Hell, Heaven,Earth... We were all once one. That is until the elements were separated . Each took a different path.
Fire took the path of destruction and fear. . When crossed with the water element fire is completely powerless.How ever when exposed to wind and gives nature.. . fire can be dangerous and destroy all in its path.
Water took the path a Beauty and erosion, but along that path it took a dangerous turn. Things were born that were both beautiful but in yet fearful if touched. Earth is this elements weakness. When mixed o two can be beautiful but in yet against the nature the element water had little power.
Wind took the path of power and flexibility. Wind took a powerful turn it crossed paths with nature and water witch left is powerful but in yet vulnerable. Wind and fire make good companions. When mixed fire can be fueled.
Nature took the path of beauty and poison. Nature being one of the most respected elements can be both poisonous and beautiful. When crossed with any other elements nature can be dangerous and lead to mas destruction. Fire is this elements weakness because when crosses fire dominates.