You're beautiful

Is this real? am I dreaming right now? he said he wanted to give us a chance. Did I hear right?

He slowly took me toward a corner and asked me to take a seat, while he round up with his duty.

I sat patiently and didn't utter a word. I can't believe this is happening. My fantasy, my every night's dream has came to pass. 

Can someone pulled hard at my hair please! I wanna know if this isn't a dream. I'm not sure if I won't commit suicide after waking up from this dream.

"Aaaaaahhh!!!" I screeched. 

The camera man and the DJ stared at my direction and smiled. They weren't surprise as they all witness what happened.

About thirty minute after; I saw him appeared. He was actually walking towards me. Oh god! this isn't a dream.

He was putting on an indigo shirt and a black pants. I always imagined jumping on him if I came face to face with him, but now that we actually have a chance… oh my god! It's real.

Now that we are having a chance, I don't know how to react any longer. This feels too right to be true.

But reality is right in front of me. He stood in front of me and smile. "Lauren?" he called and I looked up. 

I can't believe I'm feeling shy now. I was brave in my imagination. He stretched out his hand and I shyly took it.

It feels weird, but we actually left the audition center with our fingers interlocked, while stares were on us.

I felt like possessing the ability to disappear. I really need it right now. Oh god! those stares. They weren't bad one, but a smiling and teasing one.

Making me feel lucky and all. Alex greeted some people on the way. Wait! He was actually bidding them farewell.

Where are we going right now? my head couldn't help but wonder. My flight is tomorrow. I'm supposed to finish my audition and return home tomorrow.

If I miss my flight; my money won't get a refund. I stared at his soft hand on mine and quickly forget about flight.

I should at least get to know him. I want to know him. I've been into him for a long while now. This is my opportunity to fill up those holes.

I decided to let myself be free with him. I wonder why I'm acting so shy right now.

Immediately we got outside the Hall, where some contestants still lingered around; his hand that parted with mine was already around my waist.

I got envious glare from some girls. I felt awkward. It's not like we've been together and were in love, but he's acting natural like we've been together for a while now.

He was so free with me, as if we were former lovers, who parted ways and finally came back together. It's very weird. It felt like he's acting a movie.

Well, they weren't cameras here, I'm probably over thinking. The only cameras here were those from mobile phones. Yes! some people are taking our picture right now, while some do recordings as we entered his car.

He opened the front seat for me like a real gentleman, while I awkwardly stepped into the car.

My gaze traced his silhouette as he went to the other side and stepped in the driver's seat, while I remained at the shotgun one.

I didn't know what to say to him. I thought it was gonna be silent on our way to god knows where, but I don't want to think about that for now. I only want to enjoy moments with him.

"How are you Lauren?" he asked with his sexy voice that has always been my lullaby when I'm having a hard time sleeping.

I blushed instantly, which he caught and smile. He stared at my dimple that has deepened due to my emotional roller coaster and, "you're beautiful." he said.

My heart race and I could feel the anxious butterflies in my stomach flapping their wings. I never believe I will get to hear this from him. I can't say he lied because I'm really very pretty. That's a fact.