Strange Star Spirit (2)

"Are these two always quarreling like a married couple?" Tang Xueqing asks Yin Xingxing, Yin Long and Yang Tian as they all were walking into the arena.

Yin Long snickers at her question while amused at Yin Lanying's and Yang Peng's love quarrel. "I'm surprised they haven't been arranged to marry yet." From that remark, Tang Xueqing widens her eyes in disbelief.

"You mean they aren't?"

Yin Long laughs loudly followed by Yang Tian and Yin Xingxing who both silently laugh as the baffled chubby girl could only be confused.

"Lady Taiyang and Senior Rong will be in charge of the second test. If you fail this one, you will not be able to continue further into the sect." Fifth Elder Liu's words were strict, causing the crowd to be nervous if they could pass or not.

"Robot Liu, look at you scaring all these children." Senior Rong commented, amused at the reactions of the crowd. Even Third Elder Shen was smiling at how she casually said those words.

"Don't just casually drop a name like that in this place!" Fifth Elder Liu lightly scolds her with his vein popping out of his head as Senior Rong covers her mouth innocently.

Robot Liu?

What did she mean by robot?

Lanying felt that the word was interestingly fascinating. She didn't expect Senior Rong to be this black-bellied as well.

"Alright, that's enough. Each one of you may stand alone a few distances away from us so that you can showcase your martial arts with your weapon so we can see how it matches you. First person in the line may come up first." Lady Taiyang started off with the second test.

The first person's movements were clear and controlled, as their weapon was successfully deemed suitable for them. Their Star Spirit proudly nods their heads at their partner.

The second person had good martial arts but an unsuitable weapon, letting Senior Rong hand them another weapon which was well-suitable for their practices.

The third was given a weapon since the First wasn't suitable, but even the second weapon was unsuitable as well. The person had to part with their Star Spirit in the short span of time and couldn't enter the sect in this year.

Seeing the scene made the others' moods weaken as the process was unpredictable to predict.

"Next." Senior Rong looked at Yin Long.

"Brother Long, do your best!" Lanying cheered on for him and gave him a smile. Yin Long looked at her and pats her head before walking onto the view to show his skills.

Not even one second that he immediately left the others and even Lanying shook when he displayed the Golden Heart-Sleeved Dragonic Claws equipped in his hands in full golden glow.

There were no words to say because the weapons he has were already suitable and there was no extra amount of time to proceed with the third test.


A heavy wind blew by fast, having the people cover their eyes from getting affected by it. Xingxing and Yang Tian wasn't bothered by the wind as they were martial artists who knew how to protect themselves from measly weather.

Yang Peng went in front to protect Lanying from the wind, so that she wouldn't have to bother with having sight problems. However due to his blocking, Lanying saw an astonishing sight that she never seen before.

The heavy wind was in it all along as the sight of silver caught her attraction easily.

Except the silver wasn't due to bright lights, it was from her brother. Something was on his back. A wing.

Dragon wings.

Silver Dragon wings.

Yin Long had dragon wings?

A/N: (Putting this in the chapter since I didn't have enough room)

I once thought I would be writing this kind of genre for the long run until I begin to realize that it didn't seem to be suitable for me to write ancient Chinese aspects of where this took place. The whole manners of the females weren't up to my interest, so in turn I dived away from the imperial harem and dumb people plot so that it can become a much needed fantasy trope that I would eventually enjoy to tell.

The whole mannerisms in speech isn't my type of thing too, so I will just make it not too cringeworthy to hear. The plot I had in mind began to bore me so I'm trying to quicken the story from its usual relaxing pace so that I can get into the actual what the heck is going on in this world plot. :3 More new details will eventually shower you indefinitely~