms were around her waist and it tightened as he pulled her towards him. She removed his shirt and traced his abs with her fingers. To replicate his actions, Jess threw his shirt and starting giving him sloppy wet kisses. Her hards feeling the strong muscles on his arms.

John let her do what she wanted. Jess didn't shy away in front of him and wanted to try things. Unable to take her teasing any longer, he switched their positions and pushed her to bed.

"You seem to like my body very much, hmm?" His lips just above hers, but it never met.

Jess was starting to get irritated. She raised her lips and kissed him deeply as if it was she needed to survive. They only parted when she was out of breath. John kissed the corner of her lips and then her fair neck.

"Ouu." a small cry left her lips when he bit her there only to soothe her with his tongue. The initial feeling of pain turned to a sweet pleasure. He moved downwards, bit her just above her left breast.

Taking her right breast in his hands, he started slowly squeezing it while he kissed and licked her left nipple. Jess had an undescribable feeling pass throughout her body and settle down between her legs. She clutched his hair with her left hand while her other hand tightly scrunched up the sheets beside her. Her body was feeling swollen and aching.

John bit her already hardened nipple and licked it soothe the pain. After torturing her with sweet pleasure and pain, he kissed his way down towards her stomach. He gently caressed her legs and his hands tracing upwards. He slowly rubbed the insides of her thighs and before touching her at the forbidden place, he looked up at the beauty. She was his beauty. Jess was breathing heavily with her eyes closed, her cheeks red and body glistening because of the thin layer of sweat.

When he stopped moving and was busy admiring her, Jess slowly opened her eyes and saw him staring at her. He is so handsome, Jess thought. His perfect figure, strong muscles and oh those gentle eyes which were now filled with love only for her. She gave him a lovely smile and bend forward.

Understanding her actions, he moved forward and kissed her deeply. His fingers slid into her clit and slowly moved around. Jess took in a sharp breath as no one had ever touched her there and she felt a little shy.

"John" She called out his name in a whisper.

"Jess you are so nice and wet."

His finger moved around the openings of her inner lips and then slowly he inserted it. He frowned when he felt an obstruction. His eyes widened in surprise when he noticed Jess's pained expression and slowly moved and kissed her again.

She was a virgin!

John kissed her on her forehead and then laid down beside her, pulling Jess into his arms and covering them with the blanket.