The Spring

He joins my laughter as he pulls away. He grabs the reins of Elene and ties them to the saddle of Bernard. He then turns to face me, tightly grasping my hand to lead me along with the horses though the brush to the hidden path. We walk down it for only 10 minutes before the trees begin to open.

"Stop here." He orders. I furrow my eyebrows, confused. We are close, I can hear the water. Why stop short?

"I need you to wait here for a couple minutes. I will come back to get you, okay?"

"Okay, but you better not leave me." I warn.

"I won't. I just need to set up the surprise." I give him an incredulous regard.

"More surprises. Étienne, how much more do you have up your sleeve?"

"You'll see." He goads.

"Fine, go, and be quick before I change my mind." He beams at me before scampering off with the horses in tow.

I shake my head with a smile at his antics. How thoughtful can he be? How lucky am I to have his attention? I reflect on my blessing to have him. After letting my mind wander, I find myself contemplating solidifying our relationship as something serious. How do you do that when you have already kissed? Maybe being more intimate in kissing, but further should be reserved for the wedding night. On top of that, I don't think I am ready for that yet after what occurred with the Baron.

I am lost in thought, so I miss the sounds of Étienne's return. I don't recognize his presence until one hand is over my eyes, while the other hugs me from behind.

"What are you doing?" His breath tickles the back of my neck. I subconsciously lean back into him.

"Thinking." I answer truthfully.

"About what?" He rests his head on my shoulder, but his arms remain where he placed them.

"My emotions and what I want." I remain vague, wanting to torment him as he has done me. "Are you ready?"

"Yes, but I need to blindfold you first."

"Blindfold me? Why?" I want to turn around to look at him, but his constrictive hug forces me to keep my back pressed against him.

"I want you to be surprised when you see everything set up."

"How will I get to the waterfall. I can't wander through the forest without my sight."

"I will carry you." He says without hesitation.

"Fine, I trust you." I concede, wanting to please him after all his valiant efforts.

"Good." He removes his hand from me. I keep my eyes closed as he ties a strip of cloth around them. He is careful not to catch my hair in the knot as he tightens the fabric, blinding me.

Suddenly his radiating body heat isn't on my back. In the next instant I am being turned as my feet are lifted from off the ground. I instinctually wrap my arms around his neck, burying my face in between his neck and shoulder.

"I got you." He whispers as comfort. In response I nuzzle into him further. I can hear the steady pace of his heart, and the gentle lift of each breath. They bring an unexpected ease. His steps are even as he walks towards the clearing, despite the uneven trail.

The trip only takes a minute before he has stopped. I turn and my feet gently meet the ground.

"I am taking off the blindfold, but please keep your eyes closed. I want to see your face when you open them."

"You can trust me." Again his heat radiates against my back as he fiddles with the knot at the back of my head. The cloth loosens from round my eyes, but I squeeze them tighter. Even though it is a simple thing I don't want to betray Étienne's trust in me.

I hear him shuffle around me, as his heat disappears in the dark unknown. The breeze that has been playing the leaves engulfs me with its gentle touch.

"Okay you can open your eyes." Étienne calls.

My eyelids part to find a small hill. On the top of the hill is the spring, which flows over many rocks, and plummets 5 feet into a clear pool large enough for a swim. There is a grassy meadow before the pool, and a blanket is resting in it. The blanket is covered with different dishes, all of which are my favorites. Étienne is sitting on the fabric beaming up at me, proud of his display. The horses are tied at the tree line and taking this break to graze.

"This is beautiful!" I exclaim.

"Are you hungry?"

"Yes." I come to sit next to him on the blanket. He serves some ham with mashed potatoes, and steamed vegetables on a plate.

"I hope you like this. Jean-Marie told me they are your favorite."

"She knows me well. This is so much effort. How did you find time to do this?" He has been in meetings with my father for most of the last few days. I hadn't thought he had even left the Inn.

"I can always find time to please you." I look away at his overtly seductive line. Why is he so attentive to me? How on earth do I deserve such a considerate man. My reservations melt as I lean forward, pressing my lips to his.