Chapter 4: Quest Accepted. (Updated.)

Arthur Brown was taken back at the beauty inside of the big town name, the village. There were many kinds of species of people who were busy with their daily lives. A few people noticed the man with the strange pattern, clothing, color, and armor he was wearing. Most people found it interesting and a few merchants that were passing by being very intrigued by him, and especially his backpack, which was the MARPAT, improved load-bearing equipment (ILBE for short.) That was possibly holding a ton of load with ease on his back, but they didn't dare to approach the man due to his Stern expression, on his face that made them feel intimidated very easily.

"Here we are, the guild we were talking about, you should be able to register pretty easily inside and get everything sorted out before doing any quests for rewards," Xander explains, before the group enters the big guild building that was 5 stories high and surprisingly, the center of this huge town, which made Arthur Brown curious if he will be able to write and read in this world considering their alphabets, could be completely different from his.

The modern soldier noticed all sorts and kinds of knights and different classes within the guild talking to one another, even those that were showing off their abilities like making ice and fire appear from their fingertips. He soon found himself standing in front of a reception with a young girl dressed in fine clothing and a bow tie on her collar.

"Welcome to the adventurer's guild! How may we help you today?" The girl said happily to the modern soldier as she tries to not comment about the appearance of his look, but mostly his face that was scaring her deep inside. Arthur Brown remembered what Xander told him about the steps he needed to do in order to register, but he wasn't quite sure about the whole writing his name fraction.

"I would like to register as an adventurer!"

The girl was startled by his firm words and begin to stutter.

"D-D-Do you have 5 copper coins for that?"

Arthur Brown opens a small pouch that Pietro gave him before the group left to do another quest, and he noticed a good amount of money inside and he was curious to himself, which one was a copper. Again. He takes out a golden coin and drops it back into the bag again and tries looking for the copper.

Finally, Arthur Brown found, all 5 of them that he was looking for, for the reception girl. He placed the 5 coppers on the counter for her, which in return, she takes them and heads back inside somewhere and comes back with a paper and an ink pen that look like it was from the 10th century.

"Just write down your name and also what is your ability and class?"'

Arthur Brown, wasn't quite sure what his ability was in class and how this fantasy world does things in some ways, but he tries to think of something and begin to write down on the piece of paper, but to his surprise, the ink was glowing on the paper like hue and disappears shortly after when he stopped at writing.

'Whoa! I didn't know this fantasy world had that!'

The modern soldier afterward finished writing down on the piece of paper and eventually the reception girl took the paper from him after he was finished and began to read it and confirmed it herself, but she stopped herself from walking somewhere in the back when her eyes landed on class and ability and was confused by what he wrote down.

"Sir, do you know what Spawn ability, as well as a marine infantryman, means because I don't understand?" The girl asked Arthur Brown with confusion shown on her face. He was prepared for this just in case if she was curious or confused, and he begins to explain what an infantryman was and also demonstrated the ability spawn by spawning a random item from his menu screen from browsing the food section.

A brownish tan color box wrapped in plastic with black symbols and words that the young girl had never seen before was a Meal Ready To Eat (MRE for short.) From his hand, and the girl's eyes widen at this in surprise before rushing back somewhere in the back with the paper and soon return with a silver card and green badge and placing it on the counter for him.

"What is the rank specifically in the adventurers Guild?"

Soon, the young girl pulls out a smaller board underneath the counter, that had a different quality of rank badges on it, and she begins to explain how the ranks in the guild work as she puts it on the counter in front of Arthur Brown.

"Right now you are Rank Tier 1 and this is Rank tier 2 and the last rank above rank tier 3 and 4 is a Master Rank Tier!" She explains to Arthur Brown while smiling the whole time.

"I see and what is the condition for each Rank?" Arthur Brown, ask again to the young girl with curiosity, fully understanding the explanation from the receptionist.

"You get to fight against harder enemy bosses and monster higher tier level classes, and if you make it to Master Tier, you even get a chance to get the attention of even kings and queens across the continent!"

The soldier rubs his Chin while nodding to what she was saying, while in thought.

'Interesting that there are kingdoms in this fantasy world, but also Kings and Queens? Now that's something.'

