Her confession

Lauren remained calm, watching the contestants practice, even if the audition go bad, as long as she confessed her feelings successfully, she will have no regrets. It's  not as if she intends to become a musician or something, her feelings for Alex got her into music in the first place.

A lot of people came out after 2 to 3 minute after going in, some with tears, some cursing the judges and the audience, while some had a happy expression on their face. 

Being the last contestant, she was already yawning when she heard, "Lauren please come in."

"That voice! It's Alex's!" Lauren eyes shone brightly as she stood up and made her way in with her guitar. 

"Your act is next after this, you ready?" Alex asked casually and turned away, before slowly returning his gaze back to Lauren that has her eyes glued on him. 

He raised his brow slightly with a smile on his face, "Lauren?" He called. seeing her still in a daze; he placed his hand on her shoulder.

Lauren stared at the hand on her shoulder and felt her face starting to burn, while her heart race wildly.

Being a celebrity, a hot one to be precise, that has encountered a lot of attempts from women; Alex could guess the situation already. He put on a professional smile. He needed to mind himself as there is a camera at his angle, and everything is being recorded. 

"Lauren! Is everything alright?" Alex asked.

"I'm sorry, you need to go and practice more, it's a NO from me." 

"I'm going to say NO!"

"Three NO's, bye bye."

Lauren heard the judges respond to the contestant performance and return to her senses a bit and look at the direction of the contestant who is glaring at the judges.

"What do you guys know? I practiced and practiced. This is my dream! how can you tell me to practice more, do you know how many sleepless nights I spent practicing? you guys are so cruel." the contestant replied crying loudly.

"I'm sorry Anna but it wasn't enough, all those stars you look up to, also struggled to get to where they are today, so you can't blame anyone for your incompetent." a female judge replied her.

"Damn you! Damn the audition! F*ck all of you!" the contestant growl, throwing away the Mic and run off the stage.

"Ha!" Lauren exclaimed as she was shoved away by the contestant as she ran past her, but Alex caught her before she could get hurt and end up holding her in his arms.

"Are you okay?" Alex asked as he looked at the direction the contestant left at. Two guards were already after her.

Lauren nodded her head to indicate that she's fine, her heart began a marathon, not waiting for her to blow the whistle. "three fantasy down, one to go." she thought in her mind.

She gets to stay in front of him, get to hear him speak to her directly and get to be in his arms. she doubted the last one will be possible, which is kissing him, but she wouldn't mind if she didn't get to do it, as this moment alone would be cherished dearly, she just needed to confess her feelings and leave the country. 

"Lauren?" Alex called. 

Lauren returned to her senses once again and look him in the eyes, 'Those eyes are more like an amazing piece of heart' she thought.

"You can go on stage now." Alex said giving her a slight push toward the stage, "good luck on the stage," he added.

Lauren composed herself and walked toward the centre of the stage. Alex ran toward the stage and passed her, her guitar she forget to carry while feasting on his face.

The judges and some of the audience laughed at her, 'how can a contestant forget her instrument behind.' they thought.

"I hope she's good." a judge whispered to the other two judges.

Lauren smiled at them, not taking their laughing at her to heart.

"Oh my! Those dimples" a female judge exclaimed immediately Lauren smiled.

"She's gorgeous." another female judge commented, while the only male judge among them just smiled, going through her info. 

"How old are you Lauren, and where are you from?" He asked.

"I'm 24 years old from Sheffield" she replied.

"What do you do for a living?" He asked. 

"Am a hairstylist and a makeup artist." Lauren replied.

"You have a guitar with you, so it's obvious you will be singing for us, is that correct?" 


"Which song are you gonna be singing?"

"Am going to be singing an original, I wrote it for Alex, I'm confessing my feelings to him." Lauren replied.

Alex opened his mouth in awe.

"I have been into him for 4 years now, I realise I'm in really in love with him two years ago, so I wrote this song for him, it's about my feelings and fantasy on him." Lauren added shamelessly.

"Wow! This is so romantic!" a female judge exclaimed. 

"She's so brave." the second female judge said, while the male judge raises his brow with a smirk lingering at the corner of his mouth.

"This is so cool"

"She's Beautiful" 

"She's courageous " 

The audience started whispering among themselves. 

Lauren was prepared for criticism, she  wasn't expecting them to be so moved, she felt more energised, it's not as if she will feel bad if they criticise her anyway.

"Lauren, we can't wait to hear the song now." a female judge said.