Murder in a funeral home

Rowan and Fred crossed the little stream that ran behind his workshop and went to a small house. The house looked a bit different than those that Rowan saw until now. It was decorated with a lot of shiny steel ornaments that didn't look absurd and cheap like the stuff you might find at a dime store.

There was a silver metal wine growing on the green front door and the door handle was exquisitely carved from what looked like brass. Fred opened the door and the scent of food came out of the house that made Rowan salivate. He was sure it was no oatmeal with raisins.

As they came inside a woman hurriedly greeted Fred and then waited for Fred to introduce her to Rowan. She was short under 150 centimeters (4'11") and slim. Yout could call her petite, with a comely face of the girl next door and long chestnut hair.

"Rhonda my wife, meet Rowan, my wannabe apprentice.", Fred said with a smirk.

"Nice to meet you Rowan.", Rhonda said while giving a disapproving look to Fred for mocking Rowan.

"Nice to meet you too.", Rowan answered feeling slightly embarrassed.

"Hope you made enough food since Rowan will be joining us.", Fred said.

"I made enough for lunch and dinner so there is no problem with the quantity I just hope it will be to Rowan's taste.", Ronda replied and gestured to Rowan to follow her into the dining room.

There were two plates with tableware already set up with a plate of piping hot roasted meat in between and also a big bowl of salad with some bread in a basket on the side. Ronda quickly added a plate and some tableware and gestured to Rowan to sit down.

"Take a piece don't be shy. I have to wait until you do or I will get scolded.", Fred joked.

Ronda smiled and put a big piece into Rowan's plate since he was hesitating.

"Thank you.", Rowan politely said.

"You are welcome. You must have impressed my grumpy husband with something if he brought you home for a meal.", Rhonda said with a smile.

Rowan took a slice of bread and cut a piece of the meat. As he put it into his mouth he could feel the juices bursting out with flavor that reminded him of beef but it was nevertheless slightly different. It was delicious. He only ate a medium-rare beef steak once on his last birthday in a restaurant. He begged his mother about it since it was a steak craze at the time and she made his wish and also his brother's come true.

He looked at the steak for a while until he got a notification saying [Aurocs steak].

"What kind of meat is this?", he asked the couple.

"It's aurochs.", Rhonda replied still smiling.

"Aurochs???", Rowan asked bewildered.

"It's a big cow-like animal.", Fred mumbled with a full mouth.

"It's hard to come by here so enjoy it. It might be a while before we have it again.", Fred continued.

Rowan nodded and kept eating.

Rhonda asked him how old he was and if he had family in town. As he replied with 13 and no, she was worried for him so she put another slab of meat on his plate.

"Damn there goes my dinner.", Fred thought but didn't say anything just quickly took another piece.

After lunch.

As they were making their goodbyes Rhonda told Rowan to visit her if he is bored and then he and Fred went back to the shop.

As Fred looked at the molds stacked in a line he wanted to bash his head against a wall. He felt stupid. With the kid's method, it would be a piece of cake to finish the arrowheads. It was so simple he could not believe he didn't figure this out by himself.

As his hunger, thirst and stamina indicators were normal again Rowan went back to work.

He worked for another 5 hours and made another 200 arrowheads since with the upgrade of his blacksmith level the sharpening on the whetstone went much faster and one batch was done in around 15 minutes.

Rowan then went and made another 10 molds and let them dry near the forge and told Fred he is done for the day.

As he was walking back to Jonas' shop Rowan decided to find a grocery store and buy some ingredients. He was fed up with [Oatmeal with raisins] and he knew Jonas would make him do it otherwise.

He found a butcher shop and asked for a chicken. What he got was not exactly what he hoped to get. Rowan's chicken was still very much alive. At least they gave him a cage to carry it around with him which he had to promise to bring back.

He bought some carrots, onions, leek, celery, and parsley from a grocery store nearby and then walked to "Cake heaven".

As he came in Jonas' was already holding a bag of oatmeal and Rowan just smiled at him.

"Today we are having chicken soup.", he yelled as he raised the cage.

"Ohh. Great was already tired of eating only oatmeal.", Jonas said and Rowan just rolled his eyes.

"Can you kill the chicken and pluck it?", Rowan asked with expectant eyes.

Jonas saw his look and just nodded.

"Sure. It's the least I can do.", he said with a smile.

Jonas quickly closed the shop and left with the cage through the back exit. Rowan followed him into the kitchen with the bag of vegetables. As Rowan cleaned and cut the vegetables Rowan heard the last cry that chicken would ever make and he shuddered.

"It's my fault.", he thought but then he remembered this is a game and even if it was not he probably would not stop eating meat because of it considering how much he loved it.

Jonas brought the chicken without its head, innards, and feathers in 30 minutes while Rowan had everything already done according to the recipe.

Rowan put the chicken, carrots, onion, and celery in a large soup pot and covered them with cold water. Heated it up until it simmered. Then he uncovered the soup pot and waited until the chicken meat fell off of the bones. Rowan also had to skim off foam every so often.

Then he took everything out of the pot. Strained the broth. Pick the meat off of the bones and chop the carrots, celery, and onion. Added chopped leek. He added seasoning to the broth with salt and pepper. Returned the chicken, carrots, celery, leek, and onion to the pot stirred together and served into two plates.

Rowan got two system messages of proficiency rise [Chicken soup 2/30]. He figured every plate counted for itself so he used some more plates until he got 5/30.

He called Old Jonas who was eagerly awaiting the result.

They blew on their respective spoons as they savored the hot steaming hot soup. The meat was tender, the vegetables were soft and the leek was somewhat chevy but it gave it additional taste.

Old Jonas asked if they were expecting company when he saw the other plates filled with soup.

"No. They are for us.", Rowan said.

"Don't mind if I do eat another plate.", said Jonas when he picked up his second serving.

Rowan did the same and as for the third one he carried it to Hugo the jeweler's place after reheating it. Sadly there was no new proficiency after putting it back on the plate.

As the shop was already closed he rang the bell and Hugo gladly opened the door when he saw his biggest customer of the week.

"You have something to sell?", asked Hugo.

"Not this time. This time I have something for free.", Rowan said as he pushed the plate covered with a pot lid in front of Hugo.

Hugo took off the lid and smelled the delicious fragrance. He was about to go out to a restaurant to eat so he was already hungry but the whiff of the steamy hot chicken soup made his mouth drool.

"For me?", Hugo asked bewildered.

"Yes. I cooked it for me and Jonas and we had some left and you are the closest.", Rowan said and unknowingly almost ruined all the good impression he left on old Hugo.

"Err. Thank you.", Hugo took the plate and Rowan said goodbye.

As he was leaving Rowan yelled.

"I will pick up the plate tomorrow."

Hugo turned around again and waved him off as he went back into his store.