The young girl places away fro the small board underneath the counter and soon pointed towards a crowd of people surrounding a pole in the center of the building inside, and there were 4 boards on each side with dozens of notes stamped on it.

"There you will be able to find a quest for your rank and be rewarded when you complete the mission, but if you fail, then you do not have to worry about that, because you can always try again."

The young girl had fair skin and she smiled at him with delight, and he noticed that she had a blue eye color on the left eye and like gray on the right eye, and he found it pretty adorable. Soon, the modern military soldier saluted at her in a military pose before doing an about-face and walking away towards the pole board, that had dozens of quests stamped on it.

'Let's see if we can do any quest to earn some money.'

Everyone stared at the modern soldier, and a few of them were whispering to one another about the stranger in his weird outfit and equipment. Arthur Brown didn't pay any mind at all and didn't even pay attention to their stares and what they were talking about and he eventually stops in front of one the pole boards and he begins to scan the notes that were stamped on the board.

'Gathering herbs outside the fairy forest and eliminating a goblin horde nearby mountain valley and zombie horde problem in a town named feather arrow and skeleton movement has been spotted in the nearby village of the diamond dial.'

Meanwhile, the modern soldier was busy examining the quest notes on the board. A few groups of people notice the strange soldiers Stern expression on his face, and they were frightened by this as though he was going to attack any moment, and they begin to walk away from him because they were frightened by his expression, and they didn't want to mess with this guy.

'There are pretty interesting names for these locations, but how the heck am I supposed to find any of these places if I don't have a map?'

A map HUD suddenly appears in front of him, which surprises the modern soldier and he looks at it closely and noticed that it was showing him the location he was at. Arthur Brown blinks a couple of times before tapping on it with his fingertip on the map and it moves slightly with his very touch.

'It looks like I don't have to worry about that now since I finally found the map HUD just by calling its name.'

The map showed real-time on his location, but the most important part about it was that it had detailed information on it, and Arthur Brown notices a few buildings nearby that were being shown on the map, that it had names, as well as information about them.

"This will come in handy." Arthur Brown said to himself out loud among the crowd and soon realized that people were staring at him. People were whispering to one another about the stranger in funny clothing and equipment, and some people were thinking that he was crazy.

'I probably should check the map outside next time with no one around me unless I want to make people think that I have lost my mind.'

Arthur Brown notices a quest that caught his eyes on the board and approaches it to examine it closely and begin to read it.

[Rescue a missing girl and boy from bandits.]

'Now that's something even more concerning, among these quests, but it isn't a rank tier-one since it has something to do with the Bandits, maybe I should convince the receptionist girl that I can handle the situation?'

Arthur Brown took the quest paper right off of the pole board and begin to walk back towards the receptionist, and he places the quest paper on the counter in front of her with a serious look on his face.

"I want to take this Quest."

The young girl took the paper and begin to read the information about the quest, and soon realized that it was actually a rank tier 3 quest.

"B-but sir, this quest is only for Rank tier 3 and higher, and also according to the rules, you must have a party in order to do this mission since it's very dangerous, and bandits are always in big groups!"

Arthur Brown started to think of a way to convince this young girl that he can do this quest, and he begins to remember about his spawn ability.

"If I have a group with me, then will I be able to do the quest then?"

The young receptionist nodded with seriousness on her face.

"Then I will be back."

Arthur Brown took this opportunity to leave immediately, while passing by nearby adventurers that were standing around having a conversation with one another, and soon exit the building and notice an alleyway not too far from him, and quickly jogs himself towards that alleyway and checks both sides to secure his position, and didn't notice anybody following him and watching him.

'Seems like the coast is clear...'

Arthur Brown opens his menu screen and begins to browse through it till he finally found what he was looking for, which were units he can spawn in, and he clicks it with his finger, which opens another menu screen suddenly, and it shows a total of soldiers and classes that he can choose from and information about them.

'Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard...'

Arthur Brown realized that he can select any one of these branches in the United States forces and was taken back by this.

"Wait a moment, why am I able to pick a different branch of the United States Armed forces if I'm in the United States Marine corps!?"

