Ogling at someone is free

Han Jie stood frozen, with her heart on her throat due to nervousness. Her eyes are just glued to him while listening to the another man with boredom.

Just as always, her Master Shu appeared not to appreciate any noise around him, but for propriety's sake he would not complain.

Suzuki Kyou is standing near her in all his handsomeness that is making her lightheaded. Han Jie felt like she is drunk despite not remembering to drink any form of alcohol earlier.

'Relax, get a hold of yourself…' Han Jie chanted silently to herself. It has been a while she last saw him, and nothing much has changed. He is still as handsome as ever. Not only that, he oozed of manliness and authority that no one can ignore as his presence was so much that no one could withstand it at all.

Han Jie knows that she is exaggerating, and she is alright with it.

Just like the first time she saw Suzuki Kyou, he had his long dark hair tied up cleanly to his back. His shoulders are broad, and he is probably twice of her size.

Han Jie knew she is small, and if around him, she would feel smaller. If not because of the current situation, he would have surely passed by without even noticing her.

'As if he is noticing you now.' The sarcastic part of her brain pointed out.

"Ah…" Han Jie suddenly winced in pain as Manager Shirizawa squeezed her arm tightly, which made her feel like crying. "Aren't you ashamed? You are just bullying me, a woman!" She said sarcastically as she tried to free her weak arm away from the man. Sadly there is a big difference with their strength.

She regrets forcing Jonah to pay the bill instead of being her shield against men like Manager Shirizawa.

"You should be the one ashamed for blatantly ogling CEO Suzuki." The manager whispered under his breath before giving her a toothy grin.

Han Jie's eyes bulged in surprise before she eyed him evilly. She was caught, so what? As far as she remembers, ogling someone is free, and there is no law against it!

"CEO Chu! Is this how your employees act? Bullying a poor weak woman like me?" She asked, disappointed. "I admit, I was wrong for wanting to eat lunch here in this restaurant, and I am sorry for not seeing the whole place is already reserved. So we have now paid our lunch so we can leave, but your manager refused to let us go and be civilized!"

"CEO Chu, don't just believe her. If she was not caught, she has already taken advantage of us. We need to make her compensate more after apologizing! Else the other will follow." He demanded to his boss that is still standing across them, completely ignoring the displeased expression on the other's faces.

CEO Chu's brows wrinkled with annoyance. For him, it is just a simple thing that can be dealt with and does not even need his assistance. Why is it that Manager Shirizawa making things complicated?

Add to the fact that this is happening when they have a visitor. It is just embarrassing to let Suzuki Kyou to see this.

With a look of warning, "Let us deal with this next time. Just let her go now and have the guards take care of it." CEO Chu said before looking at Suzuki Kyou with a smile, "I am sorry for the delay. Just a petty event crasher. Would you like to go up ahead with my assistant for now?"

Suzuki Kyou gave a nod and let the assistant go with him to the upper floor. Since Han Jie and Manager Shirizawa is standing on the way to the stairs, they need to move first to give a way for him.

Nervous and excited at the same time, Han Jie is shameless enough to continue staring at Suzuki Kyou with fascination as he gets closer.

Initially, he seemed not to care, but when his eyes narrowed at her unhappily, Han Jie lowered her head awkwardly. She then saw his long legs stopping in front of her.

'He must be mad!' Han Jie concluded fearful, lowering her head further.

"What are you still doing?" Suzuki Kyou asked with a deep voice.

Han Jie stiffened as she is assuming that what he said is for her. If she had raised her head, she would have found out that he is currently looking at Manager Shirizawa's hand that is still holding her painfully.

Manager Shirizawa sweats nervously as he reluctantly let go of Han Jie's arm. "Sir, please don't be deceived. I can see that she has another intention."

"I agree." He replied casually.

Han Jie faces reddened due to embarrassment. She is guilty of being caught, but she will never confess. "I… I… It was all an accident." She insisted, her words are stuck inside her throat and she's feeling dizzy. It is like all of her energy is seeping out of her body by just being close to Suzuki Kyou. "This is your entire fault, Master Shu…" She subconsciously whispered to herself.

"What did you just say?" Suzuki Kyou asked suddenly.

"Stay back! Stay away from Miss Han!" Jonah suddenly jumped between them as her shield. He did all his best to get back to her side as soon as possible, hoping that being in public would at least make the manager act with decency. How wrong was he!

Han Jie wants to smack her lips for being stupid. For being a fickle person that is always spacing out most of the time. She just embarrassed herself in front of Suzuki Kyou and more to go.

There is no more face left for her. So what else should she do?

"Ms. Han? You are not related to the Han Family of City S are you?" CEO Chu's assistant chimes in.

Instead of answering, Han Jie suddenly pushed Jonah to the side and hugged Suzuki Kyou tightly!

"Miss Han! What are you doing?!" Someone screamed in horror. Even Jonah was surprised by what Han Jie had done.

Suzuki Kyou was caught off guard before his face became indescribable when he felt her hand on his buttocks! At once, he roughly grabbed Han Jie by the shoulder to get her off him.

Force was not needed though, just as he was pushing her away from him, Han Jie's arms limped, and her body started to fall.

"Miss! What happened to you?!" Jonah caught Han Jie before she fell on the floor, while being unconscious.