Chapter 5

After an hour of reading, he concluded, he is lacking something. Bael didn't understand exactly but he was able to read the book perfectly before. 'Maybe something is different either location or time. Not a location I was able to read it at the library and home. Then it should be time but that also doesn't make much sense, there also was a time difference of more than an hour.' as Bael thought about it more he realizes 'Of course EYES it must be them. In the mirror they were different.' After realization, Beal stumped upon a slight problem how to activate them, if it is even possible.

"Well it shouldn't be that hard I have read many novels with superpowers. Well, there is no system which would do it for me so that's that. sight... Maybe concentrating on them, some type of energy or something, maybe." after quick self-talk Bael started trying all of the possible options which have come to his mind.

Testing if they work was easy, he just needed to read the book if he succeeds he should theoretically understand its content. After about half an hour he succeeded with two methods. The first one was when he imagined some type of energy going into his eyes. After that, he tried if he could do it unconsciously so he concentrated on his eyes and tried to use only intent. And interestingly it worked, somehow. Bael realizes if someone would see him now they would freak out and probably even ran away.

Bael felt as if the whole world new colors even more than before. The whole world was so much sharper and more beautiful, more colorful even. But most importantly he could once again read that book. After reading the whole first page his hopes jumped up because of the content.

-Hope. Hope is the power to which all life is addicted to. Without hope non would stand in the morning, non would raise to struggle for better tomorrow. Without it they fall on the ground like maggots they are, broken marionettes ready to be played with for our entertainment. It is hope on which all feed, but they do not know its true purpose it's beautiful final shape. Sweet nectar which we call despair, and never forget one should always dine all meal. From fear we are born to spread horror, from the horror we sing hymns of doom to spread destruction, from destruction we grow to spread death, with death, we fly to bring despair, and with despair, ascension. Never forget the hope child of Chaos.-

On the bottom, Bael read Who actually wrote this book which was actually a grimoire, written by Hope-eater Bartolomei. When Bael turns next page he realizes that this page was the content of whole book. They were neatly arranged into groups, and when he focused on one category that part expanded to show different spells and rituals and difficulty of spells, which brought a smile to Bael.

Bael looked at simple ones for now, and after little looking, he found one -Voice of dark one-. It was simple voice enchantment to make the user's voice travels to the target mind for communication without a person knowing from where the voice is coming from. Depending on the power behind voice it could be used to disorient, it should have the effect of teeth tearing at one's mind and is requirements for further curses. Why? Bael didn't know why exactly for now. When Bael found the page on which it was written, Bael became surprised because there was a requirement before it. Beal was surprised that there was nothing written before like with curses. When he looked at it he needed to perform a ritual -Infernal embrace- which would empower him physically and enable him to perform further spells.

For the ritual to work he needed to make a connection with one of the hells and let its energy pass through his body and all three parts of the soul. 'Three parts? I thought that there was only one. So there is inner soul, outer soul, and mind soul. Mind souls are probably consciousness or something similar, the inner soul and outer souls... hm... not sure specific difference for now.' Bael becomes lost in thought but he remembered that he wanted to perform a ritual. "So back to present, I need to perform connection with one of the hells somehow." As Bael was speaking he remembered the dream he had, one with darkness full of despair.

"Hopefully that will work," Bael said and continue reading instructions of the ritual. Bael stood up and left to stand on dry land if something would happen because you know hell and stuff usually go hand to hand with fire. As he stood there and concentrated on the memory of the dream tried to connect and let it flow through him freely.

Bael felt as if he were conscience sawed and through cuts flowed molten metal. in his pain, Bael fell on his knees and tried to scream but his mount could not open, only low growls got past his clenched teeth. But there was a scream but not from the mount on his face. All cuts which he had on his body which he found yesterday opened, those were mounts with razor-sharp teeth and all were screaming. Only to stop as fast as it comes, after which all mounts closed back and teeth seemingly disappear not even touch would discern them.

After which he felt as if that molten metal felt more like warm water. When Bael's senses returned he felt good, more than good he felt ecstatic even. Bael felt warmth reverberating through his body and strange energy which slithered like sludge in him. When he stood up Bael felt light, he jumped few times and even tried to run. It was not like he had super-strength just but still visible improvement.

After which he thought about stopping but was too excited to try something else. Bael chose to continue with -Voice of dark one- for its utility and possible use in crowed while staying hidden. So he returned to the grimoire and its correct page. Proces was a simple one, you just needed to concentrate on your voice and empower it with that sludge energy or whatever it was. After a couple of tries, Bael thought that he succeeded only one thing remained, testing.

Bael thought about testing -Voice of dark one- only he had no test subject, he could go to that policemen at abandoned school. But that would not sit well with him. So Bael chose to experiment with animals first. Bael looked around for any movement he was in the forest it should not be so hard. Only if it was true, but finding animals in the forest is much harder than one may think. After three hours with the help of powerup eyes, he found a fox vigilantly walking around some burrow.

As Bael looked at the fox's head and concentrated on his voice and started thinking what should he say. But then he just screamed as strongly as he could " ' SILENCE FOX AND DIE!!! ' " nothing better come up in Bael's mind, so that's that.

After Bael's scream which he accidentally yelled out loud not only in his head, he saw as fox started shaking and twitching. Ultimately fox has fallen on the side unmoving. When Bael walked to fox he saw it twitch, close inspection showed that it has bloodshot eyes widely open. In those eyes, he saw pure emptiness which could belong only to the doll, a mindless carcass still living but without any life or soul.

Bael felt no fear nor guilt well maybe a little just a pinch, but more importantly, he felt powerful he felt free for some reason.