Heavenly Maiden's Return

Author's Note: Regular Release only came back on the 29th "


While the disciples were in the secret kingdom, the North margin environment was rather uncomfortable as all the people involved with Gu Ning had been taken into custody by the Justice Room and all of them were being rigorously interrogated in the Justice courtroom by Lord Hao Ren along with the presence of the sect leader

While all the members of the sect were busy with their tasks a black figure appeared in the heavens, when this figure appeared a huge black cloud covered the whole territory of the sect and did not allow even a drop of sunlight to enter. "It's been a long time Master Fang Xiang" Soo is an old and powerful voice that when he spoke enormous spiritual pressure fell upon the whole sect, and all the cultivators below the Rising Soul fell to the ground unconscious as if their souls had been torn to pieces.

At this time the Chaos Blade Rising Soul who was cultivating behind closed doors left his body and flying towards the spectral body of the man dressed in black, since Chaos Blade was cultivating this was the first time he withdrew his soul from the body to meet someone, after some time he appeared in front of the man dressed in black.

"Master!" Said the man in shock when he saw the figure of Chaos Blade. It was as if what he was seeing was inconceivable, but he quickly regained his composure and made a reference to Chaos Blade. "It is an honor to be in your presence Master Fang Xiang."


"It's also great to see you, Long Chen, but is it really necessary to cause so much confusion in my sect?"

Long Chen "…."

"Whatever this time I'll let it pass, but if you're here in this form, does that mean you haven't recovered yet? So it would be better if you rested. "

"I know master but somehow they found me."

"Oh! So finally the pieces of fate are moving, "said Chaos Blade as he looked up at the heavens, the way he looks at the sky was nostalgically as if he was remembering something that happened a long, long time ago. But it does not hurt as long as the Law of Life and Death cannot be found I see no problem.

"Yes master, but the young master Fang Cheng is there, and will probably be involved in their dispute with the demon clan."

"Long Cheng, you well know that humans must change and adapt to their environment in order to survive, and if Fang Cheng cannot survive this situation as he had in the future, we cannot protect him forever."

Seeing the indifferent appearance of Chaos Bucket Long Chen sighed, as he knew that Fang Xiang is right. "Master, then I will return to my body, after all I cannot keep my soul long away from him."

"Yes, but within 2 years I will need your help, Long Chen."

"As you wish, Master."

Chaos Blade "…."

After conversation Long Chen disappeared and all the dark clouds that formed began to disperse and all cultivators of the sect slowly began to wake up.

When Chaos Blade disappeared a huge black vortex appeared in the sky.



30 Minutes Before West Continent

In the Heavenly Gate Sect the Patriarch of the Sect had issued a Dynamic decree ordering the departure of 4 cultivators at the height of the Nascent Soul realm, these cultivators were all deputy commanders of the demon killing hall who were ordered to eliminate the demons that arose in the Divine Ocean, for this reason they set out for the Divine Ocean where some Demons had been detected, and for this reason the West continent was a mess as they were geographically limited by the Divine Ocean.

Meanwhile inside the Celestial Gate Sect's Great Hall a beautiful young woman in black clothes walked in the corridors of the sect's main hall, and although this hall was heavily guarded by various specialists in the Rising Soul realm, neither showed arrogance to this young woman. girl who was in the middle stage of the Foundation Establishment, but rather they looked at her with admiration, because this 20-year-old genius was Liu Bingyu the daughter of the Heavenly Gate Patriarch. Finally after Liu Bingyu walks down a huge corridor she arrived at a huge gate that was being guarded as two men, these men were the guards

Liu Hong's staff, who quickly opened the gate allowing access by Liu Bingyu.

"Good morning Dad"


An old man who sat on an old throne answered, he was dressed in a golden robe, and the air that this man conveyed was not a normal air, but rather he emitted the air of a noble ruler who was above all, this man was Liu Hong the one who on the west continent called the Heavenly Sovereign.

"What was father because you called me?" Asked Liu Bingyu curious because her father is a man of few words who rarely called her.

When his daughter question him Liu Hong sighed as he looked at him. "Bingyu'er today I was meeting with the Star Pavilion Master, and while we were meeting he revealed that he had two visions."

"Master Mo Fei?" Asked Liu Bingyu curious because Mo Fei has the All-Seeing Eye that is a Spiritual Treasure uniquely specialized in clairvoyance that only recognized Mo Fei as his Master, and for this factor Mo Fei is recognized as a number 1 expert. in clairvoyance not only for the planet of Qin but also for all 54 worlds affiliated with the Celestial Alliance.

"Yes, in his first vision he predicted the emergence of 13 sober figures in the Divine Ocean that we suspect are demons, and for this I sent some Deputy Commander of the demon-killing hall there, as in his second vision he he foresaw that the flight of the golden heart would be destroyed. "

"Hail… would the golden heart be destroyed?"


"I don't understand what this means dad."

"Yes I know, I couldn't understand Bingyu'er either, but if you want an answer to this riddle I think only you and Fang Cheng can give an answer," said Liu Hong as she stared at her daughter.

"I understand dad, so does this mean I can go to the cloud throne sect?"

"Yes," said Liu Hong as she sighed.

"Thanks dad," she said in a kind voice. "Then with your permission I will withdraw."

"No this is not necessary, after all this is the duty of a father," replied Liu Hong with her listless face as a huge golden spear embroidered with two dragons appeared in her hand.

"" murmured Liu Bingyu.

Liu Hong stood up and with the movement of his spear the Space around was torn, leaving a huge void in space, this void interconnected the West continent with the center continent.

"Now go"

"Yes dad," said Liu Bingyu as I walk through the portal


As the space fissure closed Liu Hong began to look around the room, and after some time searching around the room he gave up and opened his mouth. Dad don't you think it's time to show up?

Oh Since when did you know I'm here? Asked the old man who came out from behind Throne where Liu Hong was sitting.

"I did not know". Liu Hong answered when I look at the old monster in front of him.

"Um, so why didn't you tell Yu'er directly that Fang Cheng is going to die?"

When his father asked this question Liu Hong smiled and started walking out of the room, but before leaving he turned. "This is obvious father, because as long as they are together there is no way for Fang Cheng to die."


............... ..

Inside the portal the path was dark and narrow, but still Liu Bingyu followed him without excitement, although this was his first time using the dimensional passage created by his father she still showed no nervousness, and after 2 minutes she finally got her through the portal, and when she left she came across several cultivators by her side.

Oh! Now I understand why dad rarely uses the portal, Liu Bingyu thought. When she noticed the various specialists in the Kingdom Foundation Establishment that surrounded her.

What Liu Bingyu did not know is that these cultivators had just woken up a short time ago, and due to the strange event that all cultivators of the sect were put to sleep they went on high alert fearing that someone had invaded them.

"Who dares to invade the territory of the Cloud Throne sect." Asked a middle-aged man who seemed to be leading the cultivators around.

Seeing the hostility these cultivators showed, Liu Bingyu sighed helplessly. "My name is Liu Bingyu direct disciple of the 83rd Patriarch of the Heavenly Gate Sect and the future lady of this Sect," she answered quietly as she withdrew a seal carved with the seal of a golden phoenix in the middle.

The man was surprised when he heard a presentation of Liu Bingyu and the Fenix ​​label, because all over the planet that Qin heard the name Liu Bingyu but she rarely appeared in public so few had seen her.

"So now I can go?" Asked Liu Bingyu in his sweet, nonchalant voice.


After the man hears Liu Bingyu's voice he recovers from his shock and fixes his eyes on the girl who wears black clothes and a suspiciously black veil, but dares not speak and quickly walks out of his way.