The modern soldier quiets down and composes himself unless he wanted to become a center of attention from people passing by the alleyway. Arthur Brown thought about what branch he should choose from the menu, and he begins to remember that the Coast Guard was specialized in combat, search and rescue.

Sergeant Arthur Brown selected the Coast Guard and noticed that there were a medic, infantry and heavy and engineer, which was sort of similar selection from War Horizon.

"I probably should pick some of the classes that should be appropriate for this quest." Arthur Brown said to himself while clicking medic class than two infantrymen's classes, and afterward a heavy class, a sudden menu screen appears in front of him to confirm his choice, and he clicks yes and something that Arthur Brown never expected to happen happened.

4 figures consisting of 2 females and 2 males, started to generate right before his eyes, and the soldiers soon saluted at Arthur Brown with their Chin up, chest out, shoulders back and stomach in, at attention next to each other in a line.

"Coast Guard Ready for Duty!" A 6 foot tall, dark skin male soldier said to Arthur Brown as the group of soldiers was at attention with serious faces and eyes looking straight forward.

The modern soldier saluted to his units before a menu screen popped up in front of him again.

[Congratulations! You have maxed out your slots of available units!]

[4/4 Units. Max out!]

[Arthur Brown, Marine Corps infantryman, Rank 5.]

[Arthur Brown's Status.]

[Health: 500/500.]

[Armor: 250/250.]

[Strength: 6.]

[Perception: 8.]

[Agility: 7.]

[Intelligence: 10.]

[Endurance: 5.]

Arthur Brown closes the menu screen and he begins his order for his men that were wearing a full set of a black module, plate body armor and black enhanced combat helmet, and a dark blue digital color pattern clothing underneath.

"At ease soldiers! Right now, we have a search and rescue mission, that has something to do with a young boy and girl being kidnapped by a bunch of bandits."

Arthur Brown said to his soldiers that were in a parade rest position while looking at the modern soldier, in silence as they listen closely to their debrief.

"Permission to speak, sir!" A female soldier said that was 5 feet tall and had fair white skin.

"Permission granted." Arthur Brown responds.

"How many hostiles are we talking about here and what is their location, sir?"

"We do not know at the moment for sure, but I am informed of the bandits are always in a group." Arthur Brown replies to her and his men.

"But for the time being it, lets head back to the Adventurer Guild and start from there."

Arthur Brown begins to leave the alleyway along with his unit, following behind him with their M4 rifles strapped over their shoulders. The modern soldiers were surprised by the village and the residents that live in the huge town. People took notice of the modern soldiers that were walking by, and they begin to whisper to one another about the stranger's clothing and equipment they had, especially their metal black sticks, they were carrying around themselves.

Soon the Guild door opens, which caught the attention of all the Guild Adventurer's inside, and there was silence among the crowd because they were speechless of what they were looking at. In their point of view, there was the modern soldier they saw earlier and a strange group of men and woman, wearing strange dark blue clothing and black armor and equipment as well as carrying a metal black stick, that they have never seen before. The receptionist girl noticed this from the distance and was surprised to see Arthur Brown with other strangers following him in a military fashion she has never seen before.

Arthur Brown stops in front of the receptionist, and he smiles at her, which made her feel unsettled for some reason.

"I would like to do the quest now."

The young girl took out the quest paper she reserved for Arthur Brown just in case if he ever came back with a group, but she didn't expect him to return so soon, especially with strangers, she has never seen before in the village.

"Are they also registered to the guild?"

Arthur Brown frowns at this when he realized that he had to pay 5 copper coins to each of his soldiers to register into the adventurer Guild, and in total, it was 20 copper coins. The girl soon gave each Coast Guard soldier a rank, tier-one badge, and ID cards. Many of the guild members that were in the background were whispering to one another about the strangers, with their get up and weird metal sticks and the equipment they had.

"All of you guys are rank tier one, but as long as you're in a group and have some experience, then I'm sure everything will be fine and work out, please be safe." The receptionist girl said to the group of modern soldiers and bows to them in a respectful farewell.

Arthur Brown and his unit saluted to the young girl before the group begins to exit the building with the modern soldier leading the way for them.

"Let's show these bandits what the military can do."