Everyone has problems

The medical staff in the hospital was alerted as soon as Rowan went into oblivion with his mind by an EEG or electroencephalogram machine which was attached to him. They are used to monitor a patient's neurological activity and are also critical equipment used to determine when someone is brain dead or in medical lingo clinically dead.

A person's heart may still beat but if the brain is no longer active he is described as being in a vegetative state or cruelly said he became a "vegetable". It's doubtful if this description pleases anyone probably not even vegans.

The medical staff quickly checked all the devices and as they looked at the graph of the EEG machine they noticed Rowan was still emitting some pulses but they were significantly reduced.

As they called the NovaTech's side to check what is going on they got an answer that Rowan was sleeping in the game and that alleviated their worries somewhat. It was good news since Rowan's bloodwork was showing a significant rise in levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol is reduced trough the sleeping cycle.

The other worrying factor was a serotonin deficiency which can cause mood swings. Now if Rowan truly found a way to sleep in the game they need not worry so much if these two factors stabilized.

They just needed to wait until Rowan woke up and check his bloodwork again.

As Rowan was being checked out by the medical team Robert Fraser was in his limousine on the way to his home. He was looking at the storm above him and it reminded him of the storm that was his life after he got together with James Rickman.

They used to be best friends but after the incident of the stolen source code Rickman never really treated Robert as one. Robert knew it was his fault for not checking who their investors were.

The truth was that even if they were shady that didn't bother him. What bothered him most was how quick they were able to find the source code was stolen since it was only known to a select few individuals in the company, He could exclude Jimmy from telling them and himself but the others could not be trusted.

There were a few other instances where he was contacted by the shadow investors just so they would let him know they got an eye on him. They used things they should have no knowledge about in confirming that threat.

He could not fire Rickman's research staff without proof and Jimmy thought he was directly involved in that researcher's death so he did not trust him anymore. They only communicated these days on a need to know basis.

"Whatever.", he turned away from the storm and asked the driver how much longer will it take to get home.

As Rickman got home he got greeted by his teenage daughter. He hugged her then went to wash up and join his wife and daughter for dinner.

"Dad, when can I play your new game?", Laura asked.

She was 14 this year with long blonde hair which curled in big swirls by itself. She was beautiful like her mother with childish innocence that showed her age.

In contrast, Rickman was a slim 38-year-old man who looked somewhat gaunt. With his shoulders slouched, unkempt beard and hair you could almost think he was a hobo if not for the expensive clothes he was wearing. Of course, the clothes were bought by his wife Jennifer.

Jennifer was a blonde like their daughter and she looked like Laura will probably look when she is 30 something. Her job was a family doctor with a few select clients so she could focus on raising Laura but not completely let her school years go to waste. She worked four hours a day when their daughter was at school except if there was an emergency.

"Next year probably.", Rickman replied.

Laura frowned.

"I thought you said it was going to be released this week?"

"It was, but we had to halt it due to technical issues.", Robert replied.

"What kind of technical issues?", Jennifer asked.

"The helmets had some problems. Nothing major, but Laura you can play if you shave your head bald.", Rickman joked.

"I will wait.", Laura quickly replied.

Afterwards, they talked about their daily life and ate their dinner.

In another part of town, a car parked, that was not usually seen in this neighborhood. You could see the driver was a woman who was wearing a hoodie. She was walking towards a back alley when she heard a voice.

"Here.", a man wearing a long trenchcoat with a high collar and a hat was standing in the shade of a roof canopy.

She turned around and looked at him. She only got some coordinates on her phone but since no one else knew her number she knew who the unknown number represented.

It all started when she started working for NovaTech. They didn't contact her directly but found her parents and brother that were still living in her old neighborhood. A guy showed up in the middle of the day saying he was looking for her and showed a police badge and asked if they have her phone number.

Her parents naturally complied to the questions of a law officer like law-abiding citizens and afterward, she received a phone call asking her how much she loved her parent's and her brother.

At first, they wanted just information in advance when NovaTech will release new statements an financial reports a few days ahead of public releases. The ever increasing demand for the information made her skip some calls and her parent's house was shot up.

Her parents were not interested in moving and she didn't even know a place where it would be safe.

After the whole source code incident, they only texted her coordinates and she had to meet them personally. They met at the same place.

"What's the status of the new game?", asked the man.

"It will be delayed for a maximum of a year ...", she replied trailing off in melancholy.

"So we can short the stock?"

"Yes, but don't expect any big moves of the stock.", as a business graduate from Harvard she naturally knew what they were using her for. To short, means to agree to sell some stock you don't have and sell agree to sell it on a specific date. If the stock rises you lose and if it drops you win.

"Anything else we need to know?", asked the man after he nodded.

"No.", Linda said in a low voice and shaking her head.

"OK.", said the man and entered the building.

Linda took a deep breath and returned to her car. She was feeling guilty for the researcher and his family but at the same time, she and hers could be next. Linda found herself trapped and she was beginning to suspect Robert of knowing she was the leak.

She made her tires screech as she drove off as fast as possible away from this place.

Meanwhile, Maria and Luke just arrived in Rowan's hometown to settle formalities and get ready to move their stuff to a new home. Luke was still as quiet as ever which on some level Maria appreciated since she had a million things to organize and make ready until the movers arrived.

Everyone was still busy with life while Rowan was peacefully sleeping.