Starlight Town (1)

During the travel to the Star Spirit Sect, Lanying couldn't help but glance at the carriage in front of her and Xingxing unknown that Yang Tian and Yin Long were playing chess unbothered by the ride they were in.

The pair of red eyes she saw before had belonged to the First Prince himself. He inherited them from his mother's bloodline, but she didn't have the same eyes that caused a short-term controversy within the kingdom until Star Spirit Sect Leader Huang Li Xia came over to resolve the issue.

Everyone was told that Yang Tian was born with the eyes of the Phoenix, which was inherited by fate in his mother's bloodline. The bloodline of the Phoenix Soul Sect that existed in historical records. By then his red eyes meant that he was to represent the mysterious Phoenix Soul Sect as its successor once he reached a certain age.

"His highness sure has a good fate."

"So you're planning on clinging to him now?"

Lanying looked at Xingxing blankly. When did her sister get to that conclusion?

"It's nothing like that, Sister Xingxing. More importantly, what is the Star Spirit Sect like? What do I need to know about the people in there?" It was best to know information beforehand.

"Seven elders are appointed to lead the sect across many generations. The First Elder is the one to hold the highest authority as they are the actual leader, which is my master, Huang Li Xia. All the elders are appointed into different divisions based on what Star Spirit's innate talent they have to teach the disciples about that specific Star Spirit."

"Star Spirits are obtained when you pass the test and each one is manifested depending on your innate ability from the soul, which will identify you as an accepted disciple. However, those who are unable to manifest Star Spirits are considered to have very special souls that originated in higher realms of existence."

Lanying listened patiently and glances at the Starseer with a smile. "So that means Sister Xingxing's soul originated from the heavens because eldest sister doesn't have a Star Spirit, is that correct?" Seeing the other nod their head, the blue-eyed girl blinked twice. "Starseers originated from the heavens with a duty to guide the ones with greater destinies?"

Xingxing chuckles, "I wouldn't call it a greater destiny when it's a path full of dealing with people." She sighs and looks at the carriage in front of them. "But some wouldn't hesitate to be close with someone who are fated to become more than what they seemed to be."

"Fated to become more than what they seemed to be? Sister Xingxing, I'm no such person. I don't have a goal for coming here at all. It was just to move on from my previous life." Lanying said bitterly. She knew that things wouldn't be the same anymore but what will happen from now on? She didn't have a clue about the world and the Star Spirit Sect in particular. Will the sect be safe? Will she be strong? No, she has to be strong.

"That may be, but what about now? The sect is the start of your journey already, yet you're willing to give up before even beginning. You shouldn't give up easily when you haven't seen what this second life of yours has to offer. Don't waste this second chance that it gave you to control your own destiny from now on."

Xingxing didn't have a harsh tone in her voice but her words did strike Lanying's heart. She knew that, yet she couldn't feel herself being confident enough to take her own path until her sister reminded her. She shouldn't waste this chance, not ever. If it's the heavens that gave her this rebirth, she should learn to appreciate things that were blessed to be in her life.

Just someone's words to confirm her doubting thoughts were enough for Lanying to regain a sliver of her emotional strength. She needs to learn about a lot of things. If she doesn't learn, how can she walk down a clear path?

Lanying nods in bitter understanding, telling herself that she will become strong. No matter what doubts she has, she will never stop walking her own path.

"We've arrived."

Both sisters looked out the window to see the Star Spirit Mountain surrounding them and within the flourishing town of Starlight, where of people of the sect were allowed to go back to their homes anytime while they attend.

When the ladies got off the carriage to the inn, the gentlemen on the other hand also got off after their multiple matches of chess.

Yang Tian stretches his arms to the side which earned the blushes from fair, young ladies nearby. Even Yin Long had some ladies looking at him. Both Lanying and Xingxing could only shake their heads at the ladies and subtly ignore the looks from the young men as well.

This town wasn't only full of residents from the Star Spirit Sect, but also those from the outside who were here to buy the products produced from the sect.

And starting trouble in town was harshly condemned no matter if you were of royal title or a commoner unless you genuinely know that what you did was wrong.

"It was a long ride, so let's stop to rest before we head to the sect." Xingxing said as the four of them walked into the inn, where the innkeeper was waiting.

"Lady Xingxing, glad to see you again." The innkeeper greeted her and the others. "Two prestigious rooms for Lady Xingxing's lord friends and for you and this lady?"

"Yes, and please serve food after we've settled into the rooms."

"Of course. May you all follow me." They followed the innkeeper into the rooms assigned to them, with Yin Long earning an ear pull from Lanying for purposely going into the girls' room.


Lanying jolts at the loud girly voice when she entered the room and frowns. This voice was very familiar to her from old past as they were one of the women from the harem.

The infamous Tang Di Wan.