Starlight Town (3)

"Wait! My money."

Tang Di Wan came back into the inn and quickly grabbed her bag of gold coins from the counter in case the innkeeper were to steal them, much to their confusion of being glared at by her. She then turns to Lanying and scoffs before walking out of the inn.

". . .I better start cultivating sooner or later."

Lanying could feel the hatred in the other's eyes that directly targeted her. There's always one thing that was law in this world:

The strongest are true rulers.

"What about now? It will definitely make up for your lack of self-care." Yin Long smirks at his younger sister who gave him a deep stare from putting in the hard truth.

Now that she was living once more, she can't abandon her own life to the likes of others even if it was the emperor himself! This world may be cruel to the weak, yet it's also the weak that become worthy to be called the strongest. And Lanying has to become strong enough to determine her own path!

"There are other places that are beneficial for your cultivation, but first you need to purify your body and strengthen your bones. The medicine shops around here will help you with that."

Yin Xingxing went out of the inn first to show them where they could purchase their cultivation needs as the four decided to let Tang Di Wan's matter go to the back of their minds and focus on what they were originally going to do.

Going to the Star Spirit Sect.

Except that. . .

The girls decided to go shopping after purchasing the essential pills for Lanying's cultivation, earning a groan from Yin Long and a chuckle from Yang Tian. They weren't in a hurry to do the sect tests since it was still one hour before it begins.

"Look! Doesn't this mask look beautiful?"

Lanying held a mask that was adorned with mystical animals. She kept it near her face to show how she would look like with it on before putting it back where it belongs.

"It looks pretty but I can't buy it. We should get going to the weapon shop to provide ourselves with something to defend with."

"Ahem." Yin Long gave his youngest sister a smug look without saying anything of the sort. Lanying smiles and looks at their eldest sister with innocent eyes.

"Sister Xingxing, please teach me martial arts." She tugged on her sister's sleeve with a sad pout, earning a laugh from Yang Tian and a scowl from her brother who got rejected.

Xingxing smiles at her sister and nods her head to agree with her request. After all a Starseer needs to make sure their chosen person can succeed them one day.

After their shopping spree, a person unnoticed by the crowd was looking at the back of Lanying in silence. Their pair of red eyes were the same as the First Prince's eyes, staring at the same girl with the same deep emotions in their eyes.

"When will you awaken?"

Once Lanying and the others were far away from their sight, they went over to the same shop that the blue-eyed girl held the mask from. Picking up the same mask that she held, the red-eyed person had a slight smile on their face when they saw the mystical animals that were on the mask.

"Patience is a virtue."

. . .

"Welcome to my shop, Lady Xingxing. Have you brought your friends over to choose a weapon for the test?" The weapon shop owner smiled at the four with irresistible beauty. She was considered the best at matching the weapons with their owners, earning her the right to judge the upcoming new students of their compatibility with their weapons.

If the weapon doesn't resonate with the wielder, then they're bestowed a weapon from her that seems to match them. If it doesn't match them the second time, then they will fail the test.

"Senior Rong Kui, this is my youngest sister and my only brother. This is the First Prince of Emperor Yang Chao, Yang Tian." Xingxing introduces them to the woman with a smile, "My sister and brother are the ones who will be testing to join the sect. May I ask Senior Rong to help them find a weapon that matches them?"

Senior Rong looks at Yin Lanying and thought she was quite charming and innocent, but will have to endure hardships if she were to enter the sect. Then she turns to Yin Long with a piqued interest.

This boy is no ordinary man.

"Is Senior Rong admiring my looks? I'm flattered."

"Junior Xingxing, I did not expect you to have such a shameless brother." Senior Rong laughs heartily and drags the Starseer inside the shop to have a chat with her. "You three may choose a weapon that you'd like, and when I come out from chatting with my junior here, I'll see to it if the weapons match you all."

"Many thanks to Senior Rong!"

Lanying felt a little guilty for letting her eldest sister give them the best things before she and her eldest brother could join the sect. She didn't want her brother and herself be known for clutching onto a big figure when they enter.

"Yang Tian, are you going to choose a weapon?" She asked the First Prince so casually, like he was also the same with Yang Peng in treatment. It took her awhile to adjust to seeing his elder brother more than the one she was used to.

But she already knew this foxy prince was exactly like his younger brother but only more mature in age.

"I have my Blood Flames, so why would I need a weapon?"

"Just in case you can't use qi." Lanying could not just let him have his way. "At least choose one that compliments your. . .eyes."

Yang Tian raises an eyebrow at her and almost couldn't keep a straight face. What a cute girl. "Fine, I'll find one so you both don't have to look distraught about me being better than the both of you." He chuckles and went to a shelf with fire-attributed weapons.

Lanying and Yin Long gave each other a look of helplessness when they heard the prince's confident words. Even the brother can't deny he's much weaker than the prince who commanded armies to victory.