The Change of Plans

We part, from our hug. "We should head downstairs for diner." I say, relieved by the productivity of our conversation.

We descend the stairs to join the rest of the guests in the main hall. I find Étienne in his usual spot, back facing the wall. He is dressed in plain cloths, blending into the crowd, hiding his nobility. Yet his posture, manners, and demeaner denote his position.

"Let's join you brother." I say as I grab Charlotte's warm hand and lead her to Étienne. I sit next to him, and Charlotte sits across from us. We chat and eat without incident, enjoying each other's company as we are served food. Étienne reaches under the table, resting his hand on my thigh, and drawing little circles over it. I try to hide my giddiness and embarrassment. I am still surprised at the mix of emotions that he can evoke in me.

"Camille asked me to help her prepare to be a Marquess." Charlotte blurts. Étienne turns to me with a wide grin.

"You waisted no time." His words are teasing but his regard conveys his satisfaction and joy.

"Well patience is not a virtue of mine." I return in jest, which brings a chuckle to his lips. I resist the urge to display my affection for him in this public setting, especially before Charlotte, an impressionable young lady.

"I will need to remember that." He caresses my cheek, expressing his affection in a chaste manner. I lean my head into his hand, accepting the gesture.

"You two are disgustingly sweet." Charlotte makes a face, showing her displeasure, but her upturned lip shows her true feelings.

"I am glad I found you." My father's voice interrupts my daydream. I jolt away from Étienne's hand as if I was burned. The three of us turn to the voice that has greeted us. "I have some news about our trip. Come meet me in my office once you have finished dinner." He orders.

"Of course sir." Étienne responds.

"That goes for all of you." He adds before scampering off into the crowd.

"What could his news be?" I wonder out loud.

"Probably a delay in our departure. Business always takes longer than expected." Étienne offers as an explanation.

"But I want to be leaving soon. I can't wait to see Montclar." Charlotte complains.

"We will be there soon enough Charlotte. There is no point in being impatient." Étienne admonishments.

"Fine." She responds with a harrumph. We finish the meal quickly, eager to find out the news from my father. Once we are all satisfied, we go up the stairs to my father's study.

"Come in." My father calls when Étienne knocks at the door. It creaks slightly as he pushes it open. Inside my father is resting behind his large desk, as mother is sitting in one of the chairs opposite from him.

"Good your all here, now I can explain." He states as we file in. Charlotte takes the other chair, while I remain standing at Étienne's side.

"We had planned on leaving in a few days, but our timeline had been pushed forward. My business has run smoother than could be hoped, meaning we will depart tomorrow after breakfast." He informs us.

"That is great news!" Charlotte exclaims.

"Agreed." Étienne echoes.

"Each of you will need to be ready to set out when you come down tomorrow. Servants will be loading your luggage during the meal." Father instructs us.

"Will I be able to ride some tomorrow?" I ask, eager to use some of my newfound skill.

"Do you have a beast to ride?" Father asks with his brows furrowed.

"Yes, Étienne taught me to ride today, and gave me a horse named Elene." I explain.

"That was generous of him." Mother looks behind her to smile at Étienne. Father, on the other hand, analyzes the man at my side, searching for the imperfections.

"I had wanted to show her my favorite pastime." Étienne explains.

"As long as you don't overwork yourself, you can ride some, but let us know as soon as you need a break." Father concedes and warns.

"Thank you." I beam.

"If that is all we should get a good night's rest before we recommence our journey." Mother states as she stands.

"That is all." Father agrees, but he adds "Camille, I need a word with you." I freeze. His tone is serious, and that doesn't bode well. The last time he used that tone he was informing me about the Baron's proposal.

Everyone else shuffles out. Étienne gives me and encouraging smile before disappearing around the door frame. Father's eyes are glued to me, studying my actions. When the wooden door clicks shut, he finally shifts from his stiff position.

"I have had an interesting conversation with Étienne yesterday, and I want to know your opinion of